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If you garden for pleasure, you may not be aware of how beneficial this hobby is for your health. While you are preparing your garden to grow fresh plants, you are actually doing an amount of exercise as well. Basic yard care tasks such as cleaning the grass or moving fallen leaves away are also good ways to get physical exercise.  1 . Just think of the mental relaxation you experience when working in the garden.

Various health experts and university studies show that gardening and yard work are more than just enjoyable hobbies.  2 . This is truly a great thing as you can use your whole body while you are working. Gardening also involves a number of different kinds of exercise, including stretching and weight lighting.

Activities in the yard and garden are also a form of exercise that is appropriate for a variety of people and age groups. Depending on the activity, gardening and yard work are not quite as hard on your body as jogging or running.  3  Like other forms of exercise, gardening can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol (胆固醇) levels and keep away heart disease. Moreover, it helps burn a lot of calories.

 4 . But you can increase the amount of time you spend gardening to improve your health even more. If you are not an active gardener, think about starting a small garden. This way, you can combine the joys of growing your own food with light exercise.

When gardening, like other forms of exercise, you need to follow a few basic tips to maximize your experience. First, you should warm up a bit. Do some basic stretches so that your muscles are ready.  5 . This is especially important if you are not already an active gardener.

A.They are also unique forms of exercise that allow you to do something creative and fun.

B.Then if you plan to lift heavy objects, always lift them with your knees, not your back.

C.Additionally, gardening and yard care are beneficial for your mental health, too.

D.In the winter, you may wonder what kinds of activities you can do in the garden.

E. There are a lot of activities that you can do in your yard and garden.

F. This means that even if you are older, you can still enjoy the exercise.

G. If you already garden, good for you!


 C  A  F  G  B 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于健康类短文阅读,详细说明了园艺对我们身体健康的影响,并具体阐述了园艺时要注意的内容。  C 前面提及了种花草可以锻炼你的身体,让你保持身体健康,下一句是指种花也能让你保持精神上的健康,故C项符合上下文。  A 根据前句健康专家和园艺专家都说园艺能让你保持健康是因为他们是独特的锻炼的方式,并能让你做很多有趣的事情。故A项符合上下文。  F 根据本段第二行for a variety of people and age groups说明园艺适合各种人群,故F项即使你年龄大了,你一样可以做园艺。故F项符合上下文。  G 根据本段内容。仍然是关于园艺的好处的详细介绍,那么是指如果你已经开始了原因,那么对你是有很大的好处的,故G项符合上下文。  B 本段是关于园艺的时候,你和锻炼一样,也要注意一些东西,遵守一些原则,而B项就是这些原则之一。 考点:考查健康类短文阅读

It seems some people have something bad to say about Facebook, the social media website that now has attracted more than 300 million members. To them I have only this to say: Stop please!

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal blamed Facebook’s ability to ruin friendships, saying that it limits communication to typing and encourages people to spend far too much time with friends they have never met.

Having used Facebook since its first year, I find these arguments false. The simple truth is that the problems are only a symptom of Facebook abuse. Like many things, it is only as harmful to your life and relationships as you allow it to be. Consider arguments against watching too much TV and overeating.

Try using Facebook to find friends who may have long ago changed their e-mail addresses and phone numbers, to find out what your old college friends are up to, to congratulate your friends on their latest birthdays, to share pictures and articles you find interesting, and to join in the discussion about them with your friends.

Sure, I had days when I wasted a little more time on Facebook than I should, but I’m not going to blame Facebook for my own laziness. If Facebook wasn’t there, I would have found something else to waste time on. To my “friends”: if you don’t feel like broadcasting your life stories on your Facebook, don’t. If you tire of my personal updates, ignore them. If you don’t want to join in the popular online games, don’t. It is a fun tool at your fingers that can be used for both good and bad. If you don’t like using Facebook, don’t.

I am now a consultant at the Department of State. I use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, family, and colleagues who live and work all over the world.

1.Why did the article in the Wall Street Journal blame Facebook?

A.Because it makes people spend too much time online.

B.Because it can make people lose their real-life friends.

C.Because it is as harmful to people’s lives as watching TV.

D.Because it encourages people to make friends with strangers.

2.What does the author suggest using Facebook to do?

A.To find out lost e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

B.To arrange appointments with our old college friends.

C.To collect interesting pictures and articles from our friends.

D.To keep in touch with friends who we haven’t called for long.

3.We can imply from the passage that by using Facebook we can ____.

A.read other’s personal updates

B.write our life stories online secretly

C.decide who can read our life stories

D.refuse to join in popular online games

4.The author writes the last paragraph to ____.

A.prove that Facebook can be well used

B.gain support from the Department of State

C.show that Facebook is used all around the world

D.introduce how she uses Facebook in her work as a consultant



The skin which covers the tips of the fingers and thumbs is crossed by numerous ridges (隆起) arranged in different patterns. These patterns are permanent from birth and remain exactly the same throughout a person's life, even when the skin becomes wrinkled and cracked as a result of old age. Such patterns are never passed on from parents to children, and no one in the world has the same patterns as anyone else. Even identical twins have different sets of fingerprints. As a result, fingerprints offer a most useful and foolproof way of identifying people. Any ridged part of the hand and the foot may be used as a means of identification, but finger impressions are usually preferred since they can be taken easily and quickly.

Fingerprints are classified in the ways: by general shapes and contours(轮廓), by the finger positions of the pattern-types, and by size (often measured by counting the ridges in the loops). Every set of fingerprints has different “ridge characteristics” (i. e. the print of each separate finger is different from that of all the other fingers), which belong to one of four basic groups: arches, loops, whorls and composites. All fingerprints can then be divided into 1, 024 groups. By using details in the patterns above, these 1, 024 groups can be further divided into thousands of smaller groups, thus making it possible to find a particular set of fingerprints in a few minutes.

1.According to this passage, the true statement about human fingerprints is that ____.

A.people's fingerprints sometimes can be passed on from parents to children

B.people’s fingerprints are unique but identical twins may have the same fingerprints

C.using fingerprints is the only way to identify people

D.people's fingerprints will not change in all their lives

2.We prefer to use fingerprints to identify people because ____.

A.we can never find the same set of fingerprints among human beings

B.finger impressions can be taken easily and quickly

C.fingerprints offer a most useful and foolproof way of identifying people

D.all of the above

3.The word “foolproof” (Line 7, Para. 1) most probably means ____.

A.that is permanent                      B.that is acceptable

C.that can not go wrong                   D.that is not foolish

4.About the classification of fingerprints, which is TRUE? ____.

A.Fingerprints can be classified in three ways

B.All fingerprints can be divided into 1, 024 groups and can not be divided further

C.It is not easy to find a particular set of fingerprints in a short time

D.People can not classify the fingerprints in an effective way



Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag

Difficulty: Very Easy

Average User Rating:★★★★☆(4.3/5)

Milk can become homemade ice cream in five minutes by using a bag! This homemade, creamy treat is a summertime delight for your kids and you alike.

What you’ll need:

1 tablespoon of sugar; 1/2 cup of milk; 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla (香草香精); 6 tablespoons of rock salt; 1 small-sized plastic food storage bag; 1 gallon-sized plastic food storage bag; ice cubes.

How to make it:

l Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the rock salt. Seal the bag.

l Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it.

l Place the small bag inside the large one, and seal it again carefully.

l Shake until the mixture turns into ice cream, which takes about five minutes.

l Wipe the top of the small bag, and then open it carefully. Enjoy!


1/2 cup of milk will make about one spoon of ice cream, so double the recipe if you want more. But don’t increase the amount more than that—a large amount might be too big for kids to pick up because the ice itself is heavy.

Here is another version of the homemade ice cream recipe from another parent!

These are the homemade ice cream ingredients:

1/4 teaspoon of vanilla butter and nuts; 1 tablespoon of sugar; 1/2 cup of milk.

These are the other supplies:

Plastic sandwich bag; 12 salt pellets; 1 dish of ice; large plastic bag.

Put the ice cream ingredients in the small bag, and then put the bag, salt and ice in the big bag. Hold the bag shut and move it around on the floor for about 5 minutes.

When I made ice cream at home last time, although the salt pellets didn’t really dissolve (溶解) that well, I still got ice cream. It was not smooth ice cream, probably because of the low-fat milk. It was incredible that it could be ready in 5 minutes (not counting preparing the ingredients)

Next, I changed the recipe, using a tablespoon of cocoa, a tablespoon of sugar, and a cup of milk. It was a bit too chocolaty, but good!

1.The underlined “that” in “Tips” section refers to ____.

A.1/2 cup of milk                         B.1 cup of milk

C.1 spoon of ice cream                     D.2 spoons of ice cream

2.Which of the following things is NOT included in both recipes?

A.Sugar            B.Ice               C.Plastic bag         D.Nuts

3.Which of the following statements about the second parent is TRUE?

A.He/ She doesn’t agree with the first parent.

B.He/ She doesn’t think five minutes is enough

C.He/ She doesn’t like cocoa better than nuts.

D.He/ She doesn’t think the chocolaty tastes bad.



One evening I went out and left my 17-year-old son in charge of his 8-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister. On this occasion, the task was made less troublesome by the presence of his girlfriend. I left with complete confidence that the older children would do a wonderful job of babysitting the younger children and the younger children would do a wonderful job of accompanying the older ones. Later, I discovered that complete confidence was the last thing I should have left home with.

I had decided to return home earlier than planned so that my son and his girlfriend could go out. I called home with this happy news. But instead of hearing his cheerful, grateful voice on the other end of the line, all I heard was the sound of a telephone ringing.

It was, I should point out, after 10 p.m., when the two younger children should have been in bed, and when the two older children should have been answering the phone. “I’ll give him a lesson,” I said. I decided they must be outside. Why they might be outside at 10:30 on a wintry night I had no idea, but it was the only explanation I could come up with.

Finally, in desperation, I called his girlfriend’s house. After what seemed like countless rings, his girlfriend answered. “Yes,” she said brightly, “He’s right here.”

He came on the phone. I was not my usual calm, rational self. After all, one of the rules of survival for modern parents is that you can’t trust modern teenagers. “Where are the children?” I said. He said they were with him. They had done nothing wrong. My son had taken the younger children over to his girlfriend’s house just for ice cream and cake. This was too favorable to be believed. Well, it turned out that I shouldn’t have believed it. It was only part of the truth.

The following Saturday evening we were at my parents’ home, celebrating my birthday. My oldest son gave me the children’s gifts. Mounted(裱装) and framed were a series of lovely color photographs of my children, dressed in their best clothes, and wearing their most wonderful expressions. They are pictures to treasure a lifetime, all taken by the father of my son’s girlfriend.

That was the most precious gift of all.

1.Shortly after the author left home one evening, she discovered that ____.

A.her son had brought his girlfriend home

B.the father of her son’s girlfriend had come to her home to take photos of the children

C.she shouldn’t have completely trusted her son

D.she should have taken the children along with her

2.According to Paragraph 3, “it” means ____.

A.the two younger children have been in bed

B.the older children have been answering the phone

C.the author will give her older son a lesson

D.the older son has gone outside with his girlfriend

3.The sentence “It was only part of the truth.” (Para. 5) implies that the children not only enjoyed ice-cream but also ____.

A.had a birthday party                     B.framed some photographs

C.had their pictures taken                  D.showed off their best clothes

4.Which of the following possible titles best expresses the main idea of this passage?

A.Puppy Love                            B.Brotherhood

C.Mother and Children                     D.A Precious Birthday Gift



Once in Japan there lived two frogs, one of whom made his home near the town of Osaka, while the other lived in Kyoto.  36 , they didn’t know each other. Bothof them liked to see a little of the world: the Kyoto frog wanted to visit Osaka, and the Osaka frog wished to go to Kyoto.

So one morning they  37. However, the journey was more  38  than they had expected, for they didn’t know much about traveling. Half-way between the two towns, at the top of a mountain, the two frogs  39  each other! Soon they fell into  40 .

“What a(n)  41  we are too small, ” said the Osaka frog. “Otherwise, we could see both towns from here, and  42  if it is worth our going on.”

“Oh, that is easily  43 ,” replied the Kyoto frog. “We have only got to stand up on our hind (后面的) legs, and hold on to each other  44  we won’t fall down, and then we can both look at the towns we are  45  to.”

This idea  46  the Osaka frog; he stood up and put his front paws on the  47 of the other frog, who had risen also. There they both stood, stretching themselves as  48  as they could. The Kyoto frog turned his nose towards Osaka, and the Osaka frog, towards Kyoto, but the  49  frogs forgot that when they stood up, their eyes were in the backs of their heads, and that  50  their noses pointed to their destinations, yet their eyes looked at the places  51  which they had come.

“Dear me!” cried the Osaka frog. “Kyoto is  52  like Osaka. It is certainly not worth such a long journey.”

“If I had known that Osaka was only a  53  of Kyoto I should never have traveled all this way,”  54  the frog from Kyoto. Then they started off for their  55  again.

1.                A.Surprisingly      B.However        C.Fortunately    D.Undoubtedly


2.                A.showed off      B.left out         C.turned away   D.set out


3.                A.wonderful      B.dangerous       C.exhausting D.exciting


4.                A.endangered     B.encouraged     C.encountered  D.embarrassed


5.                A.conversation    B.disagreement    C.competition   D.consideration


6.                A.shame          B.surprise        C.shortcoming   D.coincidence


7.                A.doubt          B.wonder         C.show     D.tell


8.                A.finished        B.managed        C.imagined  D.prepared


9.                A.as long as       B.in case         C.so that   D.unless


10.               A.turning         B.traveling        C.settling    D.adapting


11.               A.worried        B.disturbed       C.confused  D.pleased


12.               A.legs           B.shoulders       C.head D.nose


13.               A.high           B.wide           C.far   D.quickly


14.               A.adventurous     B.close          C.smart D.foolish


15.               A.because        B.though         C.since D.if


16.               A.from           B.to             C.around    D.in


17.               A.hardly         B.partly          C.mostly D.exactly


18.               A.corner         B.part           C.copy  D.spot


19.               A.exclaimed      B.announced      C.hesitated  D.thought


20.               A.destinations     B.dreams         C.homes    D.countries




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