满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I don’t think Tom’s remarks on his monit...

I don’t think Tom’s remarks on his monitor are ______;he is not supposed to say so.

A.in order          B.in peace           C.in place           D.in trouble


C 【解析】 试题分析:介词短语辨析。A合乎次序的,井井有条的;B和平地;C适当,在合适的位置;D在困境中;句意:我认为Tom对班长的评价是不合适的,他本不应该这样说的。根据句意说明C正确。 考点:考查介词短语辨析



1. 简要阐述你的观点;

2. 简要阐述你支持观点的原因;

3. 对将来的综艺节目的期许。


参考词汇:综艺节目 variety show




[1]Environment is very important to a student’s success. A child who is in comfortable environment learns more and enjoys class better than a child who is not. A classroom with good decoration such as the students’ art works, and enticing games and crafts makes for an inviting opportunity for the students to learn while still having fun. Classrooms need to be fun and rewarding while still offering high standards of education.

[2]Children need to feel welcomed and safe in their learning environment. If ____ at school with bullies or a teacher, the parents should consult the school system to resolve the problem. Pay attention to your children. Ask how their day at school went, ask what they learned, and always be attentive to any problems they speak of.

[3]Learning for a child should be fun and entertaining. No one likes to feel forced to do something they do not want to do. Fun learning allows for children to learn and not really even realize they are doing so. Children like to feel smart and special. Smaller classrooms allow for more one-on-one time between student and teacher. This can often greatly improve students’ learning. Keeping up with the class makes a child feel more comfortable and more eager to attend class and try to learn. Smaller classrooms also ensure that children receive recognition for a job well done. This boosts self-confidence as well as the eagerness to learn.

[4]We cannot expect school to be the only comfortable environment a child needs to be in. A child’s home life can affect how they feel about school. Actually, learning is about how we feel about ourselves. Environment is important but as you can see it is not all matters in the learning process.

1.What is the main idea of the passage? ( no more than 8 words)


2.Fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words. (no more than 5 words)


3.What should parents do when their children have some problems? (no more than 6words)


4.What is the true meaning of learning, according to the author? (no more than 10 words)


5.What does the word “it” (Line 3, Paragraph 4) probably refer to? (no more than 2words)




Tens of thousands of smartphone applications are running ads from the overwhelming(势不可挡的) advertising networks that change smartphone settings and copy people’s contact information without permission.

Aggressive ad networks can disguise(假扮) ads as text message notifications (通告), and sometimes change browser settings and bookmarks. Often, the ads will upload your contacts list to the ad network’s servers--- information that the ad network can then sell to marketers.

Sounds scary? It’s not a giant problem yet, but it’s a growing one. As many as 5% of free mobile apps use an “aggressive” ad network to make money, according to Lookout, a San Francisco-based mobile security company. PhoneLiving was one of the most popular app developers to use these kinds of ad networks; their dozens of talking animal apps have been downloaded several million times. Later, PhoneLiving says it has mended its ways. The company admittedusing invasive techniques to make money from its apps, but said it dropped those methods at the start of July because of bad reviews and declining downloads.

The most popular type of apps that use aggressive ad networks are “Personalisation” apps, which include wallpapers. Comic and entertainment apps are also among the most likely to have rogue(凶猛的) ad networks running behind the scenes. Like aggressive pop-ups on PCs, the bad software isn’t easy to get rid of. Though the damage can typically be removed by deleting the app, it can be hard to tell which app is causing the problems.

When developers create free mobile apps, they usually make money through ads displayed within the app. App makers don’t usually tell people which ad network they are using, which makes it hard to avoid the known offenders. The best defense is to read reviews and avoid downloading apps that have attracted many complaints.

1.What is an example of bad behavior by the annoying mobile ads?

A.They change browser settings and bookmarks.

B.They change people’s calendar settings.

C.They send scam text messages occasionally.

D.They download free versions of games.

2.What do we know about PhoneLiving?

A.Its operation model is against the will of netizens.

B.It was forced to admit its bad behavior.

C.It has changed its business model rapidly.

D.Its relationship with Lookout may break up.

3.Why is the bad software hard to get rid of?

A.The software runs behind the scenes.

B.The app is very hard to delete.

C.It is difficult to find the problem app.

D.The network antivirus is out of date.

4.What does the underlined word, “ invasive”, mean in the third paragraph?

A.innovative         B.positive           C.flexible           D.aggressive

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Mobile ads can attack your phone and steal your contacts.

B.Mobile ads have become popular in recent years.

C.Smartphones have been damaged by mobile ads.

D.You may download some aggressive apps unconsciously.



Have you heard of snake robots? Scientists and doctors are already using tiny snakes that coil through the human body armed with sharp surgical tools to perform operations on hearts, prostate cancer, and other diseased organs. The snake robots that carry tiny cameras, scissors and forceps, and even more advanced sensors are being developed.

The next generation of the robots will be wireless, and will explore inside your body on their own--- not attached to any cables. For now, they are powered by cables that humans control. Experts say the day is coming when some robots will roam around the body on their own. But the experts in robotics say the new creations work best when they are designed for very specific tasks.

Howie Choset has been researching and building robots, particularly snake robots. He believes that his snake robot and others like it can help reduce medical costs by making complex surgery faster and easier. Choset says his new design is smaller and more flexible than earlier models.

The size of surgical robots allows surgeons to operate with far less damage to the body, helping the patient heal faster. Choset has also built larger snake robots designed for search and rescue, or just exploration. They can climb poles and trees and then look around through a camera in the head and slither through places that humans cannot reach.

“ We sent our snake robots into these caves in the Red Sea to look for evidence of ancient Egyptian ships,” he said. “ To me, archeology is like search and rescue, but everyone has been dead for 5,000 years.”

The doctors are very excited about the potential for surgical robots to do things that humans can’t do. The variety of sensors available for surgical robots keeps expanding. As they get smaller, maybe one day they will be able to test chemicals or blood in the body, or even the electrical connections in nerves.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.The doctors carry out surgery using snake robots mainly for heart disease.

B.The doctors are very satisfied with the new snake robots during surgery.

C.Snake robots are completely free of human control today.

D.Other supplementary appliances will be added to snake robots.

2.Which of the following is true, according to the passage?

A.Snake robots are only used in the medical field.

B.Snake robots can reduce the patients’ medical costs.

C.Scientists are uncertain about the prospects for snake robots.

D.Scientists are forced to spend a lot of time researching snake robots.

3.How can snake robots work best, according to the passage?

A.When they carry tiny cameras, scissors and forceps.

B.When they are operated by experienced doctors.

C.When they are given a wireless function.

D.When they are designed for particular tasks.

4.Why do we know about Howie Choset, according to the passage?

A.He thought snake robots of different sizes can be used for different types of surgery.

B.He thought patients’ pain had been slightly reduced with the help of snake robots.

C.He also made snake robots for search, rescue and exploration.

D.He is very interested in researching ancient Egyptian ships.

5.The writers attitude towards the new technology is ______.

A.optimistic         B.doubtful           C.objective          D.negative



Artistic Skates

Artistic roller skates are made up of a leather boot, very strong sole plate, and a jump bar that adds extra force. The boot sits a few inches above the ankle, providing more support for the foot.

Jam Skates

Jam skates are the most different roller skates because of their special low-cut design and lack of toe stop. That’s right: there is no brake. But the original jam skate design was different, resembling an artistic skate. Jam skating is more about personal expression rather than speed skating. The free-flowing movements of jam skating have been given many names. But regardless of its name, jam skating has always been about expression and passion.

Speed Skates

A speed skate resembles a shoe. The cut of the boot is lower. Speed skates typically offer lightweight plates to reduce exhaustion for skating long distances. Jam skates have preferred speed skates because they offer a similar design and freedom of movement. The most obvious difference is that a speed skate features a toe stop, unlike a jam skate that uses a toe plug.

Rhythm Skates

Rhythm skates are similar to jam skates. The difference between them lies in the boot design. In fact, the boot design looks very similar to an artistic skate, essentially providing you with the ankle support benefits of an artistic skate, but the freedom of movement of a jam skate. If you want a skate that allows you to move to the beat, which added ankle support, the rhythm skate is the ideal choice.

1.Which of the following is NOT a feature of jam skates?

A.They have no brake

B.They lack a toe stop

C.They have no toe plug.

D.They have a unique, low-cut design.

2.If you want to skate to music, which of the following is the best choice?

A.Rhythm skates      B.Jam skates         C.Speed skates       D.Artistic skates

3.Speed skates are popular with jam skates because _____.

A.they have a high boot cut

B.they allow free-flowing movement.

C.they are able to stabilize the foot

D.they can help jam skates reduce tiredness.

4.What is a common feature of rhythm and jam skates?

A.They both offer some support for the ankles.

B.They both have a similar boot design.

C.They are both suitable for free-flowing movement.

D.They are both about personal expression and passion.

5.What can you learn from the passage about jam skates?

A.The original jam skate design has hardly changed.

B.The original jam skate design was similar to an artistic skate.

C.Jam skates have gradually become a type of speed skate.

D.Jam skating has many names because it’s about expression and passion.



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