满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ra...

One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ran to the window crying: “A Cabuliwallah! A Cabuliwallah(从喀布尔来的水果商贩)!” In the street below was a Cbuliwallah,1 slowly along. Mini called him loudly but when he looked at her,she ran away,  2 . Shortly after this, the two became friends. They started to 3  together, laughing and talking. Mini’s new friend would give her sweets and nuts, 4 the little money he had on her.The Cabuliwallah, called Rahmum, would joke: “Well, little one, when are you going to the father-in-law’s house?” Mini did not understand this and was .

One morning, I heard noise in the street, and saw Rahmum being led 6 by the police. There were bloodstains on his clothes. I gathered that a neighbor had 7 Rahmum money for a shawl (披肩)but had falsely 8 having bought it, and that in the course of the quarrel Rahmum had struck him. On a charge of murderous attack, Rahmum was 9 to jail.

Time passed, and he was not remembered. Mini grew up and we were making  10  for her wedding. I was sitting in my study when someone entered. It was Rahmum, 11 from prison.12  recognizable now, he asked to see Mini and said that all those years ago she had 13 him of his own daughter in Kabul. It was his belief that Mini was still the same. He had 14 her running to him calling “Cabuliwallah!”. He had imagined that they would laugh and talk together. In fact, he had brought her,15 in paper, a few nuts and grapes. The two were 16 but Mini had grown up. She now understood the meaning of the word “father-in-law,” and when he made this joke once more she was 17 in the face at the question. He could not revive(还原) their old friendship.

When Rahmum left, I gave him a bank note, saying:“Go back to your own daughter, and 18 the happiness of your meeting bring good fortune to my child! ”

Having made this present, I had to 19 the electric lights and the military band I had 20  for the wedding and the ladies in the house were disappointed. But to me the wedding feast was all the brighter for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his child.

1.                A.running        B.passing         C.driving   D.taking


2.                A.scared         B.excited         C.interested D.disappointed


3.                A.put out         B.set out          C.take out D.hang out


4.                A.paying         B.spending        C.offering  D.wasting


5.                A.angry          B.joyful          C.puzzled   D.upset


6.                A.away           B.down          C.in   D.out


7.                A.lent           B.stolen          C.borrowed D.owed


8.                A.admitted        B.denied         C.declined  D.refused


9.                A.abused         B.taken          C.sentenced D.accused


10.               A.appointments    B.jokes          C.plans D.arrangements


11.               A.released        B.escaped        C.come D.removed


12.               A.Immediately     B.Hardly         C.Directly   D.Instantly


13.               A.thought        B.approved       C.reminded  D.informed


14.               A.observed       B.seen           C.spotted   D.pictured


15.               A.picked up       B.wrapped up     C.brought up D.held up


16.               A.reunited        B.connected      C.joined D.combined


17.               A.blue           B.pink           C.red   D.pale


18.               A.must           B.should         C.can   D.may


19.               A.give up         B.give off         C.give in D.give out


20.               A.designed       B.made          C.intended  D.expected



1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文的主要内容是:很多年前,五岁的女儿和一个水果商人Rahmum成了好朋友。Rahmum因为和人打架,进了监狱。当作者在为女儿筹划婚礼时,Rahmum出狱了,他说当年一看到作者的女儿就想起自己的女儿,所以Rahmum以为还可以继续这段友谊,但已物是人非,作者善意提醒他去找回自己的女儿。 1.根据slowly along可知是慢慢地经过,故选B。 2.根据Shortly after this, the two became friends.可知这里想说Mini大声地喊他,但是当他看她的时候Mini惊慌地跑了,scared惊慌的excited 激动的 interested 感兴趣的 disappointed 失望的,可知选A。 3.根据laughing and talking.可知这里想说他们经常在一起闲逛,put out 扑灭 set out 出发 take out 取出 hang out 闲逛,故选D。 4.根据Mini’s new friend would give her sweets and nuts,pay支付 spend花费 offer提供 waste浪费,故选B。 5. 根据Mini did not understand this,故选C. 6.根据by the police可知是被警察带走,故选A。 7.根据but had falsely denied having bought it可知是一个邻居欠Rahmum的钱, lend 把……借给 steal 偷 borrow 借进 owe欠……债,故选D。 8.根据and that in the course of the quarrel Rahmum had struck him故选B。 9.这里想说Rahmum被判决坐监狱,abuse 滥用 take 接受 sentence宣判 accuse 指控,故选C。 10.根据for her wedding可知是婚礼的筹备,故选D。 11.根据下文可知是Rahmum被释放了,release释放 escape逃脱 come来 remove去除,故选A。 12.根据上文Time passed, and he was not remembered,故选B。 13.remind sb. of sth.使某人想起,故选C。 14.根据He had imagined that they would laugh and talk together. In fact, he had brought her, wrapped up in paper, a few nuts and grapes.可知他曾经在脑海中描绘出Mini跑着喊他“Cabuliwallah!”的画面,故选D。 15.这里想表达用纸包着的坚果和葡萄,pick up捡起 wrap up包裹 bring up培养 hold up举起,故选B。 16.根据She now understood the meaning of the word “father-in-law,” and when he made this joke once more she was red in the face at the question.可知他们重聚了,故选A。 17.根据She now understood the meaning of the word “father-in-law,”故选C。 18.may表示祝愿,常放于句首,故选D。 19.根据and the ladies in the house were disappointed.故选A。 20.这里想表达我放弃了之前打算安排的彩灯和乐队,design设计 make 制作 intend 计划打算expect 期盼,故选C。 考点:这是一篇记叙文

---- Brad was Jane’s brother!

------ ______________he reminded me so much of Jane!

A.No doubt          B.Above all          C.No wonder        D.After all



However, they can hardly blame me; it is ________ their own fault.

A.largely            B.regularly          C.properly          D.fortunately



All the candidates present at the conference have contributed to the development of our country, so they are each recognized specialists in their _________fields.

A.respective         B.respected         C.respecting         D.respectful



As the graduates grew and job opportunites became_________, people were put under high pressure fearing they might lose their jobs at any time.

A.slight             B.stable            C.scary             D.scarce



My parents had ________ me to be aware of the advantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to us.

A.argued           B.shared            C.raised            D.quarreled



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