满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) The moment happ...

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

The moment happened 30 yours ago but it was still fresh in my memory. I was a college freshman and had   26  up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just before my first  27  of the day my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a   28 . A few minutes nap(小睡)time before class couldn’t   29 , I thought.

BOOM! I lifted my head suddenly and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around with my   30  beating wildly trying to find the cause of the   31  . My young professor was looking at me with a boyish(孩子气的)smile on his face. He had   32  dropped the textbooks he was carrying onto his desk. “Good morning!”, he said still   33  . “I am glad to see everyone is   34 . Now let’s get started. ”

For the next hour I wasn’t sleepy at all. It wasn’t from the   35  of my professor’s textbook alarm clock either. It was instead from the   36  discussion he led. With knowledge and good    37 he made the material come   38  . His insight was full of both wisdom and loving-kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy that he   39  with were contagious(有感染力的). I   40  the classroom not only wide awake, but a little  41  and a little better as well.

I learned something far more important than not   42  in class that day too. I learned that if you are going to do something in this life,do it well,do it with   43  . What a wonderful place this would be if all of us did our work happily and well. Don’t sleepwalk(梦游)your way through  44  then. Wake up! Let your love fill your work. Life is too   45  not to live it well.

1.                A.took           B.divided         C.stayed    D.put


2.                A.class           B.test            C.task  D.lecture


3.                A.platform        B.pillow          C.carpet    D.wall


4.                A.benefit         B.help           C.last  D.hurt


5.                A.heart          B.mind           C.thought   D.head


6.                                  A.trouble B.noise

C.failure                           D.reference


7.                                  A.angrily B.unfortunately

C.deliberately                       D.reasonably


8.                A.smiling         B.talking          C.complaining   D.shouting


9.                A.active          B.curious         C.present   D.awake


10.               A.sound          B.shock          C.revolution D.blow


11.                                A.fascinating  B.convincing

C.puzzling                          D.encouraging


12.               A.detail          B.sense          C.humor    D.design


13.               A.strange         B.natural         C.handy D.alive


14.               A.taught         B.spread         C.combined  D.started


15.               A.decorated      B.filled           C.left   D.entered


16.               A.clearer         B.smarter        C.quieter    D.stronger


17.               A.discussing       B.speaking        C.cheating   D.sleeping


18.                                A.joy    B.speed

C.aim                             D.qualification


19.               A.work          B.life            C.journey   D.college


20.               A.hard           B.complex        C.short D.simple



1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了教授用他热情和快乐“授课”的方式感染了我。作者感叹人生“短暂” 所要强调的是不要在“人生”中梦游。 1.考查动词:下一句提到作者的眼皮越来越沉由此可知作者在晚上在大部分时间都是在“熬夜”与朋友嬉笑、交谈。stay up表“熬夜”。 选C。 2.考查名词:作者由于昨晚熬夜在第二天的第一节“课”前就打瞌睡。 选A。 3.考查名词:作者难以睁开双眼头不由自主地垂到了课桌上把教材当成限“枕头”。选B。 4.考查动词:作者认为上课前小睡几分钟不会“产生不良影响”。选D。 5.考查名词:作者正在小睡突然被一种声音惊醒“心跳”加速所以环顾四周想搞清楚是怎么回事儿。选A。 6.考查上下文串联;根据本段开关提到的响声可知作者想找到“噪音”的起因。 选B。 7.考查副词:上一句中提到这位年轻的教授正用孩子般的微笑看着作者由此可知他是“有意”把携带的教科书重重地放在讲桌上的。deliberately“故意地”。选C。 8.考查动词:他仍然“微笑”着问候学生。此处与上文的“…with a boyish smile…”相呼应。选A  9.考查上下文串联:上文提到作者在昏睡中被教授故意制造的噪音惊醒由此可知此处表示教授看到每个人都“清醒”后感到非常高兴然后开始上课。选D 10.考查名词:在随后的一小时中作者不再困倦但这并不是教授的教科书把作者“惊”醒的。此处shock是名词表示“震惊”。上文提到的是作者从“噪音”中惊醒所以A项不恰当。选B  11.考查形容词:下文提到他知识渊博富有感染力由此可知他引入的讨论非常“吸引人”。fastinating“极有吸引力的”。选A  12.考查上下文串联:根据第44空前面的joy一词可知他不但知识渊博而且很有“幽默”感。选C  13.考查形容词:他用渊博的知识和幽默让材料“生动”起来come alive“变得兴味盎然生动起来”。A项表示“奇怪的”B项表示“自然的”C项表示“方便的”均不符合语境。选D  14.考查定语从句:他用热情和快乐“授课”的方式富有感染力。that he taught with是定语从句修饰先行词the enthusiasm and joy。选A 15.考查动词:在这一个小时中作者完全沉浸在教授的讲课中所以“离开”教室时无比清醒。选C  16.考查形容词:受到博学多才的教授的感染作者离开教室时不但非常清醒而且“聪明”了一些并且感觉好多了。A项与本句前半部分中的内容重复故可排除。选B 17.考查动词:上文提到作者在上课前睡着了后来被教授以独特的方式惊醒而且深受感染由此可知作者学到的东西远比在课堂上不要“睡觉”重要得多。教授用热情和快乐感染了学生所以作者感悟到的是“快乐地”把想要做的事情做好。下一句中的joyously也是线索提示。选D  18.考查名词:教授用热情和快乐感染了学生所以作者感悟到的是“快乐地”把想要做的事情做好。下一句中的joyously也是线索提示。选A 19.结合本段第二句中的“…going to do something in this life…”以及本段最后一句的开头部分可知作者所要强调的是不要在“人生”中梦游。选B   20.考查形容词:此处作者感叹人生“短暂”。其余选项都不符合语境. 选C   考点:考查故事类短文

 —I think Maths is playing a more important part in the new test system. What about you?

—________. We should be more devoted to it.

A.Fact speaks louder than words.

B.One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

C.Great minds think alike.

D.Don’t claim to know what you don’t know.



 New technology was used in teaching. As a result, not only ________, but students became moreinterested in lessons.

A.saved was teachers’ energy

B.was teachers’ energy saved

C.teachers’ energy was saved

D.was saved teachers’ energy



_________ computer games made his mother worried.

A.That the child was addicted to play

B.The child’s being addicted to playing

C.The child’s being addicted to play

D.What the child addicted to playing



 Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reports, one of which introduced the idea in 1953 ________ aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks by thinning blood.

A.when            B.where            C.that              D.which



 It is hard for people in the country to believe that the minister could survive in such ________ weather conditions.

A.severe           B.obvious           C.positive           D.sceptical



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