满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He is only too ready to help others, sel...

He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _____ , refusing them when they turn to him.

A.if not             B.if never           C.if any             D.if ever


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查省略句的固定结构。If not如果不是这样;if never如果从未这样;if any如果有一些;If ever如果曾经有过。句意:他非常愿意帮助别人,如果他曾经拒绝过帮助别人,那也是很少的。故D正确。 考点:考查固定结构

---If you like,I can give you a ride home.

---That’s a very kind _____ .

A.offer             B.point             C.suggestion         D.service



假设你是Tom,刚收到一封旅居英国的阿姨的来信,她在信中祝贺你被英国诺丁汉大学(Nottingham University)录取,请用英文给她回一封信,告诉她你将于2012年2月到英国,并想麻烦她帮你在大学附近找一住所,条件如下表:




















Dear Aunt,

 Thank you for your congratulations on my acceptance to Nottingham University





If there's any apartment suitable, please let me know as soon as possible.







增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ( ∧ ), 并在其下面写上该加的词.

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第十一处起)不计分。

As far as I know, time is not always enough all of us. So first of all, you need to arrange your time good. You’d better to make a long-term study plan. That is to say, an one-month plan with more efforts to take up his weak subjects. And a short-term plan is equal necessary, if not more important. You have to make sure what you need to do each day, each class or even each minute. At the same time, it’s quite essential to keeping healthy. So take exercise for at least one hour and sleep for no less than seven hour a day. And don’t forget to eat well. More fruit was always right for you.




Should Good Sportsmanship Be Taught in School?

Almost everyone feels that it is important for young people to win fairly and show respect toward others.Should good sportsmanship, then, be taught in school? Critics do not think so.     1    Presented here are the most important benefits of teaching sportsmanship.

Teaching good sportsmanship and having a positive attitude in activities like sports, class elections, and science fair competitions are critical to success in school.    2     Acting calmly under pressure helps young adults succeed not only in sports but also in life.

     3    A person cannot play by the rules if he or she does not understand what the rules are.Knowing the rules also applies to other activities.If students enter a science fair competition, for example, they must follow the guidelines. Those who know the rules are much more likely to succeed.When students learn sportsmanship, they discover, how knowing the rules relates to achievement.

Good players become skilled at handling responsibility.When people accept responsibility, they achieve their best.Positive thinkers, moreover, influence others, especially those who are struggling with a problem.A gifted basketball player, for example, might teach skills to a less-talented player.Helping others raises the performance of the entire team.The team, consequently, could reach new heights and set new records.     4    Those who do not practice sportsmanship pass off responsibility.For them, if an opportunity is lost, it is someone else' s fault.When students participate on a team, they benefit by learning to accept responsibility, encourage others and own up to(认错) mistakes.

Sportsmanship is a winning idea.It must be taught in school.Students need direction to become good sports".Students will be responsible for their own actions and will have a positive influence on others.As students enter the workforce, businesses benefit.The community also benefits because these students will someday become leaders.     5   

A.We need to educate students about how sportsmanship pays off for everyone.

B.However, the stronger argument favors teaching good sportsmanship.

C.Sports help young adults learn how to team up with others.

D.Good sportsmanship also means admitting mistakes.

E.Activities involving winning or losing can be tense.

F.It is natural that players should be eager to win.

G.Good team players know the rules of the game.



Learning to drive is important to the independence of teenagers, but it is also a great responsibility.Although having a law that keeps 16-year-old drivers from having more than one teenager in the car with them at first seems unfair, there are convincing reasons for this requirement.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that teens are four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in an automobile accident.It also reports that 16-and 17-year-old drivers are twice as likely to have an accident if they have two teenage friends in the car and four times as likely to have one if they have three or more teenage friends in the car with them.Fatal ( 致命的) crashes of 16-year-old drivers involve the highest percentage of speeding, driver error, and number of passengers.This information is enough to cause any reasonable person to wonder about the wisdom of allowing new teen drivers to take a carload of friends anywhere, even if the law permits it.

A study at the National Institutes of Health indicates that the part of the human brain that controls judgment and evaluates the consequences of our actions might not be fully formed until the age of 25.Until this study, researchers had placed the age at 18.If this is true, it could explain the reckless (鲁莽的) behavior of many teens, behavior that often extends into their twenties.It also could be a strong reason for being cautious about the driving circumstances of young people.

This is not the only study that indicates such caution is necessary.One study at Temple University in Philadelphia examines the results of peer(同龄人) pressure in risky driving situations.The study, which uses a driving game, has an individual guide a car through a course, both alone and in the presence of friends.Three different age groups participated in the study: 13-16, 18-22, and 24 and older.Members of the oldest group showed caution whether driving alone or with friends present, but the two younger groups took more chances when they were with their friends.Furthermore, because these drivers were accustomed to the noise and distraction of many passengers, they were unable to see their own mistakes.Once again, this is a good indication that a law restricting the number of teenagers in the car with a young driver is a good idea.

1.What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?

A.Many deaths have occurred because of inexperience and overconfidence.

B.It' s reasonable to severely limit the passenger number of teen drivers.

C.New teen drivers have to ask permission before driving with friends.

D.There are many causes behind the teens' driving accidents.

2.From the two studies, the author probably suggests that ______.

A.different age groups have different peer pressure

B.teenagers often give wrong judgments above passengers' noise

C.underdeveloped brain makes teens ignore their mistakes

D.driving circumstances are bound up with(与…密切相关) the risk of accidents

3.We can infer that the law restriction can probably ______.

A.protect teens on the highway

B.raise teens' sense of responsibility

C.reduce the number of fatal crashes

D.force teens to drive with caution

4.With which statement would the author most likely disagree?

A.Some teenagers have risky behavior while driving.

B.Certain laws treat teenagers and adults differently.

C.We still need more studies on teen driving.

D.Driving is important to a teenager' s sense of independence.



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