满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Who ________ a lady like Susan Boyle, on...

Who ________ a lady like Susan Boyle, once an ordinary woman in Scotland, would achieve overnight success at Britain’s Got Talent Show?

A.might think                            B.could think

C.could have thought                      D.must have thought


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:会能够想到像Susan Boyle这样的女士,她曾经只是一个苏格兰普通的妇女,会在英国达人秀表演中一举成名,could have done表示过去能够做某事,而实际未能做某事,must have thought表示过去肯定做了某事,故选C 考点:情态动词+动词完成时

What will people die of in 100 years? If you think that is a simple question, you ______ attention to the revolution taking place in biotechnology.

A.have not been paying                    B.had not been paying

C.were not paying                        D.will not be paying



The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time _________ the situation improves.

A.since             B.when             C.before            D.unless



Mandela, having devoted all his life to the freedom of South African Blacks, is a real fighter for us to_________.

A.live up to          B.come up to        C.make up to        D.look up to



You cannot imagine what great trouble I took ______ your house.

A.to find            B.finding            C.found            D.having found



Jordan kept his illness from his opponents before the final game ________ they might know about it.

A.now that          B.on condition that    C.for fear that        D.in order that



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