满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据句意和汉语提示完成下列句子(满分2.5分) 1.He is a w_____...


1.He is a w__________ and kind man. He gives a lot of money to the poor.

2.There is a __________ (猛烈的)wind outside and the snow is so heavy.

3.You run first and I can easily catch up with you __________(在、、、之内)50 meters.

4.Many people are not satisfied with the present education _________ (体制).

5.In hot summer days, people like to stay in the s__________ of trees.


1.wealthy 2.violent 3.within 4.system 5.shade 【解析】 试题分析: 1.形容词修饰名词 2.形容词修饰名词 3.within表示在……之内 4.作宾语,需要用名词形式 5.shade当阴凉处,树阴讲时,是不可数名词。 考点:词汇、语态、时态考查题

New arrivals

I Love You, Sweetheart

Author(s): Elm Hill Books

Publisher: Elm Hill Books

Format: Hardcover

List Price: $9.99

Our price: $4.99

Category: Self-Help

Subject: Motivational & Inspirational

ISBN-10: 1404185526

Language : English

Pages: 24

Overview: A great gift for your sweetheart. This book contains 24 pages full of pictures and thoughts to remember. This perfect gift also contains a CD with 3 all-time favorite love songs and a place to write your own note of romance and love.    Eat Right for Your Metabolism

Author(s): Kliment, Felicia Drury

Publisher: McGraw-hill Companies

Format: Paperback

List Price: $16.95

Our price: $4.99

Category: Health & Fitness

Subject: Diets

ISBN-10: 0071460152

Language : English

Pages: 312

Overview: Offer an eating plan. Help you keep your ideal weight without dieting or drugs.

The Girls

Author(s): McLellan, Diana

Publisher: LA eekly Books

Format: Paperback

List Price: $16.95

Our price: $3.99

Category: Acting Arts

Subject: Film

ISBN-10: 0312283202

Language : English

Pages: 440

Overview: In The Girls, Diana Mclellan shows the complex(复杂的)and close connections that lay behind the public personae(表面形象)of Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich and the women who loved them.   The Twelve Dogs of Christmas Gift Set

Author(s): Tommy Nelson

Publisher: Tommy Nelson

Format: Boxed-set

List Price: $14.99

Our price: $6.99

Category: Children Fiction

Subject: Holidays & Festivals -- Christmas

ISBN-10: 140039404X

Language : English

Pages: 104

Overview: This delightful take(诠释)on the traditional song “Twelve days of Christmas” is the funniest, furriest, freshest way to laugh through the holidays.

1.If Michelle, ten, wants some books to read, she may choose the work(作品) by _____.

A.Elm Hill Books                          B.Kliment, Felicia Drury

C.McLellan, Diana                         D.Tommy Nelson

2.If John wants to build up his body, the book number he may choose is ________.

A.1404185526       B.0071460152       C.0312283202       D.140039404X

3.The Girls is probably written for those who are interested in ______.

A.fiction            B.pop songs         C.acting arts         D.health

4.Which will save the most money for you?

A.I Love You, Sweetheart

B.Eat Right for Your Metabolism

C.The Girls

D.The Twelve Dogs of Christmas Gift Set

5.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.The Girls is thicker than The Twelve Dogs of Christmas Gift Set.

B.There are only some beautiful pictures in I Love You, Sweetheart.

C.Eat Right for Your Metabolism tells us the connection between people.

D.Not only I Love You, Sweetheart but also The Girls is paperback.



Americans often plan social gatherings(社交聚会)on short notice, so don’t be surprised if you get invited to someone’s home or to see a movie or baseball game without much warning. If the time is convenient (方便) for you, surely accept their invitation. But if you’re busy, don’t be afraid to decline the invitation, perhaps suggesting a time that would be better. Your host won’t be shamed.

Invitations are usually sent in person or over the telephone. The main exception(例外) is for some formal occasions, in which case a written invitation will be mailed. You would normally receive a written invitation to a wedding(婚礼).

For a casual(不正式的)dinner invitation, don’t arrive more than 5 minutes early, because your host may still be preparing for your visit. Arriving more than 10 minutes late is considered rude if very few people were invited. If many people were invited, it’s OK to arrive a little late, even as much as half an hour late. For example, it’s OK to arrive late for a party, for a potluck (家常便饭) dinner or for a social gathering inviting a large group of people.

If you’re invited for dinner, it’s proper to bring the host a bottle of wine, a gift basket of fruit, a box of candy (糖果), or a bouquet(束)of flowers. Don’t bring roses, as men often give roses to women on a date (约会).

If you wish to thank the host for his or her hospitality (好客), it’s right to call or send a brief (简单的) written thank-you note the next day.

1.The passage is to tell us ________.

A.how to accept Americans’ invitations.

B.something about American social visits.

C.something about American business visits.

D.how to make a living in America.

2.The underlined word “decline” in the first paragraph most probably means _____.

A.accept            B.receive           C.refuse            D.follow

3.If an American only invites you to his home for an informal supper at 7:30p.m., you’d better get to his house at ________.

A.7:15p.m.          B.7:35p.m.          C.7:45p.m.          D.7:55p.m.

4.In America, invitations to a wedding are often sent ________.

A.by mail           B.by fax            C.by e-mail          D.over the telephone

5.According to the passage, in American ________.

A.if you’re invited to a family as a guest, you can stay as long as you please.

B.if you’re invited for a party, you must always be on time.

C.if you’re invited for dinner, you’d better bring some presents.

D.you must make a call to show your thanks after you get home from the dinner.



A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village.

On his way home he saw a person lying on the snow. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there was much blood on his body. He was so afraid that he ran away quickly, without taking the baskets with him.

The next afternoon the farmer was sent to the police station. Having shown the baskets, an officer asked: “Are these yours?” “Yes, sir.” the farmer answered timidly(胆怯地)。”Have you killed the man?” “No, no, sir.” the farmer said in a hurry.” When did you see the dead man?” ”About seven last evening.” “Did you see who killed the man?” “No, Sir.” The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?” ”No, Sir.’ The officer became angry and told the policemen to beat him up and send him into prison.

That evening the officer went on trying .Pointing to the knife, he asked again,” Have you seen it yet?” ”Yes, Sir.” The officer was happy and asked,” When and where?” “I saw it here this afternoon, sir.”

1.The farmer decided to sell the vegetables to           .

A.buy some food for his family

B.buy some medicine for his wife

C.go to see a doctor

D.go to the cinema

2.The farmer didn’t sell out his vegetables until the evening because           .

A.they were too bad

B.they were very expensive

C.it rained hard that morning

D.few people liked to go out on such a bad day

3.As          , the farmer decided to help the person to stand up.

A.he wanted to get some money from him.

B.the person was one of his friends

C.he thought the person would thank him.

D.he thought the person had drunk too much

4.The farmer ran away quickly because        .

A.the policemen were coming towards him.

B.his wife was waiting for him at home

C.he was afraid to see a dead man.

D.it was so late that he couldn’t stay there any longer.

5.The officer tried the farmer to        .

A know who had killed the man.

B. know if he had seen the dead man

C .ask when he saw the dead man

D .ask if he had seen the knife



“If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!”

That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better.

Your eyes can tell you that glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is.

When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it.

With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too.

You can even feel sounds against your skin. Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music? They must like to feel the sounds of music.

All children soon learn what “Don’t touch!” means. They hear it often. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up. In shops, we touch things we might buy, such as food, clothes and so on. To see something well, we have to touch it.

The bottoms of our feet can feel things, too. You know this when you walk on warm sand, cool grass or a bad floor. All feel different under your feet.

There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them!

Most museums are just for looking. But today some museums have some things to touch. Their signs say, “Do touch! There you can feel every thing on show. If you want to see better, reach out and touch. Then you’ll really see!”

1.By touching things _______.

A.you will have a strange feeling

B.you will learn how to reach out

C.you can tell the difference between them

D.you can tell what colors they are

2.Which of the following can be the best title of the story?

A.Touching by Feeling                      B.To See or to Feel

C.To See Better — Feel                    D.Ways of Feeling

3.When people buy things in shops, they often _______.

A.try them on first

B.put their right hand on them

C.just has a look

D.feel and touch them

4.Why does it say, “At first, it is not easy to feel these things?”

A.The things are used by people, too.

B.People are used to the things.

C.People know how to use the things.

D.The things are easy to feel.

5.Which of the following is true?

A.Touching can help people learn things better.

B.Our feet, fingers, hands and skin can help us enjoy music.

C.People have to learn to see by feeling as they grow up.

D.Visitors cannot feel the things on show in some museums.



In the middle of the night, Peter's wife suddenly fell ill. She couldn't help crying, “Oh, my stomach! Get the  1 !”

Peter, awaking from a deep sleep, thought his wife was only having a   2  dream.

“Stop that noise,” he said to her. He turned over and tried to go to   3  again, but his wife still cried out, “Oh, help!help! I'm sure I'm   4  .”

Peter got out of bed and started   5 , but he could not find him any clothes.

“Where is my shirt?” he asked. His wife was   6  ill to tell him, and she could only cry, “Oh, my   7   stomach!”

As soon as he had put his clothes   8 , he said, “Now, my dear, are you quite   9 that you need the doctor? Surely you can wait   10  morning, can’t you?”

“No, I can't. Go, go, go,” his wife shouted, “  11  you will find me dead   12  the morning.”

So Peter went out into the dark street. He had only gone a few meters   13  he heard his wife calling him again.

“I’m   14  again now, and I shall not want the doctor.” she said softly.

Hearing this, he started running as   15  as he could towards the doctor’s. When he arrived there, he knocked at the door loudly enough to wake   16  around.

The doctor put his sleepy head out of the bedroom window and said, “Er? Who’s there?”

“Oh, Doctor.” Peter called up to him, “I have very   17  news for you. My wife   18 ill with a terrible stomachache. I was on my way to bring you to her, but she called me back to say the trouble had suddenly  19  her. So you need not come. Go back to   20  now, and sleep well!”

1.                A.driver          B.nurse          C.doctor   D.child


2.                A.terrible         B.interesting      C.surprising D.wonderful


3.                A.bed           B.sleep           C.dream    D.hospital


4.                A.walking         B.dying           C.aching    D.sleeping


5.                A.dressing        B.wearing         C.raising    D.working


6.                A.very           B.so             C.too  D.quite


7.                A.good           B.bad            C.wrong    D.poor


8.                A.down          B.off             C.on   D.up


9.                A.surprised       B.afraid          C.certain   D.worried


10.               A.before         B.for            C.to    D.until


11.               A.and           B.but            C.so    D.or


12.               A.after           B.in             C.before    D.until


13.               A.after           B.when          C.before    D.while


14.               A.good          B.wrong          C.all right    D.right


15.               A.fast            B.slowly          C.hurriedly  D.happily


16.               A.everyone       B.someone       C.no one    D.doctors


17.               A.good          B.bad            C.necessary  D.ill


18.               A.fell            B.stayed         C.grew D.failed


19.               A.gone off        B.missed         C.pleased   D.left


20.               A.your home      B.your bedroom   C.your dream D.bed




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