满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你叫李华, 是一位高一学生。最近你发现一些同学在教室使用手机,影响学习。请用...

假如你叫李华, 是一位高一学生。最近你发现一些同学在教室使用手机,影响学习。请用英语给校长写封信,反映这些同学在教室使用手机的情况,并提出两条建议。







4、参考词汇:手机的铃声the ringing of mobile phones   短信short messages

Dear principal,

I’m Li Hua, a student in Senior Grade One. Recently some students bring their mobile phones to the classroom and…









Dear principal, I’m Li Hua, a student in Senior Grade One. Recently some students bring their mobile phones to the classroom and we often hear the ringing of mobile phones, which has a bad effect on our study. What’s worse, some of them even waste precious time in class typing short messages on the mobile phone. In my opinion, the classroom is a place for students to study, so quietness is badly needed for us to learn our lessons. To keep the classroom quiet, I suggest our school make the following rules about the use of mobile phones in the classroom. First, those with mobile phones should turn them off in class. Second, they should not talk on the phone or send short messages in the classroom. I think, if anyone breaks the rules, proper ways should be thought of to punish him or her. Best wishes! Yours sincerely,  Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇建议信,文章的要点基本上都给了出来,考生只需要翻译即可,难度不大,在写作的时候要运用合适的连接词把要点串联起来,选择词汇的时候要选择相对高级的词汇,也要运用多种句型,让文章更有变化。注意改变文章的样式。难度在于选择合适的词汇和句型表达文章需要的意思,可以变换使用一些容易驾驭的句子或者词汇实现同样的目的。要使用合适的连接词来连接各要点,使文章成为一个整体。 考点:考查应用文写作







During the past years of high school, I have had a lot of unforgettable

experience. One of them when my class prepared to a group singing competition of our

school. In order to win competition, we went all out for it. During the two weeks before

the competition, we use every chance to practice singing in our free time, and our music

teacher offered to helping us improve our singing skills. Although the job needed lots of

time and patience, but every participant took it serious and did their best. Thank to our

hard work, we won first prize. Hearing the excited news, we were all wild with joy. The

moment we got the prize, an old say hit y mind ----No pains, no gains.















2.词数:150 左右。


消耗consume (vt.)尾气the waste gas








Last Saturday,I put my wallet in the bag which was at back of my bike.I rode for about half an hour.As I neared my home I found that I kept the bag opening all the way.The wallet had fallen out somewhere in the way,it made me upset.Just then I received a phone call saying that my neighbor is waiting for me..Someone had sent it to my home.I felt very pleasing and I went home at once.It was turned out that I put my ID card in the wallet.No one was at home for he gave it to my neighbor.I have never found out what he was because he did not tell my neighbors his name when he left.



Bushwick is a tough place to grow up. This part of Brooklyn, in New York City, has a lot of crime. More than half of its 100,000 residents rely on aid from the government. Only 50% of students at Bushwick High School graduate in four years.

Some people might say, “We should help these poor kids who have so many challenges.” But Malaak Compton-Rock looks at the teens in Bushwick and says, “ Go to help kids who have even bigger challenges than you do.” She believes that once young people see the power they have to make things better, they can handle their own problems more easily. So her service group, the Angel Rock Project, took 30 Bushwick kids to Soweto, in South Africa, to help poor families there. Soweto is a township outside the city of Johannesburg. The effort, called Journey for Change, aims to show that any kid can change the world.

“Kids in Bushwick face pressure to drop out of school or become involved in gangs and drugs.” Says Compton-Rock. “We want them to live a life of purpose and service.”

In Soweto, many parents have died of AIDS, a deadly disease. When that happens, a grandparent or a child must lead the family. The Bushwick volunteers helped such families. They tended vegetable gardens, cared for babies and bought groceries.

“The saddest thing was when we visited an orphanage (孤儿院) and I helped a little boy who had been abandoned because he had HIV, the virus that causes AIDS,” says Queen Clyde, 12. “It‘s been good to be on this trip. But what’s also important is what we do when it’s finished. That’s what counts.” “ I never appreciated what I had until I saw some people who had nothing,” says Sadara Lewis, 12 “It’s really changed my attitude. I want to make a difference.”

The trip was two weeks long. But the kids, aged 12 to 15, will spend all year speaking about their experience, fund-raising and more.

1.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.Bushwick is the poorest place in New York City.

B.Bushwick still needs more care from the government.

C.It is children who suffer most in New York City.

D.Children in Bushwick are living in a bad situation.

2.In Compton-Rock’s opinion, the Bushwick kids __________.

A.have few challenges

B.should be kept out of schools

C.can learn to deal with their own problems by helping others

D.are living much better than people in Africa

3.Compared to Bushwick kids, some children in Soweto __________.

A.may have bigger challenges

B.receive no care from the government

C.are much more independent

D.are able to lead the family

4.According to the passage, “Journey for Change” can be best seen as the saying “________”.

A.God helps those who help themselves

B.saying and doing are two things

C.one stone kills two birds

D.a friend in need is a friend indeed

5.From the passage we know that __________.

A.there are few students in Bushwick High School

B.the trip to Soweto will have a long influence in spite of its short time.

C.most children are suffering from AIDS in Soweto

D.kids with HIV will be abandoned in Soweto



It was Thanksgiving morning and in the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together. “Any old papers, lady?” asked one of them.

I was busy. I wanted to say “no” until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing thin little sandals, wet with heavy snow.

“Come in and I’ll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”

They walked over and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor. I served them cocoa and bread with jam to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started again on my household budget.

The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, “Lady, are you rich?”

I looked at my shabby slipcovers. The girl put her cup back in its saucer carefully and said, “Your cups match your saucers.” Her voice was hungry with a need that no amount of food could supply. They left after that, holding their bundles of papers against the wind. They hadn’t said “Thank you.” They didn’t need to. They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful. Plain blue china cups and saucers were only worth five pence. But they matched.

I tasted the potatoes and stirred the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a good steady job—these matched, too.

I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy prints of small sandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.

1.Two children came to the writer’s front door because _________________.

A.it was Thanksgiving Day                   B.they were beggars

C.they wanted old papers                   D.they wanted a cup of cocoa

2.Why did the writer let the children in?

A.She showed great pity on them

B.She had old papers to sell

C.She wanted to invite them to her Thanksgiving feast

D.She wanted them to see how rich she was

3.The girl thought the writer was rich perhaps because ________________.

A.she saw that the lady’s room was comfortable

B.she saw the cups matched the saucers

C.the writer’s slipcovers were very new

D.the writer was preparing a big meal while she was too hungry.

4.From the passage, we can infer that whether you are rich depends on ________.

A.how much money you have had

B.how you feel about your life

C.how you have helped others

D.what job your husband is doing

5.The writer left the muddy prints of small sandals on the floor for a while to ____________.

A.show her husband that someone had come

B.remind her that she had helped two children

C.remind her that she was very rich in the neighborhood

D.remind her how life should be



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