满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Did Hans take part in the contest? —No,...

—Did Hans take part in the contest?

—No, at the last moment his courage _____ him and he ran away.






C 【解析】 试题分析:考查单词意思和时态,ignored意思“忽略”, declined意思“谢绝”,failed表示在能力上有负于,lost意思“丢失”,由后面的句子he ran away可以知道是一般过去式,句子意思“在最后一刻他失去了勇气逃跑了”,所以选C 考点:考查单词意思

As many as 100 species of fish, some ____ to these waters, may have been affected by the pollution.







— Have you seen ____ pencil? I left it here this morning.

—Is it _____black one? I think I saw it somewhere.   

A.a; the

B.the; the

C.the; a

D.a; a





You can go swimming               that you don’t go too far from the river bank.


He has been        to        the school management in all respects.


Write an essay of as many words as you like        the        of “Musical Memories”.


Happiness        not in having much, but in being        with little.


Mike is modest and he        a lot of his success        his parents and teachers.


It is reported that China’s economy is now               to the United States, larger than that of Japan or any single member of the European Union.


In the 1990’s, he came to Shenzhen to        his       



句子转换(共16 空,每空0.5分,满分8分)

1.Peking University, which is also called PKU, is the first state-run university in China.Peking University, PKU              , is the first state-run university in China.

2.The new curtains are really a match for the carpet.The new curtains        quite well        the carpet.

3.When it comes to mathematics, no one can be his match in our class.He is the best student in our class in               mathematics.

4.The tombs, which take up 78 square kilometers, were built over a period of 247 years.The tombs,        78 square kilometers, were built over a period of 247 years.

5.Wuxi has a quick access to Shanghai. Besides, Wuxi is blessed with a perfect lake view.Wuxi is blessed with a perfect lake view, in        to        a quick access to Shanghai.

6.I particularly like the wooden swing and chairs in the garden of the house, which make it different from other houses, but considering its price, I suppose I have to have a look at others. I like the wooden swing and chairs in the garden of the house in _______, which _______ it from other houses, but _______ its price into _______, I suppose I have to have a look at others.

7.There is no doubt that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China and with the help of modern facilities, lots of Chinese fishermen are heading for the Diaoyu Islands, which are rich in varieties of fishes. There is nothing _______ about China’s rights to the Diaoyu Islands. _______ with modern facilities, lots of Chinese fishermen are heading for the Diaoyu Islands, which are _______ in varieties of fishes.




1.The workers’ demand that their pay ______ (raise) by 10 percent will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.

2.The man was observed ______ (enter) the room where something expensive was lost, so he was suspected of theft.

3.I intended ______ (phone) you this morning, but I was too busy.

4.We’ve been friends since we met last week. I feel as if we ­______ (know) each other for years.

5.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talk, ______ (add) that he had  enjoyed his stay here.

6.Gift in hand, the man returned home cheerfully, only ______ (tell) that his wife had been sent to hospital because of a car accident.

7.______ (compare) prices of the same goods in the two different supermarkets, and you will find most of them are slightly different.

8.A proper approach to ______ (improve) your learning efficiency is of great significance to every student.

9.At the conference, representatives from different countries pointed out that, unless properly ______ (deal) with, the climate situation would get worse and worse.

10.All the students and teachers ______ (seat), the headmaster began his speech.



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