满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

____ about the man wearing sunglasses du...

____ about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to follow him.

A.So curious the detective was               B.So curious was the detective

C.How curious was the detective             D.How curious the detective was


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查部分倒装句。本题中的“so+形容词/副词”放在句首的时候,后面的主句使用部分倒装的形式。句意:侦探对那个晚上还带着墨镜的人是如此的好奇,以至于他决定跟踪着他。后面使用部分倒装的形式,故B正确。 考点:考查部分倒装句

I really don’t know how to thank you , but for your help, I ______ my lost necklace.

A.couldn’t have found                    B.mustn’t have found

C.couldn’t find                          D.wouldn’t find



— How do you find _________ birthday party of the Blairs?

— I should say it was __________ complete failure.

A.a; a              B.the; a             C.a; /              D.the; /



Life of Pi is about an Indian boy who finds himself floating in _____ Pacific Ocean with_____ Bengal tiger after a shipwreck.

A.the; a            B./; a               C.the; /             D./; the



—Oh, Jesus, I can’t cut the durian (榴莲)  into two halves however I tried!

—Easy, boy! Why not use _____ knife?

A.a sharp           B.the sharper        C.a sharper          D.the sharpest



— David has been in high spirits these days?

— ______ He should win the first prize in the composition test.

A.How come!        B.How is it?          C.Guess what?       D.No wonder!



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