满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Drug taking and gambling affect all_____...

Drug taking and gambling affect all_________of family life.We should stay away from them since young.

A.strengths          B.directions         C.aspects           D.advantages


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意,吸毒和赌博影响家庭生活的所有方面。我们应该从小就远离它们。Strength 力量 direction 方向 aspect 方面 advantage 益处,根据题意,故选C。 考点:词汇辨析


Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you.








1.But for his help, we.                  the program in time.(finish)


2.With          he didn't know what to do next.(arise)


3.              before we take the college entrance examination.(be)


4.He                   aloud in the study when he heard his father open the door.(pretend)


5.Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble                       the History Museum. (find)


6.So           with my work that I haven't had time for social activities.(occupy)


7.When we went shopping last week, Mary spent            as I did.(much)


8.Now that she is out of work, Lucy           to school, but she hasn't decided yet.(consider)


9.Charlie Chaplin made the people laugh at a time            so they could feel more content with their lives.(depress)


10.It was more important to me to know how  people thought, because that gave me insight into the way                       .( work )




Nicole Delian, 17, suffers from a condition that makes her sleep up to 19 hours a day and as  much as 64 days in a row. Nicole Delian is tired of sleeping.

This 17-year-old teenager from North Fayette, Pa., has a rare condition called Kleine-Levin  Syndrome -- or "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome" -- that makes her sleep 18 to 19 hours a day.

And when she does wake up, she is often so tired out that she is in a sleepwalking state and  doesn't remember doing basic things like eating, according to KDKA-TV.

Nicole's sleepwalking state has been so severe that she once slept through the holidays, awaking one day in January when she finally opened Christmas gifts alongside her family,  according to ChartiersValley.Patch.com.   .

"She's never really adjusted to it," her mother, Vicki Delien told the website. "She's 17 now  and it really upsets her. She's missed out on a lot."

Delien told talk show host Jeff Probst that the teen has at times slept 32 to 64 days in a row,  waking only in sleepwalking mode to eat.

Kleine-Levin Syndrome is incredibly rare, only affecting about l,000 people worldwide, and very hard to diagnose.

In Nicole's' case, it took 25 months for doctors to diagnose her, according to ChartiersValley.Patch.com, and everything from a virus, to epilepsy(癫痫) to West Nile was mentioned, including, unfortunately, the possibility she was faking it for attention..

When a typical episode of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome begins, the patient becomes progressively drowsy(昏昏欲睡的) and sleeps for most of the day and night, waking only to eat or go to the bathroom, according to the Klein-Levin Syndrome Foundation website. "When awake, the patient's whole behavior is changed, often appearing “stupid" or childlike. When awake he experiences confusion, complete lack of energy, and lack of emotions."

Patients also report that everything seems out of focus, and that they are hypersensitive to noise and light. Some patients also have intense food cravings(渴望).

The Delians did not say whether Nicole has experienced these symptoms.

There is no known cure, but Nicole's family is using a combination of epilepsy and narcolepsy(发作性嗜睡病)medication to minimize the incidents to just two a year.

1.What's the reflection of Nicole's sleepwalking state?

A.Being forgetful.                       B.Missing Christmas.

C.Sleeping around the clock.               D.Being exhausted and bad-tempered.

2.According to the passage, Kleine-Levin Syndrome         .

A.is not impossible for doctors to diagnose

B.affects approximately l,000 people all round the country

C.is also known as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome which only affects females

D.makes those suffering this condition sleep as much as 64 days in a row without eating

3.Frorn the passage we can infer that        .

A.the disease will change the patients' behavior for good

B.the case of Nicole has been covered several times by different media

C.the.patients of this kind are more and more sleepy when the syndrome begins

D.the patients of this kind become too sensitive to being exposed to any noise and light

4.According to the passage, Nicole           .

A.was once suspected of lying about her condition

B.has a good appetite for food because of the disease

C.has adapted to the condition and can well cope with it

D.will be cured of the disease by using the combined medication



It is "one of the few bright spots in the Chinese economy," says Zeng Ming. He is talking about e-commerce. Mr Zeng, the chief strategy officer for Alibaba, a giant Chinese Internet firm, predicts that digital transactions on his firm's platforms will top l trillion yuan ($159 billion) this year-more than Amazon's and eBay's combined. That is a bold claim, but consider what happened on Singles Sunday.

Invented a few years ago by students and seized upon by digital marketers, this festival for lonely hearts falls annually on the  llth day of the llth month (since l is the loneliest number).It is like St Valentine's Day, only worse. Singletons shower each other with tender gifts: a barrage of pearls; a storm of sweets.

This November llth they spent a surprising 19 billion yuan on Alibaba's online platforms-a fourfold increase on a year ago, and more than double what Americans spent online last Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving, when retailers urge Americans to shop online). About 100m purchases were logged, accounting for 80% of the packages shipped that day. Couriers(怏递员) were buried in parcels.

So life is good for China's e-tailers, then? Not exactly. The number of digital marketers is increasing and online sales are booming. Consumers are enjoying lower prices, better service and more variety. The problem? The pressure on profits in Chinese e-commerce is worse than in America, reckons Elinor Leung of CLSA, a broker. "Almost no one makes money," she says.

The fiercest battles are being fought between online retailers and their bricks-and-mortar(实体的) rivals.Dangdang, a firm. that resembles Amazon,.and 360buy, another online retailer, have cut prices fiercely. Tencent, a cash-rich online giant known for its instant-messaging software, is splashing out to win market share. 360buy has also just raised $400m from investors to do the same. But it is unclear how much longer such firms can burn through capital.

1.What's the best title of this passage?

A.The Ambition of Alibaba

B.Fierce Competition between Retailers

C.A Newly Sprung Festival for the Singles

D.Chinese Booming and Developing E-commerce

2.According to Zeng Ming, this year Alibaba will        .

A.outweigh Amazon and eBay in worldwide influence

B.rank top among all the Internet firms

C.have more than 159 billion dollars' sale

D.create another sales miracle just like the one on Singles Day

3.How many packages were shipped on November ll th from Alibaba's online platforms?

A.About 80 million.                      B.About 100 million.

C.About 125 million.                     D.About 180 million.

4.What's the author's attitude towards online retailers in China?

A.Optimistic.                           B.Concerned.

C.Sympathetic.                         D.Indifferent.



Researchers at Yale, Texas A&M and Boston University predict that by 2030 urban areas will expand by more than 463,000 square miles, or l.2 million square kilometers. That is equal to 20,000 American football fields becoming urban every day for the first three decades of this century.

The growth in urban areas will go with the construction of roads and buildings, water and sanitation facilities, and energy and transport systems that will transform land cover and cities globally. Recent estimates suggest that between $25 trillion(万亿) and $30 trillion will be spent on infrastructure(基础设施) worldwide by 2030, with $100 billion a year in China alone.

"Considering the long life and near unavoidability of infrastructure investments, it will be critical for current urbanization-related policies to consider their lasting impacts," said Karen Seto, lead author of the study. "We have a huge opportunity to shape how cities develop and their environmental  impacts."

Nearly half of the increase in high-probability ----defined as greater than 75 percent ---- urban expansion is forecasted to occur in Asia, with China and India absorbing 55 percent of the regional total. In China, urban- expansion is expected to create a l,l00-mile coastal urban corridor from Hangzhou to Shenyang. In India, urban expansion will be gathered around seven state capital cities, with large areas of low-probability growth forecasted for the Himalaya region where many small villages and towns currently exist.

Africa's urban land cover will grow the fastest, at 590 percent above the 2000 level of 16,000 square miles. Urban expansion win be concentrated in that continent's five regions: the Nile River in Egypt; the coast of West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea; the northern shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya and Uganda and extending into Rwanda and Burundi; the Kano region in northern Nigeria; and greater Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

"Urban expansion is concentrated in. only a few areas where there are large cities and industry," said Seto. "From the northern shore of Lake Victoria down to Rwanda is also a major hotspot of urban expansion."

In North America, where 78 percent of the total population lives in urban areas, urban land cover will nearly double by 96,000 square miles by 2030.The study also forecasts that 48 of the 221 countries in the study will experience insignificant amounts of urban expansion. "

1.As for China, the expansion of urban area means          .

A.$ 100 billion will be spent on infrastructure a year

B.creating a coastal urban corridor from Hangzhou to Qingdao

C.it will become the fastest developing country in the next decade

D.it will make up 55% of the increase in urban expansion in Asia

2.According to the passage infrastructure doesn't include          .

A.construction of roads                    B.sanitation facilities

C.energy systems                         D.land cover transformation

3.In paragraph three the underlined word “their lasting impacts” refers to the impacts of           .

A.the development of cities                 B.urbanization-related policies

C.infrastructure in vestments                D.China’s expansion of urban area

4.The best title for this passage should be                  .

A.The limitation of urban expansion

B.More investment on infrastructure

C.The fast development of the third world

D.The future urban expansion of the world



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