满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Now we could not do anything but _______...

Now we could not do anything but _______ for him here.

A.waited            B.waiting            C.to wait            D.wait


D 【解析】 试题分析:在do nothing/anything/everything +but/except/other than(除了)这三个词前面有行为动词do的任何形式时那么三者后面跟动词不定式时其前的to 省略。如果谓语动词不是“do nothing,anything,everything”,那么but/except/other than所跟的不定式则仍须带to。 考点:考查动词不定式的用法。

Mr. Li will give us ________ talk. ________ talk will begin at 8:00.

A.a; The            B.the; A            C./; /              D.a; A



Access _______ the factory is through a forest.

A.for              B.at                C.with              D.to
















I first met Li Meng at a friend birthday party five years ago. Then I invited Li Meng over in

my place. We listen to my CDs together and soon became good friends. Three years ago, Li

Meng’s parents invited I to spend a couple of wonderful week in Qingdao with them during the

summer holiday. Li Meng and I loved walking along the beautifully beaches there. Last year I

was ill but had to stay in hospital for a week. Li Meng came see me every day. Then, her father

has changed jobs and they moved to another city. Since then we haven’t see each other much,

but we’ve kept writing to each other.




1.Don’t give me meat any more. I am on a _________(节食).

2.We have firm _______ (信念) that we’ll hold a promise if we work hard.

3.The show is far from being a failure; It was a great __________(成功).

4.The cave was completely dark, so he _____(点燃)a candle and went inside.

5.After _______ (毕业), I just acted as an assistant manager in the company.

6.Smoking is _________(禁止) in public places in our country.

7.It’s dangerous for a child to hold a ___________(锋利的)knife.

8.His ___________(残疾)prevents him from holding a job.

9.The old lady is famous for being warm-hearted and _______(慷慨). And she always gives things, more or less, to the beggars to her door.

10.The ocean and seas __________ (环绕)the islands are deep blue.



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