满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The car was full, but I managed to _____...

The car was full, but I managed to ______ in.

A.arrive            B.let               C.put              D.squeeze


D 【解析】 试题分析:动词词义辨析。A到达;B让…;C放置;D挤;榨;句意:这辆汽车很满了,但是我还是成功地挤了进来。根据 句意说明D正确。 考点:考查动词词义辨析

The frighten boy lay in bed quietly, with his eyes____ on the wall, saying nothing.

A.fixing             B.fixed             C.being fixed        D.fix



 --- I’m afraid I’ve failed the driving test.

--- ______. Maybe things are not so bad as you think.

A.That’s OK        B.I think so          C.Take it easy        D.It’s very kind of you







注意:(1) 参考词汇:on behalf of 代表;























第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

I have enjoyed reading very much since I was a little schoolboy. Many of


my spare time is spent reading,instead with watching TV. As a middle school.


student, I very busy with my lessons. So during the weekday, I have little


time to read those books I am interested in them. On Sundays, however, I


often seat at my desk reading for hours. Sometimes, I lose myself so deep


in books that I forget to have meals. My sister and brother always considered


me as a bookworm. But I still believe reading bring me a lot of knowledge,


strength, as well as pleasure. 




1.He was suspected of p_________________(毒害his wife.

2.No one can p_________________(预测)what will happen one day.

3.Teachers shouldn’t show p_______________(偏爱) to any student.

4.The picture by Picasso a_______________(吸引) to all the students here.

5.It was t_______________(典型的) of her to help others when they are in trouble.

6.He has lost f_______________(信任)in me

7.I found it hard to c______________(表达) my feeling in words.

8.May I e_______________(交换) seats with you?

9.He is gifted and good at writing p______________(诗歌).

10.He a_____________ (申请) for the job.



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