满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Simply learn to live in the present, ___...

Simply learn to live in the present, ________ think so much about the future or the past.

A.rather than        B.other than         C.more than         D.less than


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查词组:A. rather than而不是   B. other than除了      C. more than不仅仅     D. less than少于,句意:只是要学会活在当下,不是想太多的过去和未来。选A。 考点:考查词组

--- How much shall I pay for the phone call?

--- You ________. This is free of charge.

A.shouldn’t        B.can’t            C.don’t have to     D.mustn’t



Mary, stop to have a rest. You _________ the flowers in your garden for nearly two hours.

A.are watering                           B.were watering

C.water                                D.have been watering



--- What’s that noise?

--- Oh, my God! I ________ to turn the tap off after I brushed my teeth.

A.forget                                B.forgot

C.was forgetting                          D.had forgotten



Though our city has a good public transport system, _______ private car is becoming _________ popular means of transport.

A.a; /              B.the; the           C.the; a            D./; the



--- It’s already 10 years since we parted from school. Shall we have a get-together this month?

--- ________.

A.It’s a pleasure.                        B.That’s all right.

C.It’s very kind of you.                    D.I can’t agree more.



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