满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Two people were killed in the serious ca...

Two people were killed in the serious car _______ the other day.  

A.strike            B.break             C.crash             D.incident


C 【解析】 试题分析:名词辨析。A罢工;B休息;C撞车;D小事件;句意:在前天的撞车事故中有两个人被撞死了。根据句意说明C正确。 考点:考查名词辨析

It is said that the temperature is unusual mainly _______ global warming caused by human activities.

A.in spite of         B.by means of        C.in case of          D.on account of



The transformation of our city will make _______ for people here to have a comfortable environment.                     

A.it possible         B.no possibility       C.impossible         D.there was possibility



Mary _______ her mother with the housework, but she didn’t.  

A.must have helped                       B.ought to have helped

C.must help                             D.should help



The local government announced that only when the fire was under control ________ to return to their homes.

A.the residents would be allowed            B.had the residents been allowed

C.would the residents be allowed             D.the residents had been allowed



He left home without saying a word, and _______ worries many people and is to be found out.                                

A.where he has gone                      B.where did he go

C.which place has he gone                  D.where has he gone



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