满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I don’t remember her name and would not ...

I don’t remember her name and would not recognize her if I were to pass her on the street. But I do__36__the kindness given by a stranger and the difference it has made in my life.

One Sunday, I was told to dress in my best clothes for I was going to __37__ . She smiled brightly as I got into her car, the car of a __38__I did not even know her name, but here I was , along with four others I __39__from our low-income neighborhood, on our way to church.

As we __40__ into the parking lot, I remember how beautiful the old stone building was with its tall steeple(尖塔)and stained glass windows. The__41__seemed long, and not accustomed to the rituals(仪式)of the Catholic Church, I felt out of place. Once the service had ended, I __42__ to be taken home, but __43__ we headed in the opposite direction. We were taken to a small__44__with the furnishings that portrayed a simple lifestyle. Two tables were set up with large boxes__45__ puzzles. As she made us hot chocolate, we were__46__ to begin working the puzzles. It was a quiet and happy time.

I came to __47__ Sundays,to hot chocolate, to puzzles that__48__ where we had left off the week before, and to the love I felt whenever she __49___at me .

Once our 1,000-piece puzzles had been completed, she no longer came to__50__us up on Sundays .I was told she was__51__ and no longer able to travel. However, I _52__ if perhaps it was time for her to “rescue” the next group of children. To give them hope that kindness still__53__ and can be found within those we call strangers.

I am forty-four years old now and often show__54__to strangers when given the chance. I know she may not move amongst us now, but I hope she smiles when she sees that her efforts to reach out to those less fortunate__55__.

1.                A.forget          B.understand      C.remember D.see


2.                A.school         B.college         C.hospital   D.church


3.                A.friend          B.stranger        C.teacher   D.leader


4.A recognized        B. described          C. realized         D. offered

5.                A.pulled          B.pushed         C.broke    D.stopped


6.                A.service         B.holiday         C.cure D.ceremony


7.                A.imagined       B.recommended   C.expected D.expressed


8.                A.besides         B.except         C.instead   D.still


9.                A.park           B.apartment       C.field D.path


10.               A.consisting       B.concluding      C.including  D.containing


11.               A.instructed      B.explored       C.convinced D.determined


12.               A.pay attention to B.devote to       C.look forward to D.lead to


13.               A.covered        B.replaced        C.changed   D.remained


14.               A.stared         B.smiled         C.threw D.glared


15.               A.make          B.pick           C.take  D.bring


16.               A.lost            B.gone           C.ill    D.old


17.               A.wondered      B.wandered       C.hoped D.insisted


18.               A.gathers         B.exists          C.drops D.moves


19.               A.respect        B.guidance       C.signs  D.kindness


20.A appear           B. fade              C. continue        D. create


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一个陌生人对来自贫穷街区的我的帮助,带着我们去教堂去公寓玩字谜,让我感觉到陌生人的善意的帮助。 1.C 动词辨析。A忘记B理解C记得D看见;我的确记得这个陌生人的善良及她给我的生活带来的影响。 2.D 上下文串联。根据第二段最后on our way to church说明她们去的是教堂。 3.B 名词辨析。A朋友B陌生人C老师D领导;我进入了一个陌生人的汽车。 4.A 动词辨析。A认出B描述C意识到D提供;我认出另外四个来自低收入街区里的孩子。 5.A 固定词组。Pull into驶入。指汽车驶入了停车场。 6.A 上下文串联。根据下一行the service had ended说明A正确。 7.C 动词辨析。A想象B推荐C期待D表达;我期待着能被带回家。 8.C 副词辨析。A而且B除…之外C然而D仍然;我没有被带回家,然而我们朝相反的方向过去了。 9.B 名词辨析。A公园B公寓C领域D小路;我们被带进了一个家具有特色的公寓里。 10.D 动词辨析。Contain包含…;桌子上面的大盒子里面有字谜。 11.A 动词辨析。A指导B探索C使…相信D决定;我们被指导着开始猜字谜。 12.C 短语辨析。A注意B致力于C期待D导致;我开始期待着星期天,期待着能有这样的活动。 13.D 动词辨析。A覆盖B取代C改变D仍然;我期待着字谜仍然在上个星期我们留在的地方。 14.B 动词辨析。A盯着看B微笑C扔D怒目而视;指她笑着看着我。 15.B 固定词组。Pick up用车接某人。指她生病了,不能来接我们了。 16.C 形容词辨析。A失踪B消失C生病D旧,老;指她生病了,不能来接我们了。 17.A 动词辨析。A想知道B徘徊C希望D坚持;我想知道也许是她去帮助别人的时候了。 18.B 动词辨析。A聚集B存在C跌落D移动;善良仍然存在与陌生人的身上。 19.D 上下文串联。我受到这个陌生人的影响,也向陌生人表示我的善意了。 20.C 动词辨析。A出现B褪色C继续D创造;指我希望她对陌生人善意帮助能够继续下去。 考点:考查故事类短文

----I am going to come to meet you tomorrow. Shall I bring something to read?

----OK, ______________.

A.That’s all right.    B.Come on.          C.So much the better.  D.Take it easy.



Mr. Green didn’t understand ________made his daughter so absent-minded.

A. how that was      B what was it        C. why it was that      D. what it was that



Class regulations state _____ is the last to leave the classroom _____ off all the lights.

A.no matter who; should turn               B.whoever; shall turn

C.whomever; turns                       D.whoever; turn



----Is it the first time you _______ Beijing?

----No. But the first time I ______ here, the city wasn’t so beautiful.

A.visited; came                          B.visited; have come

C.have visited; have come                  D.have visited; came



The housing problems we are looking forward to seeing _______ have attracted the government’s attention.

A.solving           B.solve             C.solved            D.to solve



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