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Possessing a car gives one a greater degree of freedom. With the building of good fast motorways, long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly.    1   You will no longer be forced to rely on public transport and work locally. You can choose from a greater variety of jobs and probably changes your work more frequently as you are not limited to a small area.

Although you can afford to buy it now, you have to consider the future.    2  However large the first sum you have to pay, you have to spend more in running the machine—the various taxes, the fuel, and of course the repairs. The last is especially endless. Any single repair may cost you thousands.

   3   As more and more cars are produced and used, an even larger amount of poisonous gas is being sent out. Some of the contents of this gas, such as lead, can cause actual harm to the health of people. Many of the minor illness of modern industrial society, headaches, tiredness, and stomachaches may just arise from the gas.

    4    It has been said that when a man is sitting behind the wheel, his car becomes the display of his personality. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind the wheel. They are ill-mannered and aggressive and selfish. All their hidden character seems to be brought to the surface by act of driving.

Traveling by car actually brings more inconvenience. Driving a car may be more comfortable than taking a crowded bus. But any advantage of driving a car is often gone in traffic jams, endless queues of cars through all the main streets.    5   

A.Driving a car often brings out a man’s worst qualities.

B.Driving a car may cause many traffic accidents.

C.If you have a car, you can move around freely.

D. Considering this, I don’t support the use of more cars.

E.  A car may bring you heavy financial burden.

F.  More cars can produce serious air pollution.

G. Knowing you are able to drive makes you more confident.


 C  E  F  A  D 【解析】 试题分析:该小轿车的使用越来越在21世纪普遍。持有汽车给出了更大程度的流动性,使驾驶者自由走动。车主便不再被迫依靠公共交通来获取有关。随着越来越多的汽车生产和使用,因此从排气管排放含有有毒气体,不仅污染了大气层,但造成实际损害的人的健康越来越大的音量。另一个严重问题是交通挤塞。  根据With the building of good fast motorways, long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly 既然有了高速公路,那么你又有一辆自己的私家车出行就更加方便,故选C。  根据Although you can afford to buy it now, you have to consider the future ,买起车,但是也需考虑未来,毕竟车能给你带来经济负担,故选E。  根据车多带来了空气污染,故选F。  根据It has been said that when a man is sitting behind the wheel, his car becomes the display of his personality.故选A。  根据But any advantage of driving a car is often gone in traffic jams, endless queues of cars through all the main streets 作者最后说出自己的观点不支持使用更多的私家车,故选D。 考点:这是一篇议论文。

My sisters and I have dreamt of a home in the city, but when the Alcott family found itself in a small house at the South End without a tree in sight, only a back yard to play in, and no money to buy any of the beautiful things before us, we children all opposed it and longed for the country again.

Anna soon found little pupils, and walked away each morning to her daily task, pausing at the corner to wave her hand to me in answer to my greet with the duster(抹布). My father went to his office downtown, mother to her helping the poor, the little girls to school, and I, Lousia, was left to keep house, feeling like an aged sea-gull as I washed dishes and cooked in the basement kitchen where the only thing I could hope for was someone talking with me.

Good drill, but very hard, and my only comfort was the evening reunion where all met with such various reports of the day’s adventures, we could not fail to find both amusement and instruction.

Father brought interesting and attractive news from the upper world; mother, usually in low spirits because she would give away her clothes with sad tales of suffering from the darker side of life; gentle Anna gave a modest account of her success as a teacher, for even at seventeen her sweet nature won all who knew her, and her patience gained her the support of the most naughty pupil.

My reports were usually a mixture of sadness and happiness, and the children poured their small joys and troubles into the family where comfort and mercy were always to be found.

1.We know from this passage that the Alcott family was __________.

A.a happy and united family

B.an extremely poor family

C.a family with lots of serious problems

D.a family that remained in the country

2.Anna was a successful teacher because_________.

A.she had a strong sense of duty             B.she was obviously intelligent

C.she knew her subjects well                D.she had wonderful character

3.Lousia’s daily responsibility was_____.

A.to help the poor                        B.to run the house

C.to go downtown                        D.to feed the seagulls

4.According to the passage, what Lousia enjoyed most is _________.

A.the evening reunion                     B.moving to the city

C.joining Anna at her school                 D.telling others her stories



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London, Dec.17 (Xinhua) “Drivers on London Underground trains have started reading out sayings from great thinkers like Mahatma Gandhi , Frindrich Engels, and Albert Einstein in a bid to cheer up passengers ,” officials said. As well as the usual announcements urging passengers to “mind the steps” and warning of delays, the sayings such as “ an ounce ( 盎司) of action is worth a ton of theory” have taken the place of commercial ad in the underground carriages .

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New York, Oct.8 (Xinhua) Once as a famous actor, now the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to abandon textbooks in favor of digital ones. He plans to launch this program in August next year when California’s high-school pupils will have access to online math and science text. But some teachers wonder whether his idea of getting rid of textbooks might end up costing more not less, with digital textbook going for $300.

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Amsterdam, Nov.30 (Xinhua) A few cups of coffee a day may not only help to put off the disease—dementia(痴呆) but also can treat it, according to Dr. Arendash, who led the research. After giving mice with memory damage water containing caffeine, he found the mice developed better memories and quick thinking. The reason is that caffeine is a safe drug for most people. It easily enters the brain and directly affects the disease process. He suggested people should drink five eight–ounce cups of ordinary coffee, two cups of strong ‘coffee shop’ coffee, 14 cups of tea, or 20 cola drinks to get the same amount of 500 milligrams of caffeine.

1.What’s the purpose of putting up sayings on the underground carriages in London?

A.to help passengers to kill time.

B.to encourage passengers to learn.

C.to lift the spirits of passengers.

D.to make money as a commercial ad.

2.What can we conclude from the second news?

A.digital textbooks will replace traditional textbooks.

B.online math is already available to high-school pupils .

C.digital textbooks are convenient to carry anywhere.

D.Not all the teachers support their governor’s idea.

3.Which of the following statements is true from the third news?

A.The more coffee you drink, the less chance there will be for dementia.

B.Caffeine can make mice become more and more intelligent and energetic.

C.Caffeine can affect the process of the disease—dementia and treat it.

D.Caffeine is a safe drug for all the people for everyday use so enjoy it.



When I worked as a waitress in Chicago, US, my coworkers and I would sigh whenever we heard someone with a foreign accent coming into our restaurant. We knew what it meant to serve a non-American: no tip. We would work just as hard as we always did, but we might not get paid.

Americans have an unspoken rule about tipping: they give tips to almost everyone who offers them a service of some kind. Americans tip their waiters, barbers and taxi drivers. An appropriate tip is between 15 and 20 percent of the amount charged for the service (But the charge for the tip doesn’t appear on the bill. The customer is expected to add it himself/herself.) Tipping less than this sends a message to your waiters that you think they’ve done a bad job serving you. And to leave no tip at all is simply unacceptable.

It’s not that American waiters are greedy. In many countries, waiters are paid a salary for their work. They’ll earn money even if no one comes into the restaurant. This system offers much more safety for waiters than the American version. In the US, waiters know that a night without customers means a night without pay.

Some countries include a tip for waiters – a “service charge” – on the bill itself. Since the tip is included with the other charges, waiters don’t need to worry about people forgetting to tip. But in the US, waiters do not receive a salary, and service charges only appear on bills when there are six or more customers at the table.

Since almost all American customers are familiar with the system, they know to add a tip without being told. But visitors to the US may expect waiters to be paid a salary, or think that the tip is included on the bill.

So much as we waiters loved hearing stories about other places from our foreign customers, we were always nervous when they got ready to leave the restaurant. We were never sure what to expect.

1.If you order $200 worth of food, which of the following is a proper total payment?

A.$200             B.$215             C.$220             D.$230

2.Why don’t some foreigners tip a waiter according to the writer?.

A.because they are unfamiliar with the American tip system .

B.because they are too mean to give tips to any waiter.

C.because they have difficulty communicating with waiters.

D.because they are not really easy to become satisfied.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The service charge never appear on the bill in the USA.

B. Customers are usually expected to tip waiters in the USA.

C. Dining out in other countries is much more expensive than in the USA.

D. Waiters in other countries earn much more money than those in the USA.

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To complain about the difficult life of American waiters.

B.To warn other waiters not to serve any foreign customer.

C.To call on foreign customers to leave tips for American waiters.

D.To tell us something about American waiters’ salary system.



When people talk of a virus these days, chances are that they are talking about computer virus that have the power wipe out all the valuable work people may have stored in their computers. Imagine, the virus has the power to make military systems, giant banks, airports, hospitals and traffic system come to stop!

What does a computer virus do? It targets electronic objects that are programmed. The virus spreads through connections between these electronic objects. For virus spreading experts, e-mail is a favorite method of sending their destructive (破坏性的) weapon.

But scientists warn that this is not the worst that can happen. There is more. People are also connected through phones. The next virus may actually target mobile phones, especially those that are programmed to do many tasks apart from just communicating. It would then be easy for a virus to infect those programs and create major disorder.

For example, these virus may have the power to record your phone conversations and make others hear them. They create problems with your electronic money accounts, or they could create a mountain of telephone bills for calls you never made. And that would be a disaster. A report on this was published in the New Scientist recently. 

One way out would be to have simpler phones with not so many different functions. This would mean there would mean there would be fewer programs for the virus to attack. But mobile phone producers are in a fix. People on longer want an electronic item to perform just one task. They want more and more functions added. That would mean more software programs to make the mobile phone perform all those functions. And that means the possibility of more viruses.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.computer viruses are not so as destructive as mobile phone viruses

B.people should be careful when receiving e-mails

C.people find it difficult to use electronic equipment correctly

D.having electronic money accounts brings people a lot of convenience

2.Which of the following shows that your mobile phone is infected with a virus?

A.You can’t hear the person who answers the phone clearly

B.You can’t send e-mails with your mobile phone

C.your phone bill increases for unknown reasons

D.You can hear other people’s phone conversations

3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A.Mobile phone producers have made no progress.

B.Mobile phone producers are proud of their products.

C.Mobile phone producers are faced with a difficult situation.

D.Mobile phone producers refused to fight against virus.

4.For whom is the passage written?

A.Government officials                     B.Virus spreading experts

C.Electronic scientists                      D.Mobile phone users



After forty-three years I have forgotten the name of the old lady, who was a   16   on the newspaper route in my hometown when I was a twelve-year-old boy. Yet it remains in my memory that she taught me a lesson in     17   that I shall never forget.

On a winter afternoon, my fellows and I were throwing stones onto the slanted (倾斜的) roof of the old lady’s house to observe how the stones    18    off the roof’s edge and shot out like missiles. I found a   19   smooth rock and threw it out, but it  20  straight not for the roof but for a small window of the old lady’s house.   21   the sound of broken glass, we knew we were in trouble. We ran faster than any of our   22    flew off her roof.

I was so   23   about getting caught that first night   24   I was not concerned about the old lady with the broken window in winter.    25  , a few days later I started to feel guilty for her misfortune. She    26   greeted me with a smile when I gave her the newspaper, but I was no longer able to act    27   in her presence.

I    28   my mind that I would save my newspaper delivery money, and in three weeks I had seven dollars. I put the money in an envelop with a    29   explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window and hope that the seven dollars would    30   the cost for repairing it.

I waited until it was     31     to avoid being seen, and put the letter I didn’t    32   into her yard. To my relief, I could have the   33  of, once again, looking straight into the old lady’s kind eyes.

The next day, I handed the old lady her newspaper. She thanked me and gave me a bag of cookies she had made herself.   34  eating cookies, I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the bag. After opening it, I was shocked. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note    35  , “I’m proud of you.”

1.                A.teacher        B.customer        C.relative   D.friend


2.                A.happiness       B.carelessness     C.forgiveness    D.kindness


3.                A.rolled          B.flowed         C.ran  D.floated


4.                A.simply          B.mostly          C.fairly D.roughly


5.                A.followed        B.came           C.lay  D.headed


6.                A.At             B.On             C.For  D.From


7.                A.athletes        B.missiles         C.windows  D.fellows


8.                A.excited         B.disappointed     C.embarrassed   D.frightened


9.                A.as             B.that            C.when    D.though


10.               A.Therefore      B.Meanwhile      C.However  D.Besides


11.               A.yet            B.still            C.even D.already


12.               A.cautiously       B.constantly       C.cheerfully D.comfortably


13.               A.take up         B.made up        C.set up     D.put up


14.               A.paper          B.notice          C.note D.message


15.               A.cover          B.offer           C.afford D.pay


16.               A.rainy          B.fine            C.cloudy    D.dark


17.               A.sign           B.read           C.expect    D.want


18.               A.ability          B.freedom        C.chance    D.desire


19.               A.Unless         B.Until           C.Because   D.While


20.               A.saying          B.writing         C.telling D.explaining




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