满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

People do not analyze every problem they...

People do not analyze every problem they meet.Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a   36  problem.They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people.Other times they begin to act without thinking; they try to find a solution by trial and error.  37  , when all of these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing.There are six   38  in analyzing a problem.

First the person must recognize that there is a problem.For example, Sam's bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does.Sam must   39  that there is a problem with his bicycle.

Next the person must   40  the problem.Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work.For example, he must   41  the parts that are wrong.

Now the person must look for   42  that will make the problem clearer and lead to 43  solutions.For example, suppose Sam decides that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes.  44  , he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes,   45  his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.

After   46   the problem, the person should have   47  suggestions for a possible solution.Take Sam as an example   48  , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones.

In the end, one   49   seems to be the solution to the problem.Sometimes the   50 idea comes quite   51  because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a   52  way.Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum(口香糖)stuck to a brake.He   53  hits on the solution to his problem: he must   54  the brake.

Finally the solution is   55  .Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly.In short, he has solved the problem.

1.                A.usual          B.serious         C.similar    D.common


2.                A.Instead         B.Besides         C.Otherwise D.However


3.                A.conditions      B.ways           C.stages    D.orders


4.                A.prove          B.explain         C.show D.see


5.                A.find           B.judge          C.describe  D.face


6.                A.determine      B.check          C.correct   D.recover


7.                A.skills           B.answers        C.explanation    D.information


8.                A.exact          B.possible        C.real  D.special


9.                A.Once in a while   B.In other words   C.First of all D.At this time


10.               A.talk to          B.look for        C.agree with D.depend on


11.               A.settling down    B.discussing       C.comparing with D.studying


12.               A.enough        B.extra          C.several    D.countless


13.               A.again          B.secondly        C.also  D.alone


14.               A.conclusion      B.suggestion      C.decision   D.discovery


15.               A.clear          B.next           C.final  D.new


16.               A.late           B.unexpectedly    C.clearly    D.often


17.               A.different       B.simple         C.quick D.sudden


18.               A.easily          B.fortunately      C.clearly    D.immediately


19.               A.separate        B.clean          C.loosen    D.remove


20.               A.completed      B.recorded       C.tested D.accepted



1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16. B 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲的是一般情况下人们的思维方式很少有人分析他们所遇到的问题而是试图记住问题的答案,进而举例说明解决问题的过程首先要认识到有问题接下来对问题进行归类而且对问题进行研究、找出问题产生的原因。解决问题的过程也可以向别人咨询一切为了学生的发展一切为了家长的心愿找出问题的解决办法。 1.考查形容词:A.usual平常的,B. serious严肃的C.similar相似的D.common共同的,有时人们从上次类似问题的解决方法中寻找答案。答案:C 2.考查副词:A. Instead相反的B.Besides此外C.Otherwise否则D.However然而,句意:然而,当所有现成的、不动脑筋的方法解决不了问题的时候,人们不得不开始分析这个问题。答案:D。 3.考查A.conditions条件B. ways方法C.stages阶段D.orders命令,从后面各段可以得知分析问题有六个步骤。答案:C 4.考查动词:A.prove证明B. explain解释C.show展示D.see看见,首先,Sam一定要看出单车有问题。答案:D 5.考查动词:A.find发现B. judge判断C.describe描述D.face面对,第二步是找出问题。其他选项和后面所举例子不符。选A. 6.考查动词:A.determine决定B. check检查C.correct纠正D.recover恢复,判定是哪些零件出了问题。check是“检查”的意思,问题还没查出来,当然就谈不上“检查出错的零件”了。所以B不妥。答案:A 7.考查名词:A.skills技能B. answers回答C.explanation解释D.information信息,从后面所举例子中可以看出,第三步是寻找有关的(解决问题)的信息(如看书,问修车的朋友)。答案:D 8.考查形容词:A.exact确实的B. possible可能的C.real真的D.special特殊的,这些信息可能会导致问题的解决。B、C项过于绝对,D项意义不符。答案:A 9.考查词组:A.Once in a while偶尔B. In other words换句话说C.First of all首先D.At this time这次,这次,他可以看修自行车的书。选D。 10.考查词组:A.talk to谈论B. look for寻找C.agree with同意D.depend on取决于,和自行车商店的朋友谈谈,选A。 11.考查动词和短语:A.settling down定居B. discussing讨论C.comparing with对比,D.studying研究,上面所做的事情属于研究问题范畴,故选D。 12.考查形容词:A.enough足够的,B. extra额外的C.several 几个, D.countless数不清的,第四步是提出数个解决方案。从后面所举例子看,several比较适合。答案:C 13.考查副词:A.again再次B. secondly第二C.also也D.alone孤单,还是拿Sam举例。选A. 14.考查名词:A.conclusion结论B. suggestion建议C.decision决定, D.discovery发现,从前面的his suggestions might be:可知选B。 15.考查形容词:A.clear清晰的B. next下一个C.final最后的D.new新的,这里指最后的解决办法。选C。 16.考查副词:A.late迟的B. unexpectedly预料不到的C.clearly清楚地D.often经常地,从后面的单车刹车上粘了一块口香糖例子中可以看出,有时解决问题的方法实际上很简单,出乎人们意料之外。答案:B。 17.考查形容词:A.different不同的B. simple简单的,C.quick快的D.sudden从不同的角度去看问题。答案:A。 18.考查副词:A.easily容易的B. fortunately幸运的C.clearly清楚的D.immediately立即,因为问题非常简单,Sam马上想出了解决问题的方法。答案:D 19.考查动词:A.separate分离B. clean打扫,清洁C.loosen使变松D.remove去掉,解决问题的办法就是清洁刹车。选B。 20.考查动词:A.completed完成B. recorded记录C.tested 检验D.accepted接受,最后一步是检验解决问题的方案是否可行有效。答案:C 考点:考查日常生活类短文

—Here is a ticket for you, Sir.

      I wasn’t speeding.

A.what’s the matter?                     B.I’m sorry.

C.Thank you.                            D.My pleasure.



There is a possibility that these hens could be frightened and lay fewer eggs       a sudden loud noise.

A.should there be                        B.there was

C.would there be                         D.there having been



—I’m going to the post office.

      you’re there, can you buy me some stamps?

A.Because          B.While            C.As               D.If



—How long            in America?

—Two years. I came back last month.

A.have you studied                       B.do you study

C.would you study                        D.did you study



What will we do when all the oil in the world has          ?

A.run out of         B.been given out     C.been used up      D.given off



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