满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

No person __________ carry a mobile phon...

No person __________ carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.

A.shall             B.must             C.can              D.need


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查情态动词用法。本句中的情态动词shall还可以可用于二、三人称的肯定句中表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺、 威胁等。也可以用于根据法律法规必须做某事。如According to law, you shall give all your money to your daughter句意:在高考期间,任何人都不能把手机带进考场。本句表示的按照法律规定不能做的事情。故A正确。 考点:考查情态动词用法

____ about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to follow him.

A.So curious the detective was               B.So curious was the detective

C.How curious was the detective             D.How curious the detective was



I really don’t know how to thank you , but for your help, I ______ my lost necklace.

A.couldn’t have found                    B.mustn’t have found

C.couldn’t find                          D.wouldn’t find



— How do you find _________ birthday party of the Blairs?

— I should say it was __________ complete failure.

A.a; a              B.the; a             C.a; /              D.the; /



Life of Pi is about an Indian boy who finds himself floating in _____ Pacific Ocean with_____ Bengal tiger after a shipwreck.

A.the; a            B./; a               C.the; /             D./; the



—Oh, Jesus, I can’t cut the durian (榴莲)  into two halves however I tried!

—Easy, boy! Why not use _____ knife?

A.a sharp           B.the sharper        C.a sharper          D.the sharpest



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