满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Do you know why the sun looks much bigg...

—Do you know why the sun looks much bigger on the horizon?

—Well, well,         .I have never read about that.

A.that depends                          B.I can’t tell you

C.there is some doubt                     D.you really have me there


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查交际用语:A. that depends那就看情况而定了,B. I can’t tell you我不能告诉你, C. there is some doubt有些疑问D. you really have me there你把我难住了,句意:--你知道为什么太阳在地平线看起来更大吗?--你把我难住了,我从没读过这个内容。选D。 考点:考查交际用语

Statistics show that house prices in the last 2 years have risen      they had expected.

A.twice as much as                        B.as much as twice

C.as twice much as                        D.as much twice as



—I wonder why he has been acting so strangely these days.

—Recent pressure at work may     his behavior.

A.make for          B.stand for          C.change for         D.account for



It was not rare(稀少) in      that people in      fifties were going to school for further study.

A.90s; the          B.the 90s; /          C.90s; their         D.the 90s; their



Mary speaks with a strong southern accent so that she is taking classes to      herself of it.

A.support           B.struggle           C.rid               D.equip



Written in a hurry,        . How can it be satisfactory?

A.they found many mistakes in the report

B.Sam made lots of mistakes in the report

C.there are plenty of mistakes in the report

D.the report is full of mistakes



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