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完形填空(共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给...

完形填空(共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


It was to be our second Christmas in Germany and we decided to avoid the naked tree problem the year before. We wrote to my father, and he  1 to purchase a tree for us in States. He would ship it to us in several smaller  2 .

Two days before Christmas we were in a   3 .All the boxes had arrived except for one. The tree trunk and stand were still  4 .We decided to wait one more day.

  5 , in Bremerhaven, a young mail clerk  6 a long thin box under a counter. He picked it up and saw the customs tag(标签)which  7 “artificial(人造的)Christmas tree trunk and stand”. He realized that someone in Mannheim would be  8 a tree for Christmas. He felt  9for them, but there wasn’t much he could do. There was no  10 on Christmas.

He put the package on the  11 shelf and headed for the coffee bar. The place was 12 and he ended up sharing a table. Two men were speaking and the clerk  13 that one of his companions at the table was stationed in Mannheim. He had just picked up the  14 he had shipped from the States and was driving back that afternoon. The clerk thought of the 15 and said to the man,“You could really  16 Santa for someone in Mannheim tonight if you’d like to.”He explained about the lost tree trunk and stand. The man agreed.

The following day, my husband was reaching for his coat  17 the doorbell rang. There stood a  18 holding a long thin carton, our tree trunk and stand. He explained about the clerk and the coffee bar meeting. We invited him in,  19 it was Christmas Eve and he left in a hurry.

The next day as we celebrated the Christmas with the beautiful tree, I whispered:“Bless those two strangers who  20 our Christmas with their kindness.”

1.                A.agreed         B.refused         C.stopped  D.failed


2.                A.bags           B.containers       C.boxes    D.parts


3.                A.hope          B.loss            C.mess D.panic


4.                A.broken         B.separated       C.unknown D.missing


5.                A.Meanwhile      B.However        C.Therefore D.Afterward


6.                A.hid            B.forgot          C.covered  D.found


7.                A.read           B.wrote          C.signed    D.meant


8.                A.except         B.by             C.along D.without


9.                A.sure           B.happy          C.painful   D.sorry


10.               A.passage        B.message        C.delivery   D.labor


11.               A.safe           B.high           C.proper    D.secret


12.               A.taken          B.ordered        C.closed D.crowded


13.               A.supposed       B.discovered      C.expected  D.wondered


14.               A.car            B.mail           C.passenger D.gift


15.               A.difficulty        B.family          C.package   D.accident


16.               A.become        B.play           C.pretend   D.assist


17.               A.before         B.while          C.until  D.when


18.               A.postman        B.santa          C.stranger   D.driver


19.               A.but            B.and            C.so    D.as


20.                                A.celebrated  B.decorated

C.confirmed                        D.brightened



1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了作者在德国过圣诞节的情形。作者的父亲给他邮寄了一颗人造的圣诞树,但是丢失了树干和支撑架。然而两个陌生人用他们的善良帮助作者送回来了遗失的东西,让作者一家在圣诞节点亮了漂亮的圣诞树。 1.根据后文He would ship it to us可知,作者的父亲是同意给他买一个圣诞树,故选A. refuse拒绝  fail失败 2.从后文All the boxes had arrived except for one.可以知道是小盒子,故选C. 3.从后文所以的都到了,唯独这一个没有到,离圣诞节只有两天了,所以大家都很着急,in a panic处于着急,恐慌中,故选D. 4.A.broken 破坏 B.separated分开 C.unknown 不知道 D.missing丢失从后文We decided to wait one more day.可知,树干和支撑架肯定是丢失了,还没有送到,故选D. 5.事情应该是同时发生,讲述的是在Bremerhaven,一个邮递员的生活情景,故选A. Therefore因此  Afterward之后 6.A.hid 躲藏B.forgot忘记 C.covered覆盖 D.found 句意:发现一个年轻的邮寄员发现了一个盒子,故选D 7.标签上写着,一般用read来表达标识牌或是路标的内容,故选A 8.根据句意,他知道在Mannheim 会有人没有圣诞树了,故选D 9.A.sure确定B.happy快乐的 C.painful痛苦的  D.sorry遗憾的,抱歉的,句意:他对他们表示很遗憾,故选D 10.A.passage文章 B.message信息 C.delivery运输  D.labor劳动 根据句意来看,他无能为力是因为在圣诞节假期没有运输服务提供了,故选C 11.A.safe安全的 B.high高的  C.proper合适的 D.secret秘密的,从句意看,他应该是放在了一个合适的架子上,故选C 12.从后文he ended up sharing a table.他不得不和别人共用一个桌子,可知人很多,故选D 13.A.supposed假设 B.discovered发现C.expected 期望D.wondered想知道,根据句意,邮递员发现桌子旁边的一个同伴正准备回Mannheim,故选B 14.从后文他要开回去,可知应该是汽车,故选A 15.从后文He explained about the lost tree trunk and stand. The man agreed.可知,他想起了那个包裹,所以他让这个人帮一个忙,将包裹送Mannheim.故选C 16.A.become成为 B.play 充当,扮演 C.pretend假装 D.assist援助,根据句意,他可以扮演一回圣诞老人,故选B 17.根据句意,第二天,我丈夫正在取衣服时,突然门铃响了,be doing sth…when正在做某事时,突然…故选D 18.A.postman邮递员 B.santa圣诞老人C.stranger陌生人D.driver司机,根据上下文,他见到应该是陌生人,所以选C 19.从上下文it was Christmas Eve and he left in a hurry.可知他很快就走了,所以他并没有进屋休息,转折关系,故选A 20.A.celebrated庆祝 B.decorated装饰  C.confirmed确认                D.brightened点亮 根据句意,作者感激那两个陌生人,为自己家点亮了圣诞树,也点亮了圣诞节,故选D 考点:日常生活类记叙文

Some children don’t like    when their parents try to join their circle of friends.

A.that              B.it                C.this              D.them



—Would you please tell me what time it is?

—It is five minutes to ten     my watch.

A.on               B.at                C.by               D.in



They often stay up, reviewing their lessons, books      all over the desk.

A.spreading                             B.spread

C.are spreading                          D.to spread



Mary enjoys home made food, so she seldom     , eats out.

A.if never           B.if any             C.if ever            D.if not



The Internet, as well as news paper and magazines,        an important part in our daily life.

A.have,played                           B.are playing

C.has be played                          D.is playing



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