满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

-You seem to know little about Yancheng ...

-You seem to know little about Yancheng Middle School. Aren’t you a teacher here?

-No, but I ________.

A.hope to           B.hope that          C.hope it           D.hope to be


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你似乎对于盐城中学不了解,难道你不是这里的老师吗?--是的,我不是,我倒希望是。这是省略,完整的是but I hope to be a teacher here.故选D。 考点:考查省略的用法。

Never should we forget the war and sufferings ________ caused to the people.

A.it                B.which            C.that              D.what



________Yan yanhong, a kindergarten teacher in Zhejiang Province ________ the boy by holding up him by his ears, his feet about 10 cm off the ground, she ________ free to live her own life now.

A.If; didn’t abuse; would be

B.Had; not abused; would have been

C.If; shouldn’t abuse; should have been

D.Had; not abused; would be



The employers often give the job to ________they believe have work experience with strong sense of duty.

A.whichever         B.those who         C.who              D.whomever



_______, and students having returned, the school will start with ________ effort in the work that lies before it.

A.The summer vacation is over; refreshing

B.As the summer vacation over; renewed

C.The summer vacation being over; renewed

D.With the summer vacation being over; refreshing



Staying in hospital and taking special medicines ________ drug users an opportunity to stay away from drugs, which is________ the key to breaking the addiction to drugs lies.

A.serves; where      B.provides; what      C.give; that          D.allow; where



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