满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I found out one time that doing a favor ...

I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I  was 36  the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final   37 . During the test,the girl 38  next to me whispered something,but I didn’t understand. So I leaned(倾斜) over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me  39 I had an extra pen. She showed me that  40  was out of ink and would not write.I happened to have an extra one,so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk.

Later, after the test papers had been  41 the teacher asked me to  42 in the room when all the other students  43  . As soon as we were alone, she began to talk to me about  44 it meant to grow up;she mentioned how important it was to stand  45  your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. For a long time, she talked about __46 _and emphasized the fact   that when people do something dishonest,they really  47 themselves.She made me promise that I would think  48  about all the things she had said. Then she told me I could   49 . I walked out of the room wondering   40  she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.

Later on,I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the gir1 next to me, it looked  51 I was copying answers  52  the girl’s test paper. So I came to find her and tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed very strange to her that I hadn’t   53  anything about the pen the day she talked to me right after the test.  54  I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a favor   55  letting her use my pen, I was sure she continued to believe that I had cheated on the test.

1.                A.from           B.on             C.in   D.at


2.                A.lesson          B.test            C.class D.papers


3.                A.seat           B.seating         C.sitting    D.sit


4.                A.whether        B.why            C.where    D.that


5.                A.one           B.that            C.it    D.hers


6.                A.handed         B.turned in        C.given out D.marked


7.                A.work           B.read           C.stay  D.study


8.                A.gone out        B.were studying    C.were there    D.were dismissed


9.                A.how           B.why            C.what D.which


10.               A.by            B.on            C.to    D.with


11.               A.honesty        B.faith           C.confidence D.reliability


12.               A.improve        B.punish         C.cheat D.help


13.               A.well           B.highly          C.honestly   D.seriously


14.               A.leave          B.go on          C.sit down   D.refuse


15.               A.if             B.whether        C.why  D.how


16.               A.like            B.as though       C.as    D.that


17.               A.for            B.by             C.from  D.at


18.               A.mentioned      B.asked          C.answered  D.realized


19.               A.Long before     B.As long as       C.Just as D.Even though


20.               A.with           B.by             C.in    D.through



【解析】 试题分析:作者通过讲述自己给那个女生一个帮助,让她用我的笔,却被老师误认为是作弊,说明有时候帮某些人会带来很多麻烦。 1.考查介词:in the eighth grade 在八年级,选C 2.考查名词;having a final test进行期末考试。选B 3.考查现在分词做定语,sit和the girl是主动关系,用现在分词做定语,seat和the girl是被动关系,用过去分词。选C 4.考查宾语从句,句意:她想问我是否有多余的笔。选A 5.考查代词:hers代指her pen,选D 6.考查词组:turned in 上交,given out 分发,指交卷以后,选B 7.考查动词:根据上下文语境可知,考试结束后老师让我留(stay)在教室里,选C 8.考查动词的被动:be dismissed被解散。选D 9.考查宾语从句:what 引导的从句作 talk about 的宾语,并在从句中作 meant 的宾语。选C 10.考查介词:stand on one's own legs/bottom/feet 意为“自立”。选B 11.考查名词:根据后文可知,老师是误认为我考试作弊,所以给我讲诚实(honesty)的重要性和作弊的害处。选A 12.考查动词:A.improve提高B.punish惩罚C.cheat欺骗D.help帮助,cheat oneself自欺欺人。选C 13.考查副词:句意:老师让作者认真考虑她说的话。选D 14.考查动词:从后面的I walked out of the room 可知老师让作者离开(leave)。选A 15.考查疑问词;句意:我一直在想老师为什么要和我说这些话。选C 16.考查句型:it looks as if/though….看起来好像…,选B 17.考查介词:copy answers from sb抄某人的答案。选C 18.考查动词:A.mentioned提到B.asked问到C.answered回答D.realized意识到,句意:她感到奇怪那天我怎么没有提到钢笔。选 A 19.考查连词:即使我尽量的解释我只是在帮那个女孩的忙,她还是认为我作弊了。选D 20.考查介词:by doig sth通过做…,选B 考点:考查故事类短文

He used to be _____ shy but now he can talk freely to anyone he meets.

A.extremely         B.nearly            C.actually           D.briefly



— I got fired last week. I’m looking in the newspaper for a job. ______. 

A.Don’t mention it   B.Good luck         C.Never mind        D.Take care



       such heavy loss in the hurricane, the farmer didn’t expect to have a good harvest.

A.Suffered         B.Having suffered     C.Suffering        D.To suffer



I fell asleep while working on this paper _______ the computer on.

A.as               B.for               C.over             D.with



My daughter, _________ all kinds of meat, would not like to eat any vegetable,which worries me a lot.

A.devoted to        B.addicted to        C.accustomed to      D.exposed to



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