满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We missed our train, and ________ the ne...

We missed our train, and ________ the next train was delayed, ________ we had to wait for another two hours.

A.on top of that; so                       B.as a result; thus

C.what was worse; therefore                D.apart from that; then


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们误了火车,而且更糟的是下一列火车也晚点了。on top of另外;what was worse更糟的是,它是独立使用,所以它的后面必须加上逗号。thus ,so 和therefore后面都可以跟结果。根据句意故选A。 考点:考查副词及短语的用法。

-I’ll come to see your performance at 9:00 tomorrow morning.

-I’m sorry, by then my performance ______ and I _______ reporters in the meeting room.

A.will end; will meet                       B.will have ended; will be meeting

C.will be ended; am going to meet            D.is to end; will be meeting



-You seem to know little about Yancheng Middle School. Aren’t you a teacher here?

-No, but I ________.

A.hope to           B.hope that          C.hope it           D.hope to be



Never should we forget the war and sufferings ________ caused to the people.

A.it                B.which            C.that              D.what



________Yan yanhong, a kindergarten teacher in Zhejiang Province ________ the boy by holding up him by his ears, his feet about 10 cm off the ground, she ________ free to live her own life now.

A.If; didn’t abuse; would be

B.Had; not abused; would have been

C.If; shouldn’t abuse; should have been

D.Had; not abused; would be



The employers often give the job to ________they believe have work experience with strong sense of duty.

A.whichever         B.those who         C.who              D.whomever



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