满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My sister and I have been a headache for...

My sister and I have been a headache for my mother, because my father was in the army, he was not around too often. __21__, my mother brought us up almost single-handedly and it must have __22__ real strength of mind to bring up such naughty and stubborn children who got out from one trouble only to get into another.

Bonus and I weren’t scholars either. __23__, we hated studying from the very beginning. We were __24__ to spend time with our schoolbooks---out of the fear of Mum’s scolding. I almost did not make it to 10th grade. That entire summer Mum __25__ that I read my schoolbooks from the very first chapter till the last.

I left __26__ college at 18. In my second year of college, while I was studying for my final exams, I got a phone call from Mum __27__ my sister had failed her 9th grade exams. Mum was heartbroken. My mother was an English teacher in a famous school in the city and it was a(n) __28__ for her.

Then started another __29__ for my Mum. There always seemed to be people who would come and talk about how well their children were doing __30__ my mother would be having a tough time making sure we stayed on the right path. Mum was __31__ that we would do well for ourselves. She never let my sister and me __32__ that we had lost out on something and always told us: “Let this be a lesson. We are going to work really really hard...__33__ will change.”

Things did change, but very slowly and __34__, one little step at a time. Last year I finished with law school and started working. My mother’s belief in me __35__. And just a few days ago I got a phone from Bonus. She had __36__ the exam with honors and was __37__ to the best university in the country. I was in tears. Later that night I __38__ Mum: “Mum, your two little failures didn’t do as badly as everybody thought.” Mum __39__ and said: “You are my daughters and I knew you the best. I always knew that you would succeed. It was just a __40__ of time.”

1.                A.However       B.Thus           C.Otherwise D.Besides


2.                A.devoted        B.spent          C.taken D.wasted


3.                A.In that case      B.In this way       C.On the other hand  D.On the contrary


4.                A.pleased        B.annoyed        C.forced   D.advised


5.                A.demanded      B.concluded       C.promised D.mentioned


6.                A.at             B.for            C.from D.after


7.                A.announcing     B.reading         C.knowing  D.saying


8.                A.shame         B.challenge       C.pride D.honor


9.                A.experiment     B.research        C.conflict   D.trial


10.               A.though         B.while          C.as    D.unless


11.               A.determined     B.astonished      C.satisfied   D.concerned


12.               A.predict         B.imagine        C.guess D.feel


13.               A.Environment    B.Society         C.Circumstances  D.Impressions


14.               A.quickly         B.extremely       C.smoothly  D.gradually


15.               A.made up        B.paid off         C.took on   D.burst out


16.               A.attended       B.received        C.passed    D.failed


17.               A.accepted       B.allowed        C.admitted  D.permitted


18.               A.questioned      B.convinced      C.persuaded D.called


19.               A.nodded        B.laughed        C.shouted   D.joked


20.               A.matter         B.period         C.waste D.length



1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了妈妈很辛苦第抚养我和妹妹长大,在开始的时候我和妹妹的学习成绩表现很不好,妈妈一直都在鼓励我们,最后我们都获得了成功。 1.B 副词辨析。A然而B结果C否则D而且;父亲经常不在家,结果就是妈妈负责我们的所有事情。 2.C 动词辨析。Take的主语是事情;spend的主语是人;教育我们要花费很多的时间和精力。 3.D 短语辨析。A假如那样B用这种方法C另一方面D相反;我们都不是学习的人,相反我们讨厌学习。 4.C 动词辨析。A使…快乐B使…恼怒C强迫D建议;我们都是被迫在学校里学习的。 5.A 动词辨析。A要求B结束C允诺D提及;妈妈要求我在暑假里把书从头到尾好好学习一遍。 6.B 固定搭配。Leave for…动身去某地;在18岁的时候,我去读大学了。 7.D 动词辨析。A宣布B阅读C知道D说;我接到妈妈的电话,说我的妹妹期末考试没有及格。 8.A 名词辨析。A羞愧B挑战C骄傲D光荣;妹妹考试没有及格这对做老师的妈妈来说是一件羞愧的事情。 9.D 名词辨析。A实验B研究C冲突;D困难;对妈妈来说又一件困难的事情发生了。 10.B 连词辨析。总是有人来说他们的孩子很优秀,然而你我的妈妈很难确认我们所走的道路是否正确。 11.A 形容词辨析。A坚定B惊讶C满意D担忧;妈妈坚信我们能够做到最好。 12.D 动词辨析。A预测B想象C猜想D感觉;她从未让我们感觉到自己失去了什么,一直都在鼓励我们。 13.C 名词辨析。A环境B社会C结果D印象;妈妈一直在鼓励我们:我们会更加努力,结果会改变的。 14.D 副词辨析。A迅速B及其C顺利D渐渐;情况发生了改变,但是非常缓慢也是一个渐进的过程。 15.B 短语辨析。A组成B得到回报C呈现D爆发;妈妈对我的信任得到了回报。 16.C 动词辨析。A参加B收到C通过D失败;妹妹终于顺利的通过了考试。 17.C 固定搭配。Be admitted to…被…录取;妹妹被全国最好的大学录取了。 18.D 动词辨析。A询问B使…相信C说服D打电话;那天晚上我打电话给妈妈。 19.B 动词辨析。A点头B大笑C喊叫D开玩笑;妈妈在电话里很开心地大笑着回到我。 20.A 固定搭配。A matter of time时间的问题。妈妈说我们的成功只是时间的问题。 考点:考查故事类完型填空

—Will you complete the task in time?              

—Surely, I will. _________.

A.Everything is possible                    B.But it’s too hard

C.No matter what will happen                D.Though it’s a piece of cake



--So you know Catherine?

---Yes, it was last week_____ she came to visit my roommate Jane.

A.that              B.when             C.since             D.before



________there are a large number of chemical factories, the air is likely to be polluted.

A.Where           B.That          C.Though           D.As



They weighed the advantages of the operation ______ all the possible risks involved over and over again.

A.within         B.except        C.behind      D.against





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