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When an ant dies, other ants move the de...

When an ant dies, other ants move the dead insect out. Sometimes, the dead ant get moved away very soon—within an hour of dying. This behavior is interesting to scientists, who wonder how ants know for sure—and so soon—that another ant is dead.

One scientist recently came up with a way to explain this ant behavior. Dong-Hwan Choe is a biologist. Choe found that Argentine ants have a chemical on the outside of their bodies that signals to other ants, “I’m dead—take me away.”

But there’s a twist to Choe’s discovery. Choe says that the living ants—not just the dead ones—have this death chemical. In other words, while an ant crawls around, perhaps in a picnic or home, it’s telling other ants that it’s dead.

What keeps ants from dragging away the living ants?Choe found that Argentine ants have two additional chemicals on their bodies, and these tell nearby ants something like, “Wait—I’m not dead yet.” So Choe’s research turned up two sets of chemical signals in ants: one says, “I’m dead,” and the other set says, “I’m not dead yet.”

Other scientists have tried to figure out how ants know when another ant is dead. If an ant is knocked unconscious, for example, other ants leave it alone until it wakes up. That means ants know that unmoving ants can still be alive.

Choe suspects that when an Argentine ant dies, the chemical that says “Wait-I’m not dead yet” quickly goes away. Once that chemical is gone, only the one that says “I’m dead” is left. “It’s because the dead ant no longer smells like a living ant that it gets carried to the graveyard, not because its body releases(释放) new unique chemicals after death,” said Choe. When other ants detect the “dead” chemical without the “not dead yet” chemical, they drag away the body.

Understanding this behavior may help scientists figure out how to stop Argentine ants from invading new places and causing problems. Choe would like to find a way to use the newly discovered chemicals to spread ant killer to Argentine ant nests.

The ants’ removal behavior is important to the overall health of the nest. “Being able to quickly remove dead individuals and other possible sources of disease is extremely important to all animals living in societies, including us,” says Choe. “Think about all the effort and money that we invest daily in waste management.”

1.The underlined word “twist” in Paragraph 3 means             .

A.an unexpected change                   B.a clear mistake

C.an important key                        D.a shocking conclusion

2.Ants judge whether another one is dead or not depending on            .

A.the sense of taste                       B.the sense of smell

C.the sense of touch                      D.the sense of sight

3.The result of the research can be used to            .

A.kill troublesome pests

B.solve the problem of endangered species

C.prevent further expansion of the ants’ territory

D.keep the balance of nature

4.Why is it important to remove dead individuals?

A.Because it is easier to manage the living.

B.Because it can save money to deal with the waste.

C.Because it can provide more space for the living.

D.Because it can keep the living from suffering disease.

5.What might be the best title of the text?

A.Dead or living? It is easy to judge

B.Pulling away the dead ants is a difficult task

C.Ant nests have great undertaking capacity

D.Leaving it alone or taking it away? Ants feel puzzled


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍的是对蚂蚁死了还是活着的判断,介绍了蚂蚁的、发出化学物质的气味来告诉人们具体的信息。 1.A 推理题。根据本句But there’s a twist to Choe’s discovery. Choe says that the living ants—not just the dead ones—have this death chemical.说明这里的twust是指和以前不一样,因为活的蚂蚁不仅仅那些死的蚂蚁都有这样的化学物质。故这里的twist是指没有预料到的改变,故A正确。 2.B 细节题。根据第二段2,3行Choe found that Argentine ants have a chemical on the outside of their bodies that signals to other ants, “I’m dead—take me away.说明蚂蚁的身上有这样的化学物质,发出了这样的气味,故B正确。 3.C 推理题。根据文章最后一段前3行Understanding this behavior may help scientists figure out how to stop Argentine ants from invading new places and causing problems. Choe would like to find a way to use the newly discovered chemicals to spread ant killer to Argentine ant nests.说明这样的研究结果会帮助人们阻止蚂蚁的扩张,故C正确。 4.D 细节题。根据文章倒数2,3行“Being able to quickly remove dead individuals and other possible sources of disease is extremely important to all animals living in societies,说明D正确。 5.A 主旨大意题。本文介绍的是对蚂蚁死了还是活着的判断,介绍了蚂蚁的、发出化学物质的气味来告诉人们具体的信息。故A正确。 考点:考查科普类短文阅读

The accident at Lake Sherwood was in our backyard. An SUV(运动型多用途车)had gone off the road,down a hill, and collided with a tree. When we heard the wreck, I remembered to say “call 911”. My family was the first on the scene. Nick, my son, was on the cell phone with 911. He saw a friend who was a victim in the crash who was a 15 years old girl who was badly disfigured and had died instantly. It was a terrible scene.

There had been six people in the truck, all between 15 and 17 years old. My husband and I checked all the victims, and I picked one who was conscious and stayed with him. I talked with him and had him lay on the ground. When I asked him if he was hurt, he said he was sore all over. When help arrived, they asked me to stay and continue working with them. I did as Debbie Romine, .my instructor, said in class, and did what they wanted. They even said thank you before they left.

The sheriff deputies came by Saturday night to get our statements and play the 911 tape back, so Nick could identify all the voices in the background. They said over and over that the way he handled the call was the best they had heard in a long time. He was calm and worked with them even when he saw his friend who had died. The Sheriff’s Department is sending some people over to help us work through our emotions.

The first aid and CPR course I took in January really helped me. I just didn’t expect to put it to good use so soon.

Pennyd. Miller

Kansas State Dept of Education,Topeka

1.According to the passage, in case of an emergence, people should dial_______________.

A.110              B.120              C.800              D.911

2.Who died immediately after the accident?

A.A girl.            B.The writer.         C.Debbie Romine.     D.Nick.

3.Why did the Sheriff deputies come by Saturday night?

A.To arrest the offender.                   B.To offer them help.

C.To get their statements.                   D.To help them.

4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.The writer is a doctor.

B.All the people in the car were killed in the accident.

C.Debbie Romine offered much help to the victims.

D.The writer took a first aid and CPR course in January.

5.We can infer from the passage that__________________.

A.The first aid and CPR course in January really helped the writer

B.The writer’s family were affected emotionally by the accident

C.The victims were all conscious after the accident

D.The police arrived long after the accident



When I was nine , my father was ill.I can remember my mother’s words ___16___ it were yesterday: “Kerrel, Your father has AIDS.Be very ____17___ when you are around him.”

AIDS wasn’t something we talked about in my country when I was growing up.From then on, I knew that this would be a family ___18___.My parents were not together anymore, and Dad lived ___19___.For a while, he____20__ take care of himself.But when I was 12, his condition__21____.My father’s other children lived far away, so it fell to me to look after him.

We couldn’t___22____ all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no money for ___23____ supplies and often couldn’t even buy food for dinner.I would sit in class feeling completely ___24____, the teacher’s words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.

I did not share my ___25___ with anyone.I had seen how people ___26___ to AIDS.Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease.And even adults could be ___27__.When my father was __28____to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.

I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of __29____ his condition a secret.I was completely __30____when he reached his ___31___ days.__32___  and hopeless, I __33___ a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support.That day, she kept me on the phone for hours.I was so __34____to find someone who cared.She saved my life.

I was 15 when my father died.He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to___35____, even me.He didn’t want to call  attention to AIDS.I do.

1.                A.as             B.though         C.as if  D.even if


2.                A.dangerous      B.careful         C.calm D.confident


3.                A.difficulty        B.shyness         C.secret    D.weight


4.                A.unhappily       B.lonely          C.separately D.alone


5.                A.could          B.must           C.should   D.need


6.                A.broken         B.worsened       C.damaged  D.destroyed


7.                A.pay            B.spend          C.afford    D.offer


8.                A.family          B.everyday        C.medical   D.school


9.                A.lost            B.nervous        C.disappointed   D.worried


10.               A.suffering       B.burden         C.pressure  D.sadness


11.               A.treated         B.cared          C.reacted   D.feared


12.               A.different       B.nervous        C.sensitive   D.cruel


13.               A.moved         B.retreated       C.returned  D.recovered


14.               A.leaving         B.keeping        C.stopping   D.preventing


15.               A.uneasy         B.unabsorbed     C.unprepared    D.uncomfortable


16.               A.due           B.relaxing        C.profound  D.final


17.               A.Curious        B.Strange         C.Terrified   D.Sad


18.               A.encountered    B.visited         C.called D.contracted


19.               A.lucky          B.dramatic        C.romantic  D.magical


20.               A.anyone         B.someone       C.nobody   D.none




Tom likes playing the violin and is good at English.______his sister.

A.So is             B.So does           C.It is so with        D.It is the same with



I don’t like talking on_____telephone,I prefer writing____letters.

A.a the             B.the /             C.the the           D.a /



He____to school,so he turned off the alarm clock and went back to sleep.

A.needn’t have gone                     B.hasn’t needed to go

C.needn’t go                           D.didn’t need to go



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