满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The employers often give the job to ____...

The employers often give the job to ________they believe have work experience with strong sense of duty.

A.whichever         B.those who         C.who              D.whomever


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:老板经常把工作给他们相信他们有工作经验和强烈的责任感的人。they believe是插入语,后面的从句缺少主语,同时这里还缺少连词,故排除AD;又根据to后必须是人,故排除C,因为who引导的是句子,而不是人,those是先行词指那些人,who引导的是定语从句,故选B。 考点:考查定语从句的用法。

_______, and students having returned, the school will start with ________ effort in the work that lies before it.

A.The summer vacation is over; refreshing

B.As the summer vacation over; renewed

C.The summer vacation being over; renewed

D.With the summer vacation being over; refreshing



Staying in hospital and taking special medicines ________ drug users an opportunity to stay away from drugs, which is________ the key to breaking the addiction to drugs lies.

A.serves; where      B.provides; what      C.give; that          D.allow; where



With the fight against piracy ________, more and more people find that authentic CDs and DVDs deserve ________.

A.furthered; buying                       B.furthered; to buy

C.furthering; to be bought                  D.furthering; buying



If your friend comes here with any more criticism about how we bring the children up, I'll tell him to ________ his own business.  

A.take pleasure in    B.go about          C.be trapped in      D.cater to



________, according to the study in 6 out of 10 patients, all symptoms ________ what the researchers had expected.

A.To conclude; corresponded to

B.In a conclusion; corresponded to

C.Having drawn a conclusion; corresponded with

D.To be concluded; corresponded with



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