满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In Scandinavian countries it is common _...

In Scandinavian countries it is common ____ for the husband to stay at home to look after the baby.

A.use              B.practice           C.sense            D.idea


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查名词辨析:A. use用途B. practice做法C. sense感觉  D. idea主意,句意:在斯堪的纳维亚的国家,丈夫呆在家里带孩子是惯例。Common practice惯例. 习惯,而common sense指常识。选B。 考点:考查近义词辨析

Much ____ he has a good taste for China’s Football Matches, he can’t avoid being influenced by the side effects of the football gambling.

A.that he claims      B.does he claim      C.it is that he claims   D.as he claims



—Nothing wrong with it, ____?

—Yes. The computer says, “Please check this disk before entering data.”

A.is it              B.has it             C.does it            D.is there



--- Could you introduce me a high quality car?

--- My pleasure. ____ well even on wet roads, this kind of car is very popular.

A.Handled          B.To handle          C.Handling          D.Being handled



— Has Yang Liping returned from Yunnan yet? I’d like to meet her.

— Sorry. She ____ back here only for last weekend.

A.has been          B.would be          C.had been          D.was



In 1948, three American scientists invented ____ transistor, which is ____ small electronic device to control an electric current.

A.the; a            B.a; a              C.the; the           D.a; the



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