满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I don’t suppose Jim could have done so w...

I don’t suppose Jim could have done so well in yesterday’s exam , ____________?

A.do I              B.did he            C.has he            D.could he


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查反义疑问句。本题前半句是一个否定前移的形式,本应该是I suppose Jim could not have done so well in yesterday’s exam.在英语中I suppose是一个插入语,可以省略。本句就变成了Jim could not have done so well in yesterday’s exam.本句中的“情态动词+have done”表示推测,如果句子有过去时的时间状语,就对过去时反问。如果句中没有过去时的时间状语,就对现在完成时反问。本题句中有in yesterday’s exam,故对过去时反问,故B正确。 考点:考查反义疑问句

Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, ____ reduce unemployment pressures.

A.helping           B.to have helped     C.to help           D.having helped



It’s quite some time ______ our teammate Wang Qiang got injured in the foot, but we firmly believe it won’t be long _________ he recovers from it.

A.since; before                          B.before; since

C.after; when                            D.when; after



----Jack can’t concentrate on his lessons recently.

----Yes, that might _____ his low score in the last test.

A.stand for          B.apply for          C.account for        D.call for



There were two boys in the lab, _______ did the experiment successfully.

A.the clever of whom                      B.the cleverer of whom

C.the cleverer of them                     D.the more clever of them



Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who_____ to visit the museum______ asked to be at the school gate before 6 :00 in the morning.

A.are ; are          B.is; is              C.is ;are            D.are ;is



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