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Medalists of the 1948 London Olympic Gam...

Medalists of the 1948 London Olympic Games look back on their summer of victory.

SAMMY Lee, 91, U.S.


I first had my Olympic dream at 12, when they held the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. My father and I were at a grocery store, and I asked, “What are all the flags doing here?” He said, “We are having the Olympic Games. That’s where they honor the greatest athletes in the world.” I said, “Papa, someday I’m going to be an Olympic champ.”

Walking up the 10-meter platform, I thought to myself, “I’ve waited 16 years for this moment. Am I going to win?” So I prayed to God that I was most deserving of winning the Games.



During the war, I spent six years in Royal Air Force. I think in general, the 1948 Olympics meant very little to most people. We were too busy after the war to be worried about sport very much anyway.

Our team had about six weeks before the Olympics down at Torquay and we went out sailing every day.

Winning gold was quite something. It was nice to stand on the platform with lots of people cheering. We celebrated by going to a big dance.



I started rowing when I was 14. I joined the navy in 1942. In 1945 the war came to an end and I started rowing again.

In 1948 we were still on rations (配给供应): 4 oz. of red meat a week. But the United States had all the meat they wanted. They were the favorites to win.

On the day of the final, we led the Americans at the start, but their stronger staying power took them through to win. There were no ribbons on the medals, so we just showed them round the family.



At 14 I left school and got a job delivering groceries on a bicycle, which excited my interest in cycling. When the war broke out, I volunteered but was held back, so I continued riding.

After my team won our bronze medals, we went home just round the corner and had a sit-down and a chat and a laugh. It was a different world. Money was never, never thought about.

1. According to the passage, Sammy Lee ___________.

A.was 28 when he attended the 1948 Olympics

B.never thought he could win medals in diving

C.found that he has a talent for sports at age 12

D.prepared for the 1948 Olympics for 16 years

2. Michael Lapage blamed his team’s loss of the gold medal on their ___________.

A.weak will                              B.poor skill

C.poor nutrition                          D.hurried preparation

3. What did David Bond and Thomas Godwin have in common?

A.They both took part in a team event.

B.A lot of money was awarded to them.

C.The 1948 Olympics meant little to them.

D.They both served in the army during World War II.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Long-lived medalists                     B.The 1948 Olympics

C.Famous athletes                        D.Great in 1948


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是1948年奥运会奖牌得主们在回忆当时的伟大时刻。包括当时的比赛情境,有光荣也有遗憾。 1.计算题:从文章的句子:I first had my Olympic dream at 12, when they held the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles.可知1948年的时候Sammy Lee 28岁。选A 2.推理题:从文章的句子:In 1948 we were still on rations (配给供应): 4 oz. of red meat a week. But the United States had all the meat they wanted. They were the favorites to win.可知 Michael Lapage认为没得到金牌是因为营养不够。选C。 3.细节题:从文章的句子Our team had about six weeks before the Olympics down at Torquay and we went out sailing every day.和 After my team won our bronze medals, we went home just round the corner and had a sit-down and a chat and a laugh. David Bond 和 Thomas Godwin都是参加团体比赛。选A。 4.主旨题:从第一段的句子:Medalists of the 1948 London Olympic Games look back on their summer of victory. 可知是1948年奥运会奖牌得主在回忆当时的伟大时刻。选D 考点:考查历史类短文

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was born in Budapest on September 16, 1893. In 1911 he entered his uncle’s laboratory where he studied until the outbreak of World War One, when he joined the army. He served on the Italian and Russian fronts, and he was permitted to leave the army in 1917 after being wounded in action. He completed his studies in Budapest before he went to Hamburg for a two-year course in physical chemistry. In 1920 he became an assistant at a university in Leiden, the Netherlands and from 1922 to 1926 he worked with H. J. Hamburger at the Physiology Institute, Groningen, the Netherlands.

In 1926, Szent-Gyorgyi was ready to end his own life after an embarrassing problem in his career. The scientist, thirty-two, had written a paper and handed it to his boss for approval to publish. His boss threw it in the dustbin. Concluding his life was a failure, the young researcher quit. Unable to support his wife and child, he sent them home to her parents. His final wish was to attend one last scientific meeting, to be among scientists, to have one last good time. So he went to the 1926 International Physiological Society Congress in Sweden.

Sitting in the audience, lost in self-pity, Szent-Gyorgyi listened to the president of the society, Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, refer to the fine work of a researcher: Szent-Gyorgyi! After the speech, collecting his courage, he introduced himself to Hopkins. The great man invited the young scientist to Cambridge to do further work.

Szent-Gyorgyi’s life changed. He discovered the oxidation-preventing (防氧化的) action of vitamin C. He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937. He accounted for his success by saying that discovery is seeing what everyone else has seen but thinking what nobody else has thought.

1.Which of the following is the correct order of the events relevant to Szent-Gyorgyi?

a. finished his studies in Budapest

b. served during World War One

c. worked with Hopkins

d. studied in Hamburg

A.b, c, a, d           B.b, a, d, c           C.a, c, d, b           D.a, b, d, c

2. Why did Szent-Gyorgyi want to end his own life in 1926?

A.His pride was hurt by his boss.

B.He was not satisfied with his paper.

C.He couldn’t support his family.

D.His boss stopped him attending a conference.

3. The passage is organized in the pattern of _____________.

A.cause and effect

B.comparison and contrast

C.time and events

D.definition and classification





Most people think of birds as feathered animals that fly. Scientists,   36 , do not define (给…下定义) birds as animals that fly, because some birds do not. Of the 10,000 or so species of birds, 46 cannot   37 . Flight plays a key role in   38  for most birds. It allows them to find food over a   39  area and to get away from enemies. Ancestors of flightless birds may have   40   their ability to fly because they had no regular predators (捕食者) or did not need to fly to find food. Rather than fly, some of these birds developed other   41  to catch food and avoid enemies. Two examples of   42  birds are penguins and ostriches.

  43  birds that fly, penguins do not have wide wings or large feathers. In order to catch the fish they feed on, penguins use their powerful wings to swim   44 . And when they swim,  they look as if they are flying through the water. The   45  of penguins’ bodies makes it possible for them to dive deep underwater,  46  their thick feathers protect them from the cold.

Ostriches are known for their long legs, long necks, and large size. To   47  themselves, they stay in groups and use their excellent sight and hearing to   48  enemies. As soon as    49  approaches, they can run at a speed of more than 65 kilometers per hour to   50  . In addition to using their strong legs to run, they can kick powerfully. 

Not all flightless birds have been   51  in protecting themselves. Flightless birds on some islands had no enemies until people   52 . These birds were hunted and easily caught by people and the animals   53  by people. Human land development has   54  the habitats of some birds. A number of flightless birds   55  because they were unable to adapt to new conditions and new enemies.

1.                A.thus           B.however        C.therefore D.otherwise


2.                A.stand          B.fly             C.hear D.sing


3.                A.growth         B.communication   C.health    D.survival


4.                A.wide           B.familiar         C.crowded  D.special


5.                A.developed      B.improved       C.lost  D.proved


6.                A.parts           B.habits          C.ways D.tools


7.                A.wild           B.interesting      C.rare D.flightless


8.                A.Instead of       B.Because of      C.Besides   D.Unlike


9.                A.quickly         B.carefully        C.differently D.gradually


10.               A.shape          B.color           C.bone D.skin


11.               A.if             B.and            C.but   D.so


12.               A.help           B.feed           C.protect    D.hide


13.               A.kill            B.notice          C.confuse   D.frighten


14.               A.dawn          B.darkness        C.danger    D.food


15.               A.look           B.escape         C.move D.fight


16.               A.successful      B.natural         C.unusual   D.positive


17.               A.realized        B.acted          C.stopped   D.arrived


18.               A.brought        B.found          C.bought    D.hunted


19.               A.provided       B.formed         C.destroyed D.controlled


20.               A.flew away       B.watched out     C.gave away D.died out




– Shall we invite Jim and his sister to our party?

– ______. They’ll have fun with us, I think.

A.No way!                              B.Why not?

C.Good for you!                          D.What for?



 If penicillin had not been available, many people _____ from sickness or even small wounds.

A.would die                             B.would have died

C.will have died                          D.might die



 The Japanese government stubbornly claimed the ownership of Diao Yu Islands belonging to China, ______ greatly hurt the friendship between the two peoples.

A.that              B.what             C.which            D.it



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