满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Saturday or Sunday. Are you coming? — __...

Saturday or Sunday. Are you coming?

— ________. I’ve got rather a busy day this weekend.

A.I hope so          B.Sounds great       C.You’d better not   D.I’m afraid not


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查交际用语。A我希望如此;B听起来很好;C你最好不要这样做;D恐怕不行。句意:—周六或者周日。你会来吗?—恐怕不行。这个周末我很忙。根据句意说明D正确。 考点:考查交际用语

根据提示写一篇120—150 的英语短文,发表在某中学生英文报上。


  1. 合理安排学习和生活   2. 融洽同学之间的关系   3. 积极参加校园社团活动













阅读下面的短文, 请根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)

Let me tell you about five of the enemies we face from within.The first enemy that you’ve got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference.What a tragic disease this is! “Ho-hum,let it slide. I’ll just drift along.” Here’s one problem with drifting:you can’t drift your way to the top of the mountain.

The second enemy we face is indecision(优柔寡断). Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise.It will steal your chances for a better future.Take a sword to this enemy.

The third enemy inside is doubt.Sure,there’s room for healthy skepticism.You can’t believe everything.But you also can’t let doubt take over.Many people doubt the past, doubt the future,doubt each other,doubt the government,doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities.               , they doubt themselves.I’m telling you,doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success.It will empty both your bank account and your heart.Doubt is all enemy.Get rid of it.

The fourth enemy within is worry.We’ve all got to worry some.Just don’t let it conquer you.Instead, let it alarm you.Worry can be useful.If you step off the curb (路边) in New York City and a taxi is coming,you’ve got to worry.But you can’t let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a small coffer.Here’s what you’ve got to do with your worries:drive them into a small corner. Whatever is out to get you,you’ve got to get it.Whatever is pushing on you, you’ve got to push back.   

The fifth enemy is overcaution. It is the timid (胆小的) approach to life.Timidity is not a virtue;it’s all illness.If you let it go,it’ll conquer you.Timid people don’t get promoted.They don’t advance and grow and become powerful in the marketplace.You’ve got to avoid overcaution.       

1.What’s the best title for this passage? (Within 8 words)   

2.List three enemies inside that might prevent you from getting promoted.(Within 5 words)

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words or phrases.(Within 5 words)

4.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

However,you shouldn’t be forced into a small room by the worry beyond control.

5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.



However urban life strikes you, cities worldwide have been growing ever more rapidly. Some of this growth has occurred in the developed world, but the most dramatic increase has been in the Third World. Almost all the world’s population growth over the next 30 years will take place in the cities of developing countries

By the year 2030, for the first time in history, 60 percent of the world’s people will be living in cities.

This is actually good news in some ways. “Cities are the fundamental building blocks of prosperity,” says Marc Weiss, chairman of the Prague Institute for Global Urban Development, “ both for the nation and for families.” Industrial and commercial activities in urban areas account for between 50 and 80 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in most countries of the world“ there’s the crazy notion that the way to deal with a city’s problems is to keep people out of them,”Weiss continued. “But the problems of the rural life are even more serious than those of the city.” For better or worse, urban-watchers are clear on one point: The quality of life for most people in the future will be determined by the quality of cities. Those cities will be bigger than ever. And yet, population numbers by themselves don’t determine a city’s prospects; after all, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Hamburg, Germany, have the same population. Nor is explosive growth necessarily the determining factor. “City problems,” one authority points out, “mostly have to do with weak, ineffective, and usually unrepresentative city governments.”

1.The passage mainly discusses ______________.

A.Big cities.          B.City life.           C.Population.        D.Gross Domestic Product.

2.According to the passage, in the year of 2030 _______.

A.there will be 21 cities having a population of more than 10 million.

B.rural area will be extinct.

C.most people will live in cities.

D.the third world will keep abreast with the developed world.

3.In the author’s opinion, _________.

A.better city, better life

B.both urban and rural areas have a larger population

C.the larger population, the faster a city develops

D.both urban and rural areas have larger gross domestic products

4.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The developing countries develop faster than the developed countries.

B.Cities contribute more to the GDP than the villagers.

C.Some problems are more easily solved in cities than in country.

D.It’s impossible to solve urban problems by getting people out of cities.

5.The last paragraph implies that ____________.

A.Public services are ineffective.

B.Cities are increasing too fast.

C.Population is not linked with development.

D.Government should be responsible for the problems in the cities.



“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.

Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a ruled English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting. I was too thrilled to believe her. Her words could not convince me at all. So I did a research on google.com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages containing “Long time no see.” This sentence has been widely used in emails, letters, newspapers, movies, books, or any other possible places. Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. Ironically, if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

Nobody knows the origin of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting Confucius. “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan, “Long time no see” became a popular phrase in the real world with thanks to the popularity of these movies.

Some scholars refer to America as a huge pot of stew. All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together, and they change the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic(少数民族的成员) group in the United States, is also contributing some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed stew.

You can have some other examples than adoptions from Chinese, such as pizza from Italian, susi from Japanese, and déjà vu from French etc. There is a long list! Americans do not just simply borrow something from others. They will modify it and make it their own, so you would not be surprised to find a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant, or to buy a bottle of iced Chinese green tea with honey in a grocery store. Since Americans appreciate Chinese culture more and more nowadays, I believe more Chinese words will become American English in the future. In this way the American stew keeps adding richness and flavor.

1.The writer himself felt surprised at ______. 

A.the Chinglish expression “Long time no see”

B.“Long time no see” used as standard American English

C.so many literal translation of the expressions used in America

D.finding out Americans use the expression every day

2.The word “stew” in the 4th paragraph probably means ______.

A.mixture literature                       B.Confucius’ words

C.a kind of cooked dish                    D.American changing cultures

3.According to the passage, it can be inferred that ______.

A.detectives translate the phrase “Long time no see”

B.Hollywood made “Long time no see”popular

C.the huge pot of stew greatly affects all kinds of languages

D.cultures can be changed in the huge pot of stew

4.The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A.some Chinese expressions are introduced into English

B.you’ll not be surprised at a tofu in a restaurant in America

C.some American expressions can be used in China

D.American English keep being enriched from different cultures

5.According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

A.Informal language sometimes doesn’t go with grammar and structure.

B.Languages are always ruled by grammar and structure.

C.Long time no see” has been used in at least four media mentioned in the passage.

D.There are four languages mentioned to be adopted in the American stew.



While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across an unbelievable sight. It was not a gold medal, or a world record broken, but a show of courage.

The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks. For one reason or another, two of them false started, so they were disqualified. That left only one to compete. It would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race against, even though the time on the clock is important.

I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that something was wrong. I’m not an expert swimmer, but I can tell a good dive from a poor one, and this was not exactly medal quality. When he resurfaced, it was evident that the man was not out for gold – his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle. The crowd started to laugh. Clearly this man was not a medal competitor.

I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time. Finally he made his turn to start back. It was pitiful. He made a few desperate strokes and you could tell he was worn out.

But in those few awful strokes, the crowd had changed.

No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer. Some even began to stand and shout “Come on, you can do it!” and he did.

A clear minute past the average swimmer, this young man finally finished his race. The crowd went wild. You would have thought that he had won the gold, and he should have. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man gave more heart than any of the other competitors.

Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone race. His country had been invited to Sydney.

In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals feeling they have somehow been cheated out of gold, or when they act so proudly in front of their competitors, it is nice to watch an underdog.

1.From the passage we can learn that the young man         .

A.made his turn to start back pitifully          B.was skillful in freestyle in the game

C.swam faster than the average swimmer       D.was not capable enough to win the medal

2.The crowd changed their attitudes because          .

A.they felt sorry for the young man           B.they were moved by the young man’s courage

C.they wanted to show their sympathy         D.they meant to please the young man

3.According to the passage, “it is nice to watch an underdog” probably means          .

A.it’s amazing to watch an ordinary man challenging himself

B.it’s amusing to watch a man with awful swimming skills

C.it’s cheerful for athletes to act proudly before their competitors

D.it’s brave enough for some athletes to remove the silver medals

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The event started with three men, two of whom were disqualified later.

B.The crowd started to laugh at the athlete’s arms waving in an attempt at freestyle.

C.The athlete, as well as the author, is an expert swimmer.

D.The swimming event is a show of courage rather than a fierce competition.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Compete for Gold!                      B.Try again!

C.Break a Record!                        D.Go for it!



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