满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mark and his brother Jason both were loo...

Mark and his brother Jason both were looking at the shining new computer enviously. Jason was determined not to go against their father’s wishes but Mark was more adventurous than his brother. He loves experimenting and his aim was to become a scientist like his father.

“Dad will be really mad if he finds out you’ve been playing with his new computer” Jason said, “He told us not to touch it.”

“He won’t find out,” Mark said, “I’ll just have a quick look and shut it down.”

Mark had been scolded before for touching his father’s equipment. But his curiosity was difficult to control and this new computer really puzzled him.

It was a strange-looking machine — one his dad had brought home from the laboratory where he worked. “It’s an experimental model,” his father had explained, so don’t touch it under any circumstances.” But his father’s warning only served to make Mark more curious. Without any further thought, Mark turned on the power switch. The computer burst into life and seconds later, the screen turned into colours, shifting and changing, and then two big white words appeared in the centre of the screen: “SPACE TRANSPORTER.”

“Yes!” Mark cried excitedly, “It’s a computer game. I knew it! Dad’s only been pretending to work. He’s really been playing games instead!” A new message appeared on the screen:




Mark’s finger flew across the keyboard as he typed in both of their names.




The screen turn even brighter and a noise suddenly rose in volume.

“I think we’d better shut it off, Mark,” Jason yelled out in terror, reaching for the power switch. A beam(光束) of dazzling white light burst out of the computer screen, wrapping the boys in its glow(光芒),until they themselves seemed to be glowing. Then it died down just as suddenly as it had burst into life. And the boys were no longer there. On the screen, the letters changed:




1.Why did Mark touch the computer against his father’s warning?

A.He wanted to take a voyage.               B.He wanted to practice his skills.

C.He was so much attracted by it.             D.He was eager to do an experiment.

2.Where did the boy’s father most likely work?

A.In an electronic factory.                  B.In a computer company.

C.In a scientific research center.              D.In an information processing center.

3.Mark thought “SPACE TRANSPORTER” on the screen was the name of ________.

A.a computer game                       B.a company website

C.a software producer                     D.an astronomy program

4.Why did Jason want to shut off the computer?

A.He was afraid of being scolded.

B.He didn’t like the loud noise and light.

C.He didn’t want to play games.

D.He was afraid something dangerous might happen.

5.What happened to the boys at the end of the story?

A.They were blown into the air.

B.They were sent to another planet.

C.They were hidden in the strong light.

D.They were carried away to another country.


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一个科幻故事,一对兄弟因为好奇而打开爸爸的电脑,被运输到了火星。 1.C 细节题。根据第四段第3行But his father’s warning only served to make Mark more curious说明Mark的好奇心让他打开了电脑,故C正确。 2.C 推理题。根据第四段第一行It was a strange-looking machine — one his dad had brought home from the laboratory where he worked.说明他是在一个实验室工作,已经文章第一段最后一行He loves experimenting and his aim was to become a scientist like his father.可知他父亲是一个科学家,那么他应该是在一个研究中心里工作故C正确。 3.A 推理题。根据“Yes!” Mark cried excitedly, “It’s a computer game. I knew it! Dad’s only been pretending to work. He’s really been playing games instead!” A new message appeared on the screen: 说明Mark认为爸爸是在玩游戏,故A项正确。 4.D 推理题。根据The screen turn even brighter and a noise suddenly rose in volume.说明电脑的屏幕变亮并出现了很大的噪音,这让Jason很害怕,所以他才想关闭电脑,故D项正确。 5.B 推理题。根据文章最后三行“TRANSPORT SUCCESSFUL.DESTINATION:  MARS. RETRIEVE DATE:  2025说明中两个孩子已经被运输到了MARS火星上了,故B正确。 考点:考查科幻类短文

There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see a lot of people sleeping on the bus or train on their way home __1.__ work in the evening. A man will be reading the newspaper, and seconds later it appears as if he is trying to eat it. Or he will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger sitting next to him. Another place where __2.__ (plan) short sleep goes on is in the lecture hall __3.__ a student will start snoring so loudly that the professor has to ask __4.__ student to shake the sleeper awake. A more _5.__ (embarrass) situation occurs when a student starts falling into sleep and __6.__ weight of the head pushes the arm off the desk, and the movement carries the rest of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no memory of getting there. The __7._ (bad) time to fall asleep is when driving. Police reports are full of accidents that occur when people fall into sleep and go off the road. __8.__ the drivers are lucky, they are not seriously hurt. One woman’s car, for example, went into the river. She woke up in four feet of water and thought that it __9.__ (rain). When people are really tired, __10.__ will stop them from falling asleep — no matter where they are.



A king in Africa had a close friend with whom he had grown up. The friend had a habit of looking at every bad situation that occurred in his life and   1 , “This is good!”

One day the king and his friend were out on a hunting   2 . The friend would   3   the guns for the king. But this time he had   4  done something wrong in preparing one of the guns, for after taking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb was blown off.

Examining the   5  the friend remarked as usual, “This is good!” to which the king replied, “No, this is NOT good!” and   6  imprisoned his friend.

About a year later, the king was hunting in an area where he should have known not to hunt. Cannibals(食人者)   __7 him and took him to their village. They tied his hands, set up a wooden post and   8  him to it. As they came close to set fire to burn the king, they   9  that the king was missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they never ate anyone who was less than whole. So  10  the king, they sent him on his way.

As he returned home, he was   11  of the event that had taken his thumb and felt sorry for his treatment of his friend. He went immediately to the  12  to speak with his friend. “You were right,” he said, “it was good that my thumb was blown off.” Then he  13  to tell the friend all that had just happened.

“I feel  14  for sending you to jail for so long. It was bad for me to do this.”

“No,” his friend replied, “this is good!”

“What do you mean? How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a year?”

“If I had NOT been in jail, I would have been with you, and I would have been ___15  !”

1.                A.joking          B.remarking       C.announcing    D.whispering


2.                A.expectation     B.experience      C.expedition D.experiment


3.                A.prepare        B.arrange         C.carry D.hold


4.                A.deliberately     B.apparently      C.naturally  D.specially


5.                A.thumb         B.king            C.gun  D.situation


6.                A.angrily         B.calmly          C.regretfully D.joyfully


7.                A.caught         B.warned         C.robbed   D.hunted


8.                A.connected      B.related         C.wrapped  D.fastened


9.                A.observed       B.understood      C.noticed   D.complained


10.               A.untying         B.forgiving        C.overlooking    D.beating


11.               A.recalled        B.accused        C.informed  D.reminded


12.               A.house          B.jail            C.village D.kingdom


13.               A.stopped        B.hesitated       C.continued D.refused


14.               A.fortunate       B.foolish         C.guilty D.painful


15.               A.burnt          B.cooked         C.fired  D.eaten




Johnson King is a fine musician; it’s a ______ to hear him play.

A.privilege          B.consequence       C.acquaintance       D.convenience



China Mobile has to face the problem that more and more people in China prefer to choose ______ cheaper wireless phone service known as ______ “Little Smart”.

A.a; the            B.a; 不填           C.the; 不填         D.the; the



It is not easy to learn English well but if you ______, you will succeed in the end.

A.hang up           B.hang about        C.hang on           D.hang around



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