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Experts say the temperature in Eyjafjall...

Experts say the temperature in Eyjafjallajokull's hole appears to have fallen to 100C, meaning it is now producing steam, not magma(岩浆).

But officials warned that it was too early to say whether the eruption was over completely.

Ash clouds from the volcano grounded thousands of flights last month.

Steinunn Jakobsdottir, a geophysicist from the Icelandic Meteorological Office, told the BBC that the volcano was "kind of not active for the moment".

"The history of the volcano is such that it calms down and then it gets energy again," she said.

"There are still earthquakes under the volcano, and the small earthquake is still not quite down to what it was before the eruption."

'Difficult to say'

Magnus Gudmundsson, of Iceland University, flew over the volcano on Sunday and said information from heat cameras showed the temperatures at the crater had fallen below 100C.

But he told the AFP news agency that nothing was promised and that the previous eruption at the volcano had lasted 13 months, from 1821-23.

"It stopped and started again several times with different intervals(间隔), so it's difficult to say, difficult to give a timeline," he said.

He also said it was impossible to say whether the neighbouring Katla volcano - a much larger mountain - might also erupt.

At the height of its activity, the volcano sent out huge clouds of ash, which led to airlines grounding their planes for fear it could interfere with plane engines.

It was the biggest action of closing airspace in Europe since World War II, and affected at least 10 million passengers worldwide.

1.What do expert think Eyjafjallajokull is like now?

A.Magma is still coming out

B.The hole appears about 100 degrees C

C.The eruption was not over

D.It is very cold.

2.How do expects know the temperature in Eyjafjallajokull's hole?

A.By taking photos                        B.By taking its temperature

C.By going close to it                      D.By driving past it

3.What does Steinunn Jakobsdottir think of Eyjafjallajokull?

A.It will erupt again soon

B.It will be sleeping

C.Another mountain might also erupt

D.It’s uncertain

4.What do you think the main idea is?

A.the biggest action of closing airspace in Europe

B.the temperature in Eyjafjallajokull's hole

C.The Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland

D.The earthquake in Iceland


1.B  2.A 3.D  4.C  【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍一些专家认为埃亚菲亚德拉冰盖火山的温度降到了100C,也就是不会再爆发,但也有的专家提出不同的观点。 1.细节题:从第一段的句子:Experts say the temperature in Eyjafjallajokull's hole appears to have fallen to 100C,可知答案是:B  2.细节题:从第八段的句子:said information from heat cameras showed the temperatures at the crater had fallen below 100C. 可知答案是: A 3.细节题:从第七段的句子:'Difficult to say'可知答案是: D  4.主旨题:本文介绍一些专家认为埃亚菲亚德拉冰盖火山的温度降到了100C,也就是不会再爆发,但也有的专家提出不同的观点。选C  考点:考查新闻报道类短文

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com

Beware of those who use the truth to deceive. When someone tells you something that is   36   , but leaves out important information that should be     37  , he can create a false impression.

For example, someone might say, “I just    38    a hundred dollars on the lottery. It was great. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and     39   it in for one hundred dollars!”

This guy’s a winner,    40  ? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought two hundred     41    , and only one was a winner. He’s really a big     42   !

He didn’t say anything that was    43   , but he deliberately left out some important  44  . That’s called a half-truth. Half-truths are not technically     45  , but they are just as not   46    .

Untrustworthy candidates in     47    campaigns often use this tactic(策略,手段). Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and   48   three million jobs. Then she    49    another term. One of her opponents runs an ad    50  , “During Governor Smith’s term, the state lost one million jobs!” That’s true.    51   , an honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of   52   million jobs.”

Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. It’s    53   the law to make false claims so they try to mislead you with the    54   . An ad might boast, “Nine out of ten doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It     55   to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation.

This kind of deception happens too often. It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well.

1.                A.false           B.true           C.interesting D.boring


2.                A.included        B.contained       C.involved  D.referred


3.                A.lost            B.found          C.donated  D.won


4.                A.changed        B.took           C.turned   D.made


5.                A.right           B.well            C.really D.though


6.                A.books          B.papers         C.tickets    D.balls


7.                A.winner         B.loser           C.fighter   D.thinker


8.                A.true           B.real            C.doubtful  D.false


9.                A.details         B.information      C.mistakes  D.errors


10.               A.stories         B.truth           C.facts  D.lies


11.               A.pleasant        B.exciting        C.honest    D.clever


12.               A.political        B.commercial     C.personal   D.public


13.               A.stopped        B.found          C.avoided   D.gained


14.               A.seeks          B.gets           C.achieves   D.searches


15.               A.writing         B.reading         C.saying     D.speaking


16.               A.Otherwise      B.However        C.In fact D.This way


17.               A.one           B.two            C.three D.four


18.               A.for            B.to             C.against    D.in


19.               A.words          B.facts           C.data  D.truth


20.               A.fails           B.tries           C.manages   D.plans




Can you tell us what horses _______?

A.feed on           B.live on            C.feed by           D.live by



He said that he didn’t know ______ to deal with the matter, so I left.

A.what             B.when             C.where            D.how




现   象

1. 沉迷其中,乐此不疲;2. 身在课堂,心在农场;

3. 作业拖拉,成绩下降。

原   因

1. 寻找农耕的乐趣; 2. 释放学习的压力;3. 拉近朋友的距离。



注意:    1. 不要逐字翻译表格提示内容,应适当发挥。2. 开头已给出,不算入总词数。

3. 词数:120左右。

Nowadays, QQ Farm and Happy Farm are very popular among people from all walks of life. A large number of middle school students are also involved in the game.



文中有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:  1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Sunday I went to Beijing National Stadium. At gate I happened to meet some young America tourists. I greeted to them in English and then we began to chat. From the chat I learned that they were college students traveling in Beijing but most of them were fond of Chinese culture. They were busy taking pictures and they seem to be much impressed by the changes which had been taken place in the past few years. After come out of the Stadium, we went to the Water Cube and had a good time there. We exchanged our email address so that we could keep touch with each other later. They thanked us again and again. I was very glad to have the chance to practise my oral English.



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