满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_____ the lawyers, volunteers from the L...

_____ the lawyers, volunteers from the Libyan Red Cross Society also joined the efforts in helping the Chinese go home safely.

A.Except for         B.In spite of         C.Apart from        D.Instead of


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:除了律师来自利比亚的红十字会也加入了帮助中国人安全回家的努力中。Except for除了,用于对前面的成分作补充说明; In spite of 尽管; Apart from除了之外还有; Instead of代替。根据句意故选C。 考点:考查介词短语辨析。

The engineer spoke highly of the government’s efforts, ____ he owed his safe return from Libya.

A.through which      B.to which          C.with whom        D.for whom



—Why did you leave without a word of warning to John?

—But what _____ otherwise? He never listens to me.

A.could I have done                       B.would I do

C.must I have done                        D.should I do



Mary often stays up, reviewing her lessons, books___ all over the desk.

A.spreading         B.spread            C.are spreading      D.to spread



—Look, the paint is starting to come off ____ the wall is damp.

—Well, we'd better have the wall repainted some day.

A.when            B.where            C.if                D.once



If you ___ stick to the unrealistic approach, the worse result will be waiting for you not far ahead.

A.will              B.may              C.must             D.can



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