满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

After forty-three years I have forgotten...

After forty-three years I have forgotten the name of the old lady, who was a   16   on the newspaper route in my hometown when I was a twelve-year-old boy. Yet it remains in my memory that she taught me a lesson in     17   that I shall never forget.

On a winter afternoon, my fellows and I were throwing stones onto the slanted (倾斜的) roof of the old lady’s house to observe how the stones    18    off the roof’s edge and shot out like missiles. I found a   19   smooth rock and threw it out, but it  20  straight not for the roof but for a small window of the old lady’s house.   21   the sound of broken glass, we knew we were in trouble. We ran faster than any of our   22    flew off her roof.

I was so   23   about getting caught that first night   24   I was not concerned about the old lady with the broken window in winter.    25  , a few days later I started to feel guilty for her misfortune. She    26   greeted me with a smile when I gave her the newspaper, but I was no longer able to act    27   in her presence.

I    28   my mind that I would save my newspaper delivery money, and in three weeks I had seven dollars. I put the money in an envelop with a    29   explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window and hope that the seven dollars would    30   the cost for repairing it.

I waited until it was     31     to avoid being seen, and put the letter I didn’t    32   into her yard. To my relief, I could have the   33  of, once again, looking straight into the old lady’s kind eyes.

The next day, I handed the old lady her newspaper. She thanked me and gave me a bag of cookies she had made herself.   34  eating cookies, I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the bag. After opening it, I was shocked. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note    35  , “I’m proud of you.”

1.                A.teacher        B.customer        C.relative   D.friend


2.                A.happiness       B.carelessness     C.forgiveness    D.kindness


3.                A.rolled          B.flowed         C.ran  D.floated


4.                A.simply          B.mostly          C.fairly D.roughly


5.                A.followed        B.came           C.lay  D.headed


6.                A.At             B.On             C.For  D.From


7.                A.athletes        B.missiles         C.windows  D.fellows


8.                A.excited         B.disappointed     C.embarrassed   D.frightened


9.                A.as             B.that            C.when    D.though


10.               A.Therefore      B.Meanwhile      C.However  D.Besides


11.               A.yet            B.still            C.even D.already


12.               A.cautiously       B.constantly       C.cheerfully D.comfortably


13.               A.take up         B.made up        C.set up     D.put up


14.               A.paper          B.notice          C.note D.message


15.               A.cover          B.offer           C.afford D.pay


16.               A.rainy          B.fine            C.cloudy    D.dark


17.               A.sign           B.read           C.expect    D.want


18.               A.ability          B.freedom        C.chance    D.desire


19.               A.Unless         B.Until           C.Because   D.While


20.               A.saying          B.writing         C.telling D.explaining



1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文作者主要向我们讲述了小时候的一件小事对他的深远影响。作者从发生在自己身上的事情中深深地体会到诚实,知错能改的重要性。当时才12岁的作者和他的一个朋友玩扔石子,其目的只是为了看到石头从老太太的屋顶滚下来象导弹一样射到院子里,至于打破老太太的窗户当然不是故意的。惴惴不安的他终于勇敢地向老太太承认了错误。老太太原谅了他,没有要他赔偿的钱,反而说为作者能承认自己的错误而觉得骄傲。 1.考查名词与上下文之间的呼应。根据on the newspaper route作者当时是送报纸的,所以那位老太太是他的顾客,故选 B。 2.考查名词与上下文之间的呼应。根据下文可知老太太原谅了他,故选C。 3.考查动词与上下文之间的呼应。扔出去的石头滚落到屋檐,故选A。 4.考查副词与上下文之间的呼应。扔出去的石头太滑,所以我在扔的时候石头滑了一下,故选C。 5.考查动词与上下文之间的呼应。这里用head for 向……前进,石头没有直着向房顶而是向窗子的方向,故选D。 6.考查介词与上下文之间的呼应。At the sound of broken glass 听到碎玻璃的声音,故选A。 7.考查名词与上下文之间的呼应。我们逃跑的速度比石头从屋顶上跌落的速度还快,故选B。 8.考查形容词与上下文之间的呼应。于是我很害怕被抓住,故选D。 9.考查固定短语与上下文之间的呼应。So …that如此…以至于,我如此害怕被抓住,以至于我没有去关心老太太在冬天没有玻璃的情况,故选B。 10.考查副词与上下文之间的呼应。然而过了几天我感觉我的罪过,故选C。 11.考查副词与上下文之间的呼应。老太太仍然像以前一样微笑着,故选B。 12.考查副词与上下文之间的呼应。Cautiously谨慎地; constantly 不断地;cheerfully 愉快地;comfortably舒服地。自从那件事之后,作者在她面前觉得不舒服,故选D。 13.考查动词短语与上下文之间的呼应。make up one’s mind下定决心 ,作者下定决心用省下的送报纸的钱给老太太赔偿玻璃,故选B。 14.考查名词与上下文之间的呼应。作者把钱放在信封里,写了一张便条,解释打玻璃的事情,故选C。 15.考查动词与上下文之间的呼应。cover 表示“支付……的开支”故选A。 16.考查形容词与上下文之间的呼应。作者等到天黑后才去老太太那里。故选D。 17.考查名词与上下文之间的呼应。作者把没有署名的信放进了院子了,故选A。 18.考查名词与上下文之间的呼应。为了我的负罪感减轻,为了能够自由的去看老人的眼睛,故选B。 19.考查连词与上下文之间的呼应。当我吃饼干时,我感觉有个信封,故选D。 20.考查名词与上下文之间的呼应。便条上写着“我以你为自豪”故选A。 考点:这是一篇记叙文。

---Did you enjoy last night’s party?

---No.         . 

A.It couldn’t be more exciting              B.It couldn’t be more boring

C.It couldn’t be more impressive            D.It couldn’t be more anxious



To be honest, I would rather       my dog out, which made so many troubles.

A.not had let        B.I had not le        C.not let            D.not have let



Jack is late again. It is       of him to keep others waiting.

A.typical            B.common          C.ordinary          D.normal



Jack, who pretended       , heard, however, every word that was said.

A.not listening       B.not to be listened   C.not to be listening   D.not having listened



The old man __________ in Tibet for two years as a volunteer teacher;it is an experience he  often mentions.

A.served           B.serves            C.is serving          D.has served



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