满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was two decades         . (get)


2.The more often you seize opportunities to talk to the foreigners,______________when speaking a foreign language . (confident)


3.Back to 1942 directed by Feng Xiaogang tells a true story in 1942,           in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.(engage)


4.He is tired of dealing with the complaints of customers. More than once he has told me his desire that______________to do another job of the department.(appoint)


5.Though there has been some talk, never_____________________________whether the legendary treasure is hidden in the mountain.(clear)


6.She has succeeded. She is pleased that her devotion to studying ___________ .(pay)


7.With______________his lecture about the endangered animals, the professor has been preparing for it all the day. (attend)


8.Smart phones enable workers to keep in contact in______________impractical before.(think)


9.In my opinion, it is his measures rather than his ability______________. (blame)


10.As it turned out to be a small house party, we ______________ so formally. (dress)



1.before they got together 2.the more confident you will be/feel 3.when the Chinese (people) were engaged 4.he (should) be appointed 5.has it been made clear 6.has paid off 7.many students to attend 8.what they thought was/a way that they thought was 9.that are to blame 10.needn’t have dressed up/needn’t have been dressed 【解析】 试题分析: 1.这是固定句型it be some time +before…,过了多久就……, 故用before they got together. 2.这是固定句式the +比较级+主语+谓语+……,the +比较级+主语+谓语+……,故用the more confident you will be/feel 3.因为有了主句,所以缺少从句,be engaged in 从事于;是固定短语。故用when the Chinese (people) were engaged. 4.desire 后的从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词是(should)+do;这里又是被任命所以用被动语态,故用he (should) be appointed. 5.never 放在句首用部分倒装,这里it是形式主语,真正是主语是whether引导的从句。故用has it been made clear. 6.这里pay off是固定短语,得到回报的意思,用现在完成时强调对现在造成的影响,故用has paid off. 7.这里是with的复合结构,with+宾语+to do ;用to do 表示将要发生的动作,故用many students to attend. 8.这里可以用what引导的宾语从句;也可用a way 作宾语,that 后是定语从句,故用what they thought was/a way that they thought was. 9.应该受责备是固定短语be to blame,这里是强调句型,it be+被强调部分+that+其他,故用that are to blame. 10.用needn’t have done 表示过去没有必要做某事而做了,故用needn’t have dressed up/needn’t have been dressed. 考点:完成句子。

This year, the World Mental Health Day on Oct 10 was marked by the theme: “Depression: A Global Crisis”. According to the World Federation for Mental Health and the WHO, depression has moved beyond the medical domain(领域) to become a social problem. Statistics from the Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center show that of the 287,000 people who commit suicide in China every year, 70 percent are victims of depression.

“This equates to one depression victim taking their life every three minutes,” cited CCTV recently. According to the Beijing-based Capital Medical University, the number of depression patients has been on the rise in the past years and now accounts for 5 to 10 percent of the population, more than the global average of 5 percent.

Wang Shaoli, vice-president of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital, a medical center specializing in mental health, said that what makes depression so widespread is that everybody can get it.

“No one is immune to depression,” said Wang. “It has become a social problem because depression kills one’s social capabilities, such as communication, and leads to a negative social mentality.”

According to Wang, depression can be treated with medicine and early psychological consultation. The real problem is the lack of awareness surrounding the issue.

“People with mental health illnesses are discriminated against,” said Wang. “So they are reluctant to go to hospital and often keep the pain to themselves, which only makes matters worse.” Only one in 10 depression victims are properly treated in China, according to the Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center.

“When people get depressed, it becomes part of their thoughts, making them negative, even desperate,” said Wang. “And the ideas are difficult to change.” That’s why Wang suggests early intervention.

“Normally it takes about nine months to treat depression,” said Wang. “But in most cases, patients drop treatment half way when they feel some progress.”

1.How is Para1& 2 mainly supported when it tells that depression has become a social problem?

A.By giving data                          B.By making definition

C.By analyzing causes                      D.By making comparisons

2.According to the passage, which of the following are true EXCEPT________ ? 

A.people with depression are more likely to commit suicide.

B.the percentage of depression patients is larger in China than that in the world.

C.more and more people have been suffering from depression.

D.depression can destroy people’s immune system and social capabilities

3.People with mental illnesses are unwilling to go to hospital because __________.

A.the victims think that they will get well soon

B.they are discriminated against and don’t want others to know their illnesses

C.there are few medical centers specializing in mental health

D.there is no way to treat them

4.In Wang Shaoli’s opinion, the better way to deal with mental problem is to _________.

A.force the victims to go to hospital

B.keep their pain to themselves when it appears

C.keep positive and get early psychological consultation

D.more medical centers should be set up



If you live in America in the 21st century you'll probably have to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It's become the default response when you ask anyone how they are doing:"Busy!""Crazy busy!".It is,pretty obviously,a boast disguised as a complaint. And the common response is a kind of congratulation:"That's a good problem to have,"or"Better than the opposite."

Notice it isn't generally people pulling back-to-back shifts in the ICU or commuting by bus to three minimum-wage jobs who tell you how busy they are.What those people are is not busy but tired.Exhausted!Dead on their feet.It's almost always people whose busyness is purely self-imposed:work and obligations they've taken on voluntarily,classes and activities they've "encouraged" their kids to participate in.They're busy because of their own ambition or drive or anxiety,because they're addicted to busyness and dread that they might have to face in its absence.

Almost everyone I know is busy. They feel anxious and guilty when they aren't either working or doing something to promote their work.It's something they have chosen.Busyness serves as a kind of existential reassurance(令人安心的保证),a measure against emptiness,obviously your life cannot possibly be silly or tiny or meaningless if you are so busy,completely booked,in demand every hour of the day.

Idleness is not just a vacation.It is as necessary to the brain as vitamin D is to the body,and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as ugly as rickets.The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole,for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration."Idle dreaming is often the essence of what we do,"wrote Thomas Pynchon.Archimedes' "Eureka"in the bath, Newton's apple :history is full of stories of inspirations that come in idle moments.

1.When many Americans say"Crazy busy", they mean______.

A.they are really tired of their present situation

B.they are really proud of their present life

C.they are complaining about their current work

D.their life are full of all kinds of problems

2.The writer mentions Archimedes' "Eureka"and Newton's apple to show that________.

A.history is full of interesting stories

B.Archimedes and Newton were very busy, so they made great discoveries

C.people may get inspiration when they are idle

D.inspirations come from hard work

3.The word "its" in the second paragraph refers to_______________________________.

A.ambition          B.anxiety           C.busyness          D.dread

4.From the article,we can infer that ___________________________________.

A.generally people pulling back-to-back shifts in the ICU tell you they are busy

B."Dead on their feet" means "being tired out"

C.all the kids are self-imposed due to the drive and motivation

D.The author seems to agree that idleness is better than busyness



The homeless dog, known as Xiao Sa, has been following a team of cyclists for 24 days along 1,833 kilometers of highway from Kangding, Sichuan province, to Lhasa in Tibet.

Nobody knows where the white dog came from or how long she has been straying on highway G318. Netizens call her the "dog with determination" and the micro blog "Go Go Xiao Sa" recording her life has attracted more than 37,000 followers in two weeks.

A picture of Xiao Sa in the arms of a young man in front of the Potala Palace on Thursday night drew more than 4,000 comments congratulating the small dog and expressing dreams of going to Lhasa.

The young man in the picture is Zhang Heng, 22, a student in Wuhan, Hubei province. As his graduation trip, he decided to face the challenge of riding to Lhasa alone. On the way he met a lonely dog. "She was lying, tired, on the street around Yajiang, Sichuan province," he said. "So we fed her, and then she followed our team.”

"We felt she might want to come along with us, so we decided to bring her along to the end." A week later, Zhang and his buddies opened a micro blog account for her. "We thought the dog was encouraging us, and wanted others to know its story," he said. They created the name Xiao Sa by combining xiao meaning "little" with the last syllable of Lhasa.

During their journey, Xiao Sa, Zhang and his team covered more than 1,700 kilometers and climbed 10 mountains higher than 4,000 meters. Xiao Sa just ran up the mountains or along dirt roads.

"Many people stopped cycling in some sections, then took the bus, but the dog made it," he said. Zhang put the dog on the back of the bike when the team was riding downhill. "The speed can reach 70 kilometers per hour, impossible for the dog to catch us."

Zhang Heng, who accompanied Xiao Sa for 20 days, called her "a buddy and a friend". "I would like to take the dog home and take care of her. She has been a stray on the road for a long time. She needs a home."

1.How did the netizens feel when they read the micro blog related to the dog?

A.inspired          B.sympathetic        C.pitiful            D.unbelievable

2.Zhang Heng and his team opened a micro blog account for the dog just because __________.

A.the dog is very cute and friendly

B.the dog encouraged them and they wanted more people to know its story

C.it is the first dog to travel to Lhasa

D.They had nothing else to do on their journey

3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.The dog had been straying on highway G318 before it met the team of cyclists .

B.During their journey, Zhang and his team climbed 10 mountains higher than 4,000 meters .

C.The micro blog “Go Go Xiao Sa ”has attracted more than 37,000 followers in two weeks .

D.The dog ran alone behind them when the team was riding downhill.

4.Which might be the best title for the passage?

A.A Dog with Determination                 B.A Micro Blog and a Dog

C.Travel to Lhasa with a Dog                 D.A Dog Follows a Team



Humans aren't the only species on the planet with a penchant for electronic gadgets(小配件).Zookeepers across the US and Canada are discovering that apes also get excited about Apps.

As part of a program called"Apps for Apes",12 zoos across the two countries have been introducing iPads into the entertainment time for orangutans,the giant furry red primates native to Indonesia and Malaysia.

"We are finding that,similar to people,they like touching the tablet,watching short videos of David Attenborough for instance,and looking at other animals and orangutans," said Richard Zimmerman,founding director of Orangutan Outreach,the non-profit that runs the program.

Twice weekly,orangutans are provided with access to the tablets.The animals spend from 15 minutes to half an hour using different Apps depending on their attention span.Apps designed for children that stimulate activities such as painting,music and memory games are among the most popular Apps with the apes.

"It is a lot like when we're showing children pop-up books,"said Zimmerman,adding that the orangutans are among the most intelligent primates,with the intelligence level of a young child.

The program,which relies on donated iPads, will soon be expanding to zoos across Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Europe.

1.The word"penchant" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to________________.

A.awareness         B.addiction          C.impression        D.devotion

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the article?

A.12 zoos are involved in the program in the US.

B.Orangutans were originally found in Indonesia and Malaysia.

C.Orangutan Outreach is a successful company which earns much money.

D.All the animals in the zoo spend from 15 minutes to half an hour using different Apps.

3.It can be concluded from the passage that______________________________________.

A.the program has been successful in Europe

B.orangutans are nearly as smart as children of young ages

C.orangutans are the animals with thick shell

D.Apps are designed for orangutans to stimulate activities such as painting, and memory games

4.Which can be the best title for the text?

A.Using Apps for Apes                     B.Let’s Help Zoos

C.Wonderful Zoos Welcome You             D.A Traditional Program Will Expand



At the onset of a northern winter, many dream of warmer climates.In 1934 the Canadian-born composer Colin Mcphee did more than dream. He set out for the island of Bali.

In his book A House in Bali,Colin Mcphee described how he first gained insight into the essence of Balinese music.For about a month he had been working on transcribing a complete score to a Balinese play he had seen. It seemed impossible that so much beauty could be achieved with a scale(音阶)of only five tones.

But the distinctive embellishments(修饰音)of the music eluded him.Fortunately a young household helper and his friend decided to assist. One morning they set two objects next to Mcphee’s piano.They were gangas--metal keyed instruments.The two boys played them in what struck Mcphee as”a fast duet(二重奏) in Morse code”.

At last the composer had found the key to Balinese music.“Wait!” Mcphee would call out from the piano as the boys flew along,“Stop!Please!That bit once more!”

Patiently the boys would stop and began again.But soon they were flying again,faster than ever, amazing Mcphee with their memory and precision. Sometimes the patterns repeated.Sometimes they opened up into something new. Then, suddenly the whole duet would fly apart and the boys would burst out laughing,breaking the spell.

Although Colin Mcphee left the island in 1939,he remained spellbound by Balinese music.And its rich,distinctive sound would colour many of the compositions he would write for the next quarter century.

1.From the passage we can learn that_______________________.

A.Colin Mcphee set foot on the island of Bali in late winter

B.The book A House in Bali detailed how Colin Mcphee understood the life of the island

C.Colin Mcphee actually acquired much beauty of Balinese music

D.For a month Colin Mcphee had been watching a Balinese play he had seen before

2.The word “eluded” in the third paragraph can be replaced by________________.

A.attracted          B.shocked           C.disappointed       D.puzzled

3.Colin Mcphee was astonished because________________________.

A.the two locals played part of Balinese music once more unwillingly

B.Colin Mcphee eventually found the key to Balinese music

C.The two boys played their instruments so precisely and skillfully

D.The Balinese music displayed something new for Colin Mcphee

4.The passage is mainly about_______________________.

A.a book introducing the island of Bali

B.two Balinese boys playing gangas

C.a composer named Colin Mcphee

D.Balinese music touching Colin Mcphee



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