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Captain Henry,a 98"year—old American ret...

Captain Henry,a 98"year—old American retired fisherman,has become a first—time author.having written and published his autobiography In a Fisherman’s Language after learning to read at the age of 91.

Mr.Henry spent most of his life without even his closest family members knowing he wasilliterate(不识字的).Forced to quit school in the third grade to take odd jobs,he kept the secret close to his chest,only telling his late wife.Henry’s granddaughter,Marlisa,told reporters how he used tricks,like waiting for others to order at restaurants first,to avoid the issue.

A family dispute(纠纷)in his 90s,she said,aroused his desire for education.“He signed a document he could not read about where he was going to live, Marlisa said.Starting with his name,he eventually moved on to the ABC’s and children’s books.He put them down since his wife fell ill.After the tragic loss of his wife,、he went back to reading and began to log his life.He wrote about his family’s voyage from Portugal to the US,how he went on to captain a boat,and his many journeys at sea. 

His life stories have become so popular that nearly 800 copies were sold in the first two weeks after the book’s release.One thousand more have since been printed as requests for the book flood in from as far as Germany.And now even Hollywood producers have approached Mr.Henry about buying the rights to his life story for a big screen adaptation.

The family also now has a book agent and a deal in the works to publish a second edition.Meanwhile,the family says they are reconnecting and closer than ever as a result of Henry’s.1ate—life efforts..“Everyone has a story,”Marlisa said.“It teaches that when you’re down and out.  never give up.”

1.When did Henry begin writing his life story?

A.When he was 91 years old.              B.After his wife passed away.

C.When he was 98 years old.               D.After he retired from work.

2.Which of the following is true?

A.Hollywood wishes to make a movie out of his book.

B.Henry never told anyone that he couldn’t read or write.

C.Henry began his reading with some famous novels.

D.Henry’s book was well-received only by Americans.

3.How did Henry’s family benefit from his writing?

A.The family got more money from the 2nd edition.

B.The family ties were rebuilt and strengthened.

C.His family moved from Portugal to the USA.

D.His family story has been made into a movie.

4.What message can Henry’s story give us?

A.Great minds think alike.                 B.Every coin has two sides.

C.Practice makes perfect.                 D.One is never too old to learn.


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍了亨利做为一名老渔夫,他91岁才开始学习写字,在妻子去世后写作,他的自传书成了畅销书,我们可以得到启发:活到老学到老。选D 1.细节题:从第三段的句子:After the tragic loss of his wife,、he went back to reading and began to log his life.He wrote about his family’s voyage from Portugal to the US,可知是在他的妻子去世后,他开始写作的,选B 2.推理题:从倒数第二段的句子:And now even Hollywood producers have approached Mr.Henry about buying the rights to his life story for a big screen adaptation.可知好莱坞想拍摄他的人生故事。选A 3.推理题:从最后一段的句子:Meanwhile,the family says they are reconnecting and closer than ever as a result of Henry’s.1ate—life efforts.. 可知因为亨利的晚年的努力,他的家庭关系得到重建并加强了。选B 4.主旨题:从亨利的故事可以看出,他91岁才开始学习写字,并开始写作,取得了重大成就,我们可以得到启发:活到老学到老。选D 考点:考查故事类短文

A little boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because a disease made his leg lame.He 36 played with his classmates.When the teacher asked him to answer questions,he always 37  his head without a word.

One 38 the boy’father asked for some saplings(树苗)from the neighbor.He wanted the 39 t0.plant a sapling each person in front of the house。The father said,“Wh6se sapling grows  best,  1  will  buy him  or her  a  favorite 40."    Seeing his  brothers  and  sisters  watering the trees,however,the boy had an idea.tie,hoped that the tree he planted would 41  soon.S0. after watering it once or twice,he never 42 it.

A few days later,when the little boy went、to see his tree again,he was 43 to find that it didn’t fade but grew some fresh leaves. 44 the trees of his brothers and sisters,his tree was even greener.His father kept his 45, bought the little boy his favorite gift and said that from the tree he planted,he would become an outstanding 46  when he grew up.

Since then,the little boy slowly became 47 .One night,he lay on the bed but eouldn’t sleep Then he got up and came to the 48.T0 his surprise,his 49 was splashing something onto his tree. 50,he understood——his father had been  51  fertilizing his small tree!

He returned to his room,52 running down  53 passed.The little boy didn’t become a botanist,but he was elected President of the United States.His name was Franklin Rooseveh.

Love is the 54 nourishment(营养)of life.55 it is just a drop of clear water,it can still help the tree of life thrive(茁壮成长).

1.                A.bravely         B.seldom         C.freely    D.always


2.                A.raised          B.nodded         C.lowered  D.knocked


3.                A.spring          B.moment        C.winter    D.week


4.                A.neighbors       B.friends         C.children  D.boys


5.                A.sapling         B.tree           C.gift  D.toy


6.                A.die            B.grow           C.break    D.survive


7.                A.1ed to         B.attended to      C.belonged to   D.objected to


8.                A.pleased        B.upset          C.worried  D.surprised


9.                A.Compared with   B.Similar to        C.Connected to  D.Popular with


10.               A.request        B.schedule       C.promise   D.secret


11.               A.president       B.botanist        C.artist D.researcher


12.               A.smart          B.desperate       C.optimistic.    D.practical


13.               A.field           B.courtyard       C.park  D.farm


14.               A.brother        B.sister          C.father D.neighbor


15.               A.All of a sudden   B.For a moment    C.In time    D.From then on


16.               A.busily          B.quietly         C.cautiously  D.secretly


17.               A.water          B.tears           C.sweat D.rain


18.               A.Hours          B.Months         C.Decades   D.Centuries


19.               A.1ast           B.only           C.1east D.best


20.               A.Even if         B.Now that        C.If only D.What if




--       has brought worldwide attention to China?

—Rapid and steady economic growth,of course.

A.What do you think it is

B.What do you think is it

C.What do you think it is that

D.What do you think is it that



The man went to bed,   and when he woke up,he found his shoes still on.

A.having drunk       B.being drunk        C.drinking           D.drunk



The smoggy weather has made us realize       terrible problems we are laced with.

A.how             B.what             C.that              D.which



以“Teenagers Should Form a Good Habit”为题,写一篇120个词左右的短文。要求言之有理,内容连贯。


1. 我们要养成一个什么好习惯;

2. 为什么要养成这个好习惯;

3. 我们如何养成这个好习惯。



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