满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

German Chancellor Angela Markel says uni...

German Chancellor Angela Markel says united Europe could fail if Eurozone (欧元区)      over debt problems in Greece, Italy and other weaker economies.

A.pulls up           B.pulls down         C.breaks up         D.breaks down


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。A停车;提高,改进;B毁坏,拆毁;C关系破裂,分解;D身体垮掉,机器抛锚;句意:德国大臣Angela Markel如果欧盟在希腊,意大利以及其它的较为薄弱的经济体的债务问题不能解决,那么欧盟就可能分解。本句中的break up表示分解。根据句意说明C项正确。 考点:考查动词短语辨析

She didn’t come back to her hometown for five years and ______, she had got married and had a couple of kids.

A.to be honest       B.above all          C.on the other hand   D.in the meantime



For more information on how to apply for scholarship, ______ our Web site at www.edu/scholarship.

A.visiting           B.to visit            C.visit              D.visits



----Hello,Jane,have you arrived at the hotel?

-----Yeah,busy         .I’ll call back later.

A.checking in        B.to check in         C.checking out       D.to check out



---I'm trying to find yesterday's newspaper. Have you seen it?

---I'm afraid that I ________ it away. I thought you had finished reading it.

A.will throw         B.had thrown        C.throw            D.threw



----If this had happened to you, what would you have done?

----Me? I ________ the alarm.

A.would turn on                          B.would have turned on

C.had turned on                          D.must have turned on



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