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First Lady Michelle Obama urged students...

First Lady Michelle Obama urged students to visit China at the "100,000 Strong" China Study Abroad forum at Howard University in 2011.

President Barack Obama announced the "100,000 Strong" Initiative (倡议) during his 2009 visit to China. The program aims to increase and diversify the number of American students studying in China by making studying abroad more affordable.

During the event at Howard, Mrs. Obama spoke about the importance of studying abroad, something she never did while in college. "Studying in countries like China is about so much more than just improving your own prospects(前景) in the global market. The fact is that with every friendship you make and every bond of trust you establish you are shaping an image of America projected to the rest of the world," she said.

David Marzban from Pepperdine University recalled a time when he formed a cross-cultural bond with a complete stranger at a restaurant near Fudan University in Shanghai. He noticed a young chef signaling him to come over. "He presses the play button on his media player and starts singing 'California Dreaming' and wants me to sing along with him," Marzban said. "At this time I knew a great friendship had started during my first two weeks in China."

Nicole Baden, a senior communications major at Howard University, recalled how her time in China really helped her master the language. "You have to experience the culture while learning the language to really master it and to understand why things are how they are compared to your own culture," Baden said.

Mrs. Obama encouraged students to set aside concept that studying abroad is for rich kids only or for those attending certain schools. In addition, the first lady announced that the Chinese government is giving 10,000 "Bridge Scholarships" to cover costs for American students and teachers studying in China.

Students from several schools attended the forum. 12-year-old Sarah Davis, who studied in China last summer, said she was very excited to hear Michelle Obama talk about the country. “I love Chinese. Out of all the languages I’ve learned, Chinese is the most difficult and interesting,” she said.

1.The examples mentioned in the passage mainly indicate that _____.

A.the US students’ life in China is helpful and worthwhile

B.all students of the US are living a comfortable life in China

C.Chinese young people are friendly to foreigners

D.it isn’t realistic for some US young people to study in China

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Baden came to China to study the differences between English and Chinese.

B.Poor children from America have no opportunity to study in China.

C.David Marzban made a Chinese friend in an unexpected way in China.

D.Michelle Obama called on US students to study in China at a government meeting.

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The US has an ambitious program for Americans studying in China.

B.Michelle Obama encourages American students to study in China.

C.More American students plan to study in China.

D.China is attracting more and more international students.


1.A 2.C 3.B 【解析】 试题分析:奥巴马夫人在一次和美国师生的座谈会上鼓励美国的学生和老师到中国去学习。并且指出在中国学习对美国的学生以后的生活和学习是很有帮助的,也是值得的。 1.推理判断题。根据Studying in countries like China is about so much more than just improving your own prospects(前景) in the global market. 从这里可以推出在中国的美国学生的生活是对自己有帮助的并且也是值得的,故选A。 2.推理判断题。根据David Marzban from Pepperdine University recalled a time when he formed a cross-cultural bond with a complete stranger at a restaurant near Fudan University in Shanghai. 和At this time I knew a great friendship had started during my first two weeks in China." 可推知他在参观遇到一位中国人,故选 C。 3.标题归纳题。综观全文可知奥巴马夫人鼓励美国的学生到中国去学习。故选B。 考点:教育类短文阅读。

It’s a natural phenomenon. The minute you think you want to buy something new, you go online to read reviews about it. Not only is this done with shopping, it’s also done for movies to see , restaurants to go to and almost everything that is worth having an opinion on. The concept of writing down a review for all to see is something that has caused the birth of reviews sites. These are sites where people post reviews on other people, services, businesses, products and more.

In some cases you have professionals do the review and in some other cases you will have the average person write it up. Review sites have a number of ways in which they can gain revenue for themselves in the form of advertising. In some cases, a business can pay his way through to a better listing spot. This does not mean that a positive review will be promoted where it is not warranted (担保).

Review sites are largely a public forum and it is not necessary for people to reveal their identity. Since people are anonymous (匿名的) and sign up access is open to all, there are chances that reviews will be planted or will be negatively written simply to discredit a particular product or service.

There is a lot of criticism towards these websites since they do nothing to control the kind of entries made or the source of these entries. On the other hand, there are professional review sites. These people are accountable for each of their reviews. Any doubts you have will be addressed personally by the one writing the review. Such sites work on much better principles allowing for a fair opinion.

Considering they have a better reputation, they are aware of some the latest products that are released worldwide. This gives you a better chance of finding reviews of the latest product. While a review site will help you narrow down your choice, it by no means should influence your final decision. That is based entirely on the way you see fit.

1.Nowadays, before buying something, people usually ________.

A.ask the opinion of others                 B.surf famous review sites.

C.ignore topics of review sites.               D.read reviews on the Internet.

2.The underlined word “revenue” in Paragraph 2 probably means”______”.

A.the announcement posted by sites

B.the income earned from sales or services

C.the freedom of writing reviews

D.the program made by advertisement companies

3.What do we know about the professional reviews sites?

A.The reviews on the sites are written mainly by professors.

B.Those who write the reviews on the sites are serious sometimes.

C.The reviewer addresses your doubt personally for you.

D.The reviewers on the sites are ready to write to you if you like.

4.This passage was written mainly to tell us________.

A.to make good use of review sites

B.to consult something with reviewers

C.not to make a decision before reading reviews

D.not to believe some review sites



The professor’s house, big and untidy, stood alone at one end of a huge garden. The place was totally uncared for, quite __36__ and overgrown with all sorts of useless things. I __37__ my way through bushes and tall weeds to the front door and rang the bell.

I was glad that I found him. In twenty minutes he put me right on all the __38__ that had puzzled me. I was on the __39__ of leaving when I looked out of his study window and said, “You’re very fond of gardening, I see”

“No, I’m not,” he said. “__40__, I love this garden, though. It’s __41__ I always wanted it to be. I never touch it __42__ all.”

“It could be made lovely. It seems a pity to let all this ground go to __43__. But perhaps you don’t _ 44__ that way?” said I.

“I don’t. I lived here when I was a child, and I had   45  of gardening then. It was my father’s hobby, you see. Unfortunately, he wasn’t   46  _ enough to do it himself. My brother and I did all of it between us year after year. There was one right way and many wrong ways. Each blade (叶片) of grass was an enemy to be _ _47__ out by hand, not just cut off. I’ve spent a good part of life at work here.”

“I see. You took a dislike to it, and now you’re getting even!”

“I dislike it. Then, of course, I didn’t understand the effect it had. It used to __48__ me. It appeared in my __49__ ——— a mistake here, something not quite straight here, the enemy showing its head in a place I was __50__ to have cleaned. The work was too much. It seemed endless. The size of the place was itself a fight to a boy.”

“And now it’s yours, you’re just letting it go to ...”

“__51__?” he said. “No, I don’t agree with that. This garden and I are now the best friends. I like  _52__ it grow in its own way. I make no __53__ on it. I never disturb it, and it never disturbs me. It has _ 54__ at last, and so have I.”

“But the path is over grown. It’s __55__ for you, isn’t it?”

“That’s part of my pleasure,” he laughed. “You can go out the back way. The weeds are shorter there because they don’t get the sun.”                             

1.                A.wild           B.crazy           C.large D.nice


2.                A.lost            B.felt            C.made D.took


3.                A.gardening       B.problems       C.plants    D.solution


4.                A.time           B.request         C.permission    D.point


5.                A.Even so         B.So             C.As though D.Even if


6.                A.where         B.as             C.why D.whether


7.                A.after           B.of             C.at   D.in


8.                A.desert         B.trouble         C.garden   D.waste


9.                A.recognize       B.observe        C.know D.see


10.               A.much          B.enough         C.something D.nothing


11.               A.interested      B.excited         C.fit    D.demanding


12.               A.fought         B.ruled          C.rooted    D.cut


13.               A.worry          B.shock          C.astonish   D.disappoint


14.               A.life            B.dreams         C.house D.hands


15.               A.thought        B.expected       C.ordered   D.supposed


16.               A.Ruin           B.Develop        C.Grow D.Sell


17.               A.watching       B.attending       C.watering   D.noticing


18.               A.comments      B.difference      C.sense D.demands


19.               A.time           B.freedom        C.sunlight   D.space


20.               A.important       B.useless         C.inconvenient   D.previous




----Now that I’ve finished my exams, I’m going to relax and go to a movie tonight.

---- ______ I’ve still got two finals to take.

A.Good luck to you.                       B.Lucky you!

C.So far, so good!                         D.Mind your own business!



According to the report, an Iranian nuclear scientist was killed and two people were injured when a bomb ______ to a car exploded in its capital city.

A.attaching          B.attached          C.to be attached      D.having attached



Growing up ______ Micheal Jordan was in his prime, Beijing native Wu You knew what he wanted to do

A.since             B.when             C.until             D.before



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