满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She is quiet, soft-spoken and has a kind...

She is quiet, soft-spoken and has a kind face and a strong heart. She is my mom, Lili.

When I was nine, Lili quitted her job and started her own business. She said she didn’t want to stay at home and work as a housewife: “It’s a waste of life.” Lili became so busy that she spent less and less time with me. She didn’t help me with my schoolwork. It was, in her words, “so that you can develop your independence”. We quarreled because she rarely showed up at parents’ meetings.

Like mother, like daughter. I have many things in common with Lili. I want everything to be under control. I want to be perfect and I don’t expect other people to help me. I push myself hard to achieve my goals.

After I started to go to high school, Lili and I were too busy to communicate much with each other.

In biology class I began to be depressed. When the teacher showed us a picture of a butterfly, I was scared and screamed. I had a vision of thousands of butterflies flying toward me.

That night I told Lili about it. The next morning, I saw that she had red eyes with black circles around them.

She took me to see a therapist (治疗师). Three hours later, the therapist told Lili that my life was like a wheel spinning (旋转) faster and faster and that was the reason for what had happened to me. I only realized it when my body couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. At these words, Lili burst into tears. “It’s all my fault, she’s just a kid and I didn’t have time to take care of her….” To be honest, I had never seen Lili cry before.

After that, Lili began to spend more time at home, cooking and dragging me to do sports. I realized she was the one who would always be there when I was in real trouble. No mom is perfect, but she is the one who really cares about her kid.

1.Lili quitted her job and started her own business because _________.

A.she wanted to make more money           B.she was not willing to look after me

C.she didn’t want to waste her life           D.she likes keeping busy

2.We quarreled because __________.

A.she began to spend less and less time with me

B.she didn’t help me with my schoolwork.

C.she seldom attended the parents’ meetings in my school.

D.Lili and I were too busy to communicate much with each other.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Most women don’t want to be a housewife.

B.Most children want their mothers to accompany them at home.

C.We need to understand our mothers’ busy life.

D.Although mothers are not perfect, they all love the children

4.Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A.Lili is a quiet, strong-willed woman.

B.Lili began to spend more time at home after visiting the therapist.

C.I was scared and screamed in biology class because I hate butterflies.

D.I only realized my life was like a wheel when my body couldn’t stand the pressure anymore.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Mom Does Care.                        B.A Busy but Successful Mother.

C.Change From Mother to Businessman.        D.A Student’s Opinion on Mother.


1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是一位忙碌的母亲因为自己的个人事业而忽略了女儿的教育。当出现问题的时候,表现出了母爱仍然存在。 1.C 细节题。根据第一段2,3行She said she didn’t want to stay at home and work as a housewife: “It’s a waste of life.”说明C正确。 2.C 细节题。根据第一段最后一句We quarreled because she rarely showed up at parents’ meetings.说明C正确。 3.D 推理题。根据文章倒数第二段At these words, Lili burst into tears. “It’s all my fault, she’s just a kid and I didn’t have time to take care of her….” To be honest, I had never seen Lili cry before.可知妈妈实际上很爱我,只是太忙的缘故。故D正确。 4.C 细节题。根据文章倒数第3段the therapist told Lili that my life was like a wheel spinning (旋转) faster and faster and that was the reason for what had happened to me. I only realized it when my body couldn’t stand the pressure anymore.说明我害怕的原因是我的压力太大了,而不是憎恨蝴蝶。故C正确。 5.A 主旨大意题。本文讲述的是一位忙碌的母亲因为自己的个人事业而忽略了女儿的教育。当出现问题的时候,表现出了母爱仍然存在。故A正确。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读

About half American teenagers do not get enough sleep on school nights.They get an average of sixty to ninety minutes less than experts say they need.

One reason for this is biology.Experts say teens are biologically programmed to go to sleep later and wake up later than other age groups.Yet many schools start classes as early as seven in the morning.As a result,many students go to class feeling like sixteenyearold Danny.He is an active teen— except in the morning.“Getting up in the morning is pretty terrible.I’m just very out of it and tired.Through the first and second period I can hardly stay awake,” he said.

Michael Breus is a psychologist.Teens,he says,need to sleep eight to nine hours or even nine to ten hours a night.He says sleepy teens can experience a form of depression(消沉) that could have big influence on their general well being.It can affect not just their ability in the classroom but also on the sports field and on the road.So what can schools do about sleepy students?The psychologist says one thing they can do is to start classes later in the morning.Studies show that students can improve by a full letter grade in their first and second period classes.

Eric Peterson is the head of St.George’s School in the northeastern state of Rhode Island.He wanted to see if a thirtyminute delay(推迟)would make a difference.It did.He says visits to the health center by tired students decreased by half.Late arrivals to the first period fell by a third.And students reported that they were less sleepy during the day.Eric Peterson knows that changing start times is easier at a small school like his.But he is hopeful that other schools will find a way.

1.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Later classes,fewer sleepy teens

B.Early birds have good food

C.Early to bed and early to rise

D.Fewer classes,more happiness

2.The underlined word“this”in the second paragraph refers to________.

A.teenagers’ staying up

B.teenagers’ getting up late

C.teenagers’ not getting enough sleep

D.teenagers’ not studying seriously

3.Michael Breus thinks that________.

A.teens should get up early

B.teens need enough sleep to be lively

C.depression is common in teens

D.the first period class should be cut off

4.The last paragraph tells us________.

A.Eric Peterson visits the health center every day

B.it’s not easy for Eric Peterson to change start times

C.students in St.George’s School can get up later than before

D.students in St.George’s School aren’t late for school any more

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Danny is a lazy boy and always late for school.

B.Teens should go to bed early and get up early, too.

C.The psychologist has no idea how to solve the problem.

D.Enough sleep makes a healthy and active student.



Mary Jean Price Walls graduated second in her class in 1950.She had high hopes when she applied to a local college,Southwest Missouri State College.But after sending off her application,she spent months waiting for a reply.It never came.

Worse than simply being denied admission(拒绝接收),the school didn’t reply to her at all.It wasn’t a matter of her school records,but of her skin color:Wallsis African American,and in those days,that fact alone closed a lot of doors. “I was sad and I was hurt,”Walls told ABC News.“I did not expect the skin color would affect my application.I thought I could go to university like other students.”

Four years later,the government declared that all schools should not discriminate against(歧视)African Americans— but it was too late for Walls.She’d moved on with her life, becoming a wife and a mother,and working as an elevator operator.She retired last year,at the age of 77.

She stayed quiet about the unfairness she’d faced in Missouri State.Her son,Terry,went through school records and found that she’d been the first black student to ever apply to the college.Today,four percent of the Southwest Missouri State College body is African American—including Terry.

Although it’s too late for Missouri State to change the past,the school is awarding Walls with an honorary degree(荣誉学位)from the school.While she knows it’s too late for herto change the course of her own life with the degree,it’s a chance for her to show her family that Missouri State has changed in the last 60 years,and there’s not a single door closed to them anymore.

1.Walls couldn’t enter the local college because________.

A.her examination performance is too bad

B.girls were not allowed to go to college

C.she was an AfricanAmerican student

D.her parents had no enough money to support her

2.Before she was denied Walls thought that________.

A.her application would be accepted as others’

B.it was hard to become a college student

C.it was impossible for her to be admitted

D.she could be the best student in her college

3.What can we know about Walls’s son?

A.He helped his mother get the honorary degree.

B.He is a good student who teachers like best.

C.He was admitted by the college once his mother applied to.

D.He wants to be a government official who can help his mother.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Walls did not fight for her right to education.

B.The college did not receive Walls’s application.

C.Walls got a good job after she received the degree.

D.The government gave Walls some money for the wrongs.

5.Walls’s honorary degree suggests that________.

A.she could change her life with the degree

B.her dream of going to college has come true

C.she has been leading a happy life with her family

D.great changes have taken place in Missouri State



A young man,while traveling through a desert,come across a spring of clear water.

 1. water was sweet.He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder 2. had been his teacher. After a four-day journey, the young man__3.__(present)the water to the old man. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled 4.  (warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.The young man went home 5. a happy heart.

After the student left, the teacher let  6.  student taste the water. He spit it out,

 7.  (say) it was awful. Apparently, it was no longer fresh because of the old leather container. He asked his teacher,” Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend to like

 8.   ?”W_w w..c@o m

The teacher replied,” You tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love. Nothing could be  9.  (sweet).”

We understand this lesson best 10.we receive gifts of love from children. Whether it is a cheap pipe on a diamond necklace, the proper response is appreciation. We love the idea within the gift rather than the thing.



I have always heard the saying, “Any guy can be a ‘Dad’, but it takes a real man to be a ‘Father’.” This has become qutie true in my life since the birth of my son, Joshua. Since the birth of my son things have changed a lot in my life, but the changes have been   1 ! My wife and I have been through many   2  moments which have made both of us   3 .

My son was born with some medical prombles that   4   his regular doctors. He was

  5  several different medications, but he did not get any better. He had a bad breathing problem, and he could not keep his food down. My wife and I were both told many times by people that Joshua looked life he was born early; he had not gained much   6   since he was born.

As time progressed his regular doctor sent my wife and I to Louisville to a   7   by the name of Dr. Eld. He was astonished by my son’s condition, too. Many different tests were    8   on Joshua. The time spents there was very   9   for my wife and I. But we did make it through with God’s   10  .

Joshua is one year and one month old now and has gotten much better since then. His

 11  has been amazing and he is up to 27 pounds now. I keep telling my wife, that if he keeps growing like this he might get a football   12   sooner or later. There is saying that has helped me   13  these troublesome times. “Problems will either make you or   14  you.” When you think the darkest hours are upon you, remember the   15  is just in sight.

1.                A.bad            B.good           C.happy    D.sad


2.                A.exciting        B.interesting      C.challenging    D.amusing


3.                A.stronger        B.healthier        C.harder   D.weaker


4.                A.shook          B.trembled        C.shocked  D.quaked


5.                A.taken on        B.put on          C.gone on  D.lived on


6.                A.width          B.height          C.weight    D.sight


7.                A.dentist         B.specialist        C.scientist  D.tourist


8.                A.performed      B.laid            C.devoted  D.directed


9.                A.slow           B.easy           C.hard D.quick


10.               A.luck           B.smile          C.love  D.help


11.               A.score          B.progress        C.efforts    D.fact


12.               A.ticket          B.contact         C.contract   D.player


13.               A.get on         B.get through     C.take on    D.look through


14.               A.create         B.build           C.break D.enjoy


15.               A.future         B.help           C.dawn D.dusk





A young man was complaining about his bad luck and poverty. He frowned (皱眉) all day. A wise old man came to him and said, “Hey, kid, why are you so unhappy?”

“I don’t understand why I'm so poor!” he replied.

“Poor? I think you are very wealthy!” the wise old man said sincerely.

The young man was puzzled, “Why do you say that?”

“Supposing someone offers you one thousand dollars to cut your finger off, would you do it?” “Of course not!” the young man replied.

“And ten thousand dollars to chop your leg off?” “Certainly not!”

“A hundred thousand dollars to scoop your eyes out?” “Surely not!”

“One million dollars to turn you into a 90-year-old man immediately?”

“Definitely not!”

“Ten million dollars to take your life right away?” “Absolutely not!”

The wise old man said with a smile, “So there you are. You already possess what is worth more than ten million dollars. Why are you still sad to be so poor?” After the young man listened to the wise old man's words, it started to become clear to him.


1. 以约30个词概括文章的主要内容;


(1) 对话中这位年长智者的观点是否正确,为什么?

(2) 健康与金钱的关系,并试举例说明;

(3) 作为一名高中生,应该如何处理健康与金钱的关系。



2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。





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