满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Making new friends means   1. (put) yourself out on a limb and asking others not only to accept you, but to like you and want to be around you as well.    2.  (fortunate), there is no magical solution    3. this part of the process, so if you want to make friends, take a deep breath and jump right in!

  4.  first step to making new friends is figuring out what is holding you back. A lot of times people    5. are interested in making new friends don't know why they don’t have them already. They can’t see that    6.  own actions are working against them.

Once you can identify what is keeping you from making new friends, you need to work through these concerns. This can be painful    7.  you will need to put yourself outside of your comfort zones to see any real differences.

The next step is to shine in these social settings so that others will leave with a positive    8. (impress). If you find social situations hard, just rely on a few simple rules.

When you feel    9. (confidence) that you’ve made some great new friends, get out there and celebrate with them! No matter    10. you decide to do, the important thing is to celebrate your new friends and hopefully continue cultivating more.


1.putting 2.Unfortunately 3.to 4.The 5.who/ that 6.their 7.because 8.impression 9.confident 10.what 【解析】 试题分析:1.结交新朋友意味着将你自己处于孤立无援的位置。mean doing 意味着… 2.根据后文可知,不幸地是。Unfortunately不幸地 3.对于交朋友的这个过程,没有一个神奇的解决方案。magical solution to神奇的解决方法 4.the first step交新朋友的第一步。序数词前加the。 5.主句的谓语动词为don’t know,此处为定语从句,who/ that指人在定从中作主语成分,意为“很多时候,那些热衷于交新朋友的人不知道他们为什么没有新朋友”。 6.their own action他们自己的行动,句意:他们自己的行动正和他们期望的背道而驰。 7.because因为,表因果关系,句意:这样肯定是很痛苦的,因为这样你自己将会远离舒适的境地。 8.impression印象,句意:你应该在社交中更加阳光,以便给别人留下积极的印象。 9.confident自信的,句意:当你自信自己找到新朋友后,出去和他们一起聚会庆祝。 10.No matter what不管什么,句意:不管你决定做什么,都要为新朋友庆祝,并且满怀希望地去交更多的朋友。 考点:词汇




A.    Photography Club --- We are looking for artistically inclined students to join our new club. We plan to meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening after school from 6 to 8 pm. Each member must have their own equipment.

B.    Hiking Society --- Members meet every Saturday to discuss their hiking trips and twice a month, we arrange trips to different parts of the province for members to go on breathtaking scenic mountain walks. Get to understand our local geography, keep fit and have fun.

C.    Film Club --- The club is perfect for students who love artistic movies. Every Tuesday and Friday evening we hold a seminar in which a great new movie or a classic film is discussed and reviewed.

D.    Dancing Club---We are the largest club in the university with over 400 members. Members are invited to dancing practice every Monday evening from 7 pm to 10 pm and we hold dance parties with students from other universities once a month. Perfect way to keep fit and meet new friends.

E.    English Society --- A new group organized by the University English Dept. gives all students on campus a chance to practice and improve their English. We plan to have regular foreign guests come to our weekly meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and we show English language movies that can help you both practice your English and be entertained as well.

F.    Book Club --- Members meet each week to discuss and recommend books to each other. Meetings are lunch times on Fridays. Membership is free. All members qualify for a 20% discount on all books purchased from the Xinhua Book Store.


1.Cherry wants to join a club that will keep her fit and active but because she has a part-time job every workday evening she is only available to take part on the weekends.

2.David is a new student at the university, whose major is English literature. He is a little shy so is hoping to join a club that can help him get to know new people and build his confidence.

3.Bonnie is majoring in drama and wants to be a scriptwriter when she graduates. She is interested in discovering new stories that she may one day be able to turn into movies. As her home is far from the university she is only free during the day to take part.

4.Betty is studying film making and one day hopes to become a director. But she thinks her ability to create beautiful visual images is not strong enough so she has recently purchased a camera to help her practice.

5.Jack is a first year geography student who would like to learn more about the geography of the local area. He is also worried about passing the English test that all students must take at the end of their first year of study. He has to return to his home to help his parents every weekend so is only free during weekdays.



 Roman Pantheon (万神殿) is one of the greatest achievements of the ancient Romans. The ancient Romans were good architects and they built many wonderful buildings. Another good example of a Roman architectural style is the Roman Coliseum, which is a large building used for public sports events or entertainment. The Roman architectural style has been borrowed by many of the western countries.

The architecture of Pantheon is unique to Rome. In Latin and Greek, pantheon means "Temple of all the Gods". Marcus Agrippa built the original Pantheon in 27 BC. But the Pantheon built by Agrippa was completely destroyed in 80 AD when a fire broke out. The Roman Pantheon that is visited by many tourists today was rebuilt in 125 AD by the Roman emperor Hadrian. Hadrian's architects followed the exact design of Marcus Agrippa. Historians believe that the Pantheon was a place of worship(崇拜) because it housed all the gods and goddesses of the ancient Romans.

The Pantheon of Rome is an amazing example of ancient Roman architecture. This building has been in use for over 2000 years. The Roman Pantheon is famous for its design, size. The most unbelievable feature of this building is its huge concrete dome(圆顶). The Pantheon’s dome was thought to be the largest, until recent times.

Phocas, the Byzantine Emperor presented the Roman Pantheon to Pope Boniface IV to save it from the destruction. In 609 AD, it was turned into a church. During Papal rule, it was used as a burial ground (坟场) for kings and other famous people. There are tombs of Raphael (a painter), King Victor Emmanuel II, King Umberto I and many more in the Pantheon.

Some of the buildings that were constructed on the model of the Roman Pantheon are The Rotunda - University of Virginia, Low Memorial Library - Columbia University, Grand Auditorium - Tsinghua University, Jefferson Memorial - Washington D.C. and Duomo - Florence.

1.From the first paragraph, we can learn that _______.

A.the Coliseum was often used for big parties

B.there were different architectural styles in Rome

C.the Roman architectural style was borrowed from many western countries

D.the Pantheon and the Coliseum are examples of Roman architecture

2.According to historians, the Pantheon was built to _______.

A.exhibit the terrific design of Marcus Agrippa

B.suggest the power of Emperor Hadrian

C.provide a place for Roman gods and goddess

D.show ancient Rome’s unique architectural style

3.The Pantheon which tourists visit at present was built in _______.

A.27BC             B.80AD             C.about 125AD       D.609 AD

4.The Pantheon was thought highly of especially because of its _______.

A.strange shape      B.huge dome        C.perfect quality      D.beautiful

5.The text mainly tells us _______.

A.some facts about the Roman Pantheon

B.the influence of ancient Roman architecture

C.Roman’s lifestyle in ancient times

D.ancient Romans and their architecture



A 33-year-old financial analyst in California recently quit his job to devote himself to an unpaid job teaching math on the Internet, and his lessons are reaching almost 100,000 people a month. Salman Khan’s voice is heard every day on the net — by tens of thousands of students around the world who are hungry for help learning math. He has posted 1,200 lessons on You Tube —lessons that appear on an electronic blackboard, which range from basic addition to advanced mathematics for science and finance. And they are free.

Khan lives in Silicon Valley, with his wife, a doctor, and their new baby. He got the idea for his “Khan Academy” four years ago, when he taught a young cousin how to convert kilograms to grams. With Khan’s help, the cousin got good at math, and Khan began a new career.

Now, Khan records his lessons himself, but he never goes on camera. “It feels like my voice in their head. You’re looking at it and it feels like someone’s over your shoulder talking in your ear, as opposed to someone at the blackboard, which is distant from you,” he said.

When Springfield High School in Palo Alto, California invited Khan to speak in person—he immediately connected to the students there.

The idea of short lessons that can be played over and over again attracted high school senior Bridget Meaney. She says she had trouble with math in the seventh grade. “I think the teachers are good, but they can’t teach at a speed that’s perfect for everyone,” she said. “I like the idea of learning something in class but then going back and pressing pause or rewind and actually getting a deeper understanding of it.”

Originally, Khan kept his lessons short because of YouTube restrictions. Now, he thinks short is better. “Education researchers now tell me that 10 minutes is how long someone can have a high level of concentration. And anything beyond that and your brain switches off,” he said.

For Khan, teaching math, science, and finance is just the beginning. He says he’s ready to expand his YouTube site to include other subjects as well.

1.What gave Khan the idea of teaching math online?

A.His success in helping his cousin learn math.

B.His discovery that many students found learning math difficult.

C.A suggestion made to him at a local high school.

D.His interest in Internet teaching.

2.Why does Khan never go on camera?

A.He’s too shy to show his face on camera.

B.It’s restricted by YouTube for education videos.

C.He wants to keep distance from the viewers.

D.He wants to create a more relaxed learning atmosphere.

3.From the passage, we know that ________.

A.Khan travels to many schools to promote his lessons

B.Khan plans to include more subjects in the future

C.Khan gives live math lessons every day for free

D.Khan set up the Khan Academy with his wife

4.Why does Bridget Meaney like Khan’s lessons?

A.Khan teaches seventh grade math better than her teacher.

B.The lessons can be watched repeatedly until fully understood.

C.She can perfectly follow the pace of Khan’s teaching.

D.She cannot concentrate when learning in class.

5.What does Khan mean by “short is better” in the 6th paragraph?

A.Keeping the lessons short can ensure better concentration.

B.YouTube recommends short lessons for its site.

C.Short lessons encourage students to return to the website.

D.Students enjoy short mathematics lessons more.



These days, young children can enjoy directly what it is like to be a marine biologist (海洋生物学家) at a marine association. What they discover can lead them to appreciate and protect the ocean and also the animals living in it.

At the present time, learning isn’t only limited to the classroom. It’s quite common for kids to learn from outdoor experiences. Teachers commonly take their pupils on field trips to museums as well as other interesting areas. If you wish to help pupils to take care of the ocean, one of the best areas to take them to is a marine association, the place where the ocean biome (生物圈) is shown.

Taking your pupils to a marine association is a prefect way to help them learn. Education professionals agree that there are topics that children can learn more successfully whenever they experience them directly.

Several organizations that focused on protecting the ocean now operate on the coast of different areas in America and all around the world. It’s quite common for marine associations nowadays to open their doors several times a week to kids, parents, and ocean lovers to learn more about the ocean biome.

A marine association has different programs for children of different ages. You’ll find programs that are developed specially for pupils. Pupils are involved in interactive (互动的) learning. This learning experience allows young children to recognize the value of the role each species performs in their environment. They not only get to research creatures from the ocean, but they also get to see, touch, and smell most of these animals and plants. This type of exposure offers students an idea about the life of a marine scientist. It could help them choose a career afterwards.

These programs are generally held on Saturdays and Sundays in order that kids and parents can have more hours in which to have fun. Teachers who want to arrange these activities for their students can call a local marine association near them.

1.According to the text, pupils can have a better understanding of the ocean biome by _______.

A.learning about it from books

B.going to a marine association

C.attending marine biologists’ meetings

D.taking part-time jobs at marine associations

2.In Paragraph 5, the author mainly wants to tell us _______.

A.the advantage of learning at a marine association

B.different activities offered by a marine association

C.a marine association’s working conditions

D.the way to develop children’s interest in ocean

3.The underlined word “exposure” in Paragraph 5 probably means _______.

A.the way of explaining something

B.the way of choosing a career

C.a marine association’s working condition

D.the way to develop children’s interest in the ocean

4.Which of the following is TURE?

A.Young children can enjoy indirectly what it is like to be a marine biologist at a marine association.

B.To help your pupils to take care of the ocean, the best area to take them to is a marine association.

C.Children can learn the topics more successfully when they experience them directly.

D.A marine association has the same program for children of different ages.

5.The text is most probably taken from _______.

A.a teacher’s presentation

B.a marine biologist’s report

C.a student’s field trip journal

D.an introduction to a marine association



Nowadays more and more young athletes are taking part in the risky activities called “extreme sports” or “X-sports”.

In the past young athletes would play baseball. Today, they want risk and excitement — the closer to the edge, the better. They snowboard over cliff and hike deep mountains.

Extreme sports started as an alternative to more expensive sports such as golf. A city kid who couldn’t afford expensive sports equipment could get a skateboard and have fun. But now it has become a whole new area of sports, with specialized equipment and high levels of skill. There is even an Olympics for extreme sports, called the winter x-game, which includes snow mountain hiking and ice climbing.

What makes extreme sports so popular? Maybe it’s because people love the risk. City people want to be outdoors on the weekends and do something challenging. The new equipment is so much better that people can take more risks without getting hurt. Sure there’s a risk. Once you go mountain hiking or snowboarding, it’s impossible to go back to have riding or skiing. It’s just too boring.

Now even the older crowd is starting to join in. Every weekend, groups of friends in their early 30s get together. On weekdays they work as computer programmers in the same office. On weekends they hike mountains together.

Extreme sports are certainly not for everyone. Most people still prefer to play basketball or watch sports on TV. But it has been a fact that extreme sports are gaining popularity.

1.Extreme sports started as an alternative to more expensive sports because _______.

A.people didn’t like to play golf

B.some city kids couldn’t afford expensive sports equipment

C.there is an Olympics for extreme sports

D.extreme sports are gaining popularity

2.More and more young athletes are taking part in extreme sports because _______.

A.people want risk and excitement

B.it’s impossible to go back to have riding or skiing

C.people can take more risks without getting hurt

D.the older crowd is starting to join in

3.To have extreme sports, you should _______.

A.have specialized equipment and high levels of skill

B.be very young at age

C.do snow mountain hiking and ice climbing

D.afford expensive sports equipment

4.The author gives the example of the computer programmers in the same office to show _______.

A.young people love risks

B.they can’t afford golf

C.they don’t like to play basketball or watch sports on TV

D.extreme sports are gaining popularity

5.The main idea of this passage is _______.

A.extreme sports are certainly not for everyone

B.the benefits and costs of extreme sports

C.the development of extreme sports

D.what makes extreme sports so popular



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