满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Look, the paint is starting to come off...

—Look, the paint is starting to come off ____ the wall is damp.

—Well, we'd better have the wall repainted some day.

A.when            B.where            C.if                D.once


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--看,在墙湿的地方,它上面的漆开始掉了。--哦,我们最好找一天再刷一遍。When当……时候; where 在……地方; if 如果; once一旦。根据句意故选B。 考点:考查连词的用法。

If you ___ stick to the unrealistic approach, the worse result will be waiting for you not far ahead.

A.will              B.may              C.must             D.can



The petrol in the car ____ on our way to the beach, so we had to walk there.

A.gave up           B.gave off           C.gave in            D.gave out



假定你是你校学生会主席李华。为了扩大学生的知识面,你校特邀请到西藏支教一年的本校外籍教师Mr. Black给全体高三学生做英语讲座,并分享他所拍摄的大量照片。请你发布一则英语书面通知,希望大家届时准时参加并记笔记。通知内容还应包括以下几点:

1. 讲座题目: Heaven in my eyes - Tibet

2. 讲座时间:4月23日(星期二)下午2:30-4:30

3. 讲座地点:教学楼5楼礼堂

4. 讲座内容:①西藏的美景;






April 12, 2013

It has been decided that _________________________________________________












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The other day, I was invited my friend Sam’s home for dinner. I felt a bit surprising when I saw Bill there. It was two month since we two had quarreled, so I was embarrassed and didn’t know how to do. I sat down on the sofa but began to watch TV. Later Sam came to ask me to make up with Bill. Until then I realize that Sam had arranged the meeting on purpose. He went up to Bill and greeted him warmly, smiled at him. He looked very happily and talked with me excitedly. That night, we had a great fun together.





We’ve all got a lot going on in our lives. Some things are fun, some aren’t. I think I’ m a fairly positive person. 1   In fact, being positive means different things to different people. 2  

Focus on what you have not what you don’t. It’s impossible for one to have all the nice things in the world. Focus on what you already have. This can create feelings of happiness.

3  If you can express thanks for everything you have, you leave little room for bad thoughts. It’s a great practice. When you focus on what really matters, so many worries go away.

Forget the past and don’t cling to(紧紧抓住) the future:  4  If you cannot forget mistakes and missed opportunities from the past, you probably find you blame yourself all the time. Clinging to the future is a bad one, too. It truly may never happen. So pay more attention to the present .

 5  It always makes me wonder what people are saying about me if they speak so ill of someone else when they aren’t around. If you don’t do this, you never have to worry about what you’ve said getting back to someone.  

A. Be grateful.

B.Here are a few key ways to being positive that have really helped me.

C.Speak about others as if they were in front of you.

D.The past will never come again.

E.Being positive doesn’t mean smiling a fake smile all the time.

F.The past has happened and the future may never come.

G.Have fun and hug yourself.



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