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Life of Pi is about an Indian boy who fi...

Life of Pi is about an Indian boy who finds himself floating in _____ Pacific Ocean with_____ Bengal tiger after a shipwreck.

A.the; a            B./; a               C.the; /             D./; the


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词。本句第一空是一个专有名词the Pacific Ocean太平洋;第二空的a Bengal tiger表示泛指一只孟加拉虎,孟加拉虎有很多,这只是其中之一。句意:Life of Pi是关于一个印度的男孩在沉船以后发现自己和一只孟加拉虎漂流在太平洋上的故事。故A正确。 考点:考查冠词

—Oh, Jesus, I can’t cut the durian (榴莲)  into two halves however I tried!

—Easy, boy! Why not use _____ knife?

A.a sharp           B.the sharper        C.a sharper          D.the sharpest



— David has been in high spirits these days?

— ______ He should win the first prize in the composition test.

A.How come!        B.How is it?          C.Guess what?       D.No wonder!



       form the moon, our earth with water        .seventy percent of its surface, appears as a blue ball.

A.seen, covered                          B.seeing, covering

C.seen, covering                         D.seeing, covered



The foreign guests,        by an interpreter, came out of the hall.

A.following                              B.to follow

C.followed                              D.to be followed



Einstein was usually       his scientific study that he even forgot to eat.

A.very absorbing                         B.very absorbed in

C.so absorbed in                         D.such absorbed in



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