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Celebrity endorsements Despite the fact ...

Celebrity endorsements

Despite the fact that companies believe celebrities had a lot of pull with regard to the buying trends of consumers, researchers have discovered that this does not seem to be the case. British and Swiss researchers carried out a study showing that advertisements made by celebrities like David Beckham and Scarlett Johansson are not as effective as those by ordinary people.

In a sample of 298 students, researchers presented a magazine advertisement for a digital camera that was endorsed (为…做广告宣传) by a fictional student claiming the camera was “hot” and his “preferred choice”. The same advertisement was shown to other students, but with a difference: The camera was endorsed by a famous person in Germany.

While the students said that both advertisements were beneficial, the one made by the student topped the celebrity one if students aimed to impress others with their purchases (购买). More than half of the students, who admitted purchasing products that would impress others, said they were influenced by the student’s advertisement. Only 20% said the celebrity one would affect their buying decision.

Professor Brett Martin of the University of Bath’s School of Management, explained that the findings could be used not only in Germany, but in other countries as well. “ Our research questions whether celebrities are the best ways to sell products,” said Prof Martin.“Celebrities can be effective but we found that many people were more convinced by an endorsement from a fictional fellow student. This is because many people feel a need to keep up with the Jones when they buy.”

1.Some companies think the celebrities endorsement          

A.is popular with the consumers

B.can pull all the consumers into the shops

C.can affect the consumers’ purchasing

D.is as effective as an endorsement from common people

2.Which of the following ads would be more effective to common consumers, according to

the experiment?

An ad featuring lovely pandas.

An ad made by David Beckham.

An ad made by fictional common people.

An ad with beautiful natural scenery.

3.The underlined words “the Jones” in the last paragragh refer to“     ”.

A.someone called Jones                    B.common people

C.the Jones family                         D.celebrities

4.We can infer from the passage that       

A.celebrities cheat consumers in advertisement

B.the researchers here are against celebrity endorsement

C.the student’s ads are more reliable than those made by celebrities

D.companies needn’t spend so much money on celebrity endorsement

5.We can probably read the article in       

A.a local newspaper                       B.a science report

C.an academic journal                     D.a textbook


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是在销售行业中的名人效应其实效果并不大,用普通人做的广告,也许效果会更好。 1.C 细节题。根据文章第一句Despite the fact that companies believe celebrities had a lot of pull with regard to the buying trends of consumers,可知很多公司都认为名人效应可以让人们多购买有关的产品。故C正确。 2.C 推理题。根据第一段最后一句British and Swiss researchers carried out a study showing that advertisements made by celebrities like David Beckham and Scarlett Johansson are not as effective as those by ordinary people.可知普通人做的广告可能更有说服力。故C项正确。 3.B 推理题。根据This is because many people feel a need to keep up with the Jones when they buy.”可知这里的the Jones中使用“the+姓的复数形式”表示某某一家人。故B正确。 4.D 推断题。推理题。根据文章第一段最后一句British and Swiss researchers carried out a study showing that advertisements made by celebrities like David Beckham and Scarlett Johansson are not as effective as those by ordinary people.可知普通人做的广告可能更有说服力。那么公司没有必要去邀请名人做广告的,故D正确。 5.A 推理题。本文讲述的是一项社会现象的调查报告的结果,不是科学研究,也不是医学研究更不会出现在教科书里,最可能的是在报纸上出现。故A正确。 考点:考查社会现象类短文阅读

In the United States, friendships can be close, constant, intense, generous, and real, yet fade away in a short time if circumstances (环境) change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greeting for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while --- then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship where it left off and are delighted.

In the States, you can feel free to visit people’s homes, share their holidays, enjoy their children and their lives without fear that you are taking on a lasting obligation. Do not hesitate to accept hospitality because you cannot give it in return. No one will expect you to do so for they know you are far from home. Americans will enjoy welcoming you and be pleased if you accept their hospitality easily.

Once you arrive there, the welcome will be full and warm and real. Most visitors find themselves readily invited into many homes there. In some countries it is considered inhospitable to entertain at home, offering what is felt as “merely” home cooked food, not “doing something” for your guest. It is felt that restaurant entertaining shows more respect and welcome. Or for various other reasons, such as crowded space, language difficulties, or family custom, outsiders are not invited into homes.

In the United States, both methods are used, but it is often considered more friendly to invite a person to one’s home than to go to a public place, except in purely business relationships. So, if your host or hostess brings you home, do not feel that you are being shown inferior (差的) treatment.

Don’t feel neglected (被忽视) if you do not find flowers awaiting you in your hotel room either. Flowers are very expensive there, hotel delivery (递送,投递) is uncertain, arrival times are delayed, changed, or canceled – so flowers are not customarily (通常) sent as a welcoming touch. Please do not feel unwanted! Outward signs vary in different lands; the inward welcome is what matters, and this will be real.

1.In the United States, you will find friendships __________ if circumstances change.

A.die suddenly                           B.pass away

C.disappear gradually                      D.last forever

2.Americans _________ their foreign friends to make a return for their hospitality.

A.ask              B.wish              C.never allow        D.don’t expect

3.In some other countries, giving a dinner party at home is considered _______ than in a restaurant.

A.less formal                            B.less hospitable

C.more natural                           D.more popular

4.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Flowers are available at all time.

B.Flowers are expensive.

C.Flowers are signs of outward welcome.

D.Flowers are not necessarily sent to guests.

5.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.American Hospitality                     B.American Friendships

C.American Invitation                      D.American Welcome



Remember how great exercise was when you were a little kid? Back then,racing around the playground or skipping rope for hours,you weren't thinking fitness,you were thinking entertainment.But in this age of high-tech home equipment and underused(未充分利用的)gym memberships,the simple joy of jumping rope has been forgotten.Rediscovering it will give you a total-body exercise you can find.

Although considered an excellent form of exercise,jumping rope has never gained widespread acceptance because of two fundamental reasons.First,most people recognize jumping rope as an excellent form of cardiovascular (心血管的) exercise,but they also believe that it is simply too difficult.In other words,they don't think they'll be able to continue jumping for the near 20 minutes that it takes to achieve a beneficial physical result.Second, many view it as somewhat boring and too repetitive-not as something fun or enjoyable.

As a matter of fact,jumping rope can be great fun if you find a proper way to practise it.Instead of doing the usual two-foot bounce over and over again,people good at rope-jumping often change their pattern every 10 or 20 jumps.A single bounce,a double bounce,a skip,a knee-up,side swings,as well as a variety of other easy-to-learn free-style rope-jumping.

Now researchers are learning that jumping rope also prepares the brain for learning.It is an exercise allowing both brain hemispheres(半球)to perform in parallel(并行地)to each other.In short,jumping rope can be a life-long activity requiring little equipment,time and space,yet leading to a much healthier life.

1.From the first paragraph we learn that_______ .

A.all people now have more advanced equipment

B.jumping rope has disappeared from people's memories

C.racing around the playground was preferred

D.people now like to have exercise in a gym

2.Rope jumping has not spread widely because_______ .

A.it benefits the cardiovascular system

B.it requires little equipment,time and space

C.it is neither easy nor enjoyable

D.it is considered boring

3.The first sentence in the 3rd paragraph implies_____ .

A.there are many ways to follow

B.the usual way should not be used

C.the easiest way is always the best

D.there is only one proper way to follow

4.According to the researchers, jumping rope _____.

A.only prepares the brain for learning.

B.is suitable for students only

C.helps both brain hemispheres work together

D.can be dangerous for old people

5.What is the author's attitude towards rope jumping?

A.He is arguing against it.                   B.He is sitting on the fence of it.

C.He is in favor of it.                       D.He is not clear about it.



The famous scientist Albert Einstein died in 1955. His___36__ now is in the central state of Kansas of the U.S. It belongs to a retired  ___37__ doctor, Thomas Harvey. ___38__ did this happen? And why?

In the 1950s, Albert Einstein and Thomas Harvey __39__ each other when they both lived in Princeton, New Jersey. Einstein was working at Princeton University____40__ Doctor Harvey was working at Princeton Hospital. When Einstein died, Doctor Harvey was __41__ to examine his body. It was then that he started to study __42__ has become a long time examination of Einstein's brain. His goal was to __43__ some physical evidence of the scientist's genius.

Doctor Harvey, ___44__, did not tell Einstein's family that he __45__ the great man's brain. It was only later ___46__ the family learned of Doctor Harvey's work. They did not ___47__ the idea at first. After Doctor Harvey explained his idea to them, they agreed to __48__ him to study the brain. Doctor Harvey then asked __49__ scientists to help. They cut the brain __50__ three pieces. They marked each piece before placing it in containers __51__ chemical formaldehyde (甲醛) to protect it. Doctor Harvey has been ___52_ Einstein's brain since then. He has carried it with him as he moved from place to place. He has also lent parts of the brain to other scientists ___53__ study.

Only one researcher has found something ___54__. A doctor at the University of California found that the left part of Einstein's brain has more certain cells (细胞) than __55__. Such cells are known to feed brain. This may mean that the cells could affect intelligence.

1.                A.body           B.heart           C.brain D.head


2.                A.actual          B.chemical        C.natural   D.medical


3.                A.What          B.How           C.Who D.Which


4.                A.realized        B.recognized      C.learned   D.knew


5.                A.as             B.because        C.while D.since


6.                A.called on       B.called at        C.sent up   D.sent off


7.                A.which          B.how           C.that  D.what


8.                A.invent          B.discover        C.prove    D.examine


9.                A.perhaps        B.therefore       C.thus D.however


10.               A.bought         B.sold           C.kept  D.made


11.               A.that           B.when          C.before    D.after


12.               A.hear of         B.like            C.suggest    D.offer


13.               A.promise        B.let            C.have  D.permit


14.               A.other two       B.two other       C.more two  D.two another


15.               A.off            B.by             C.into  D.about


16.               A.for            B.about          C.of    D.with


17.               A.learning        B.studying        C.searching  D.selling


18.               A.for            B.on            C.into  D.about


19.               A.easy           B.difficult         C.particular  D.common


20.               A.ever           B.enough         C.usual D.normal




Without proper lessons, you could _______ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.

A.give up           B.catch up          C.pick up           D.keep up




1. 表达想参加的意愿; 2. 由于感冒,身体不适不能参加聚会;3. 表示歉意并另约时间。

注意:1. 可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。   2. 词数100左右。

Dear Peter,



Yours truly,

Li Hua



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