满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I _________ a lot from this guy. He borr...

I _________ a lot from this guy. He borrowed my clothes, he borrowed my money, he  borrowed my tennis racket. But when I caught him using my toothbrush that was the last straw, so I kicked him out!

A.sped up with       B.mixed up with      C.put up with        D.teamed up with


C 【解析】 试题分析:考察动词短语辨析。A加快速度;B混淆;C容忍;D与…合作;句意:我忍受了这个家伙很多了。他借我的衣服,我的钱,我的网球拍。当我发现他用我的牙膏的时候,,那是最后一根稻草,我把他踢了出去。根据句意说明C正确。 考点:考察动词短语辨析

The total combined income of 48 countries in Africa is only a little more than _____ of Belgium.

A.that              B.it                C.those             D.one



 --Do you think Jack will lend us a hand?

--He is the last one to help others. He _____lend his hand, though.

A.can              B.must             C.should            D.might



When I was younger, I’d often go for ____ drive with some friends, purely for ____ enjoyment of it.

A.a; an             B.a; the             C.the; /             D./; the



Researchers at Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology say they have found further proof that the wolf ancestors of today’s dogs can be from southern East Asia -- findings that are contrary to theories placing the birth place in the Middle East. Dr Peter Savolainen, KTH researcher in evolutionary genetics, says a new study released Nov. 23 confirms that an Asian region south of the Yangtze River was the principal and probably the only region where wolves were domesticated(驯化)by humans.

Research data show clearly that dogs are descended from wolves, but there’s never been scientific agreement on where in the world the domestication process began. “Our analysis of Y-chromosomal(染色体)DNA now confirms that wolves were first domesticated in Asia south of Yangtze River -- we call it the ASY region -- in southern China or Southeast Asia,” Savolainen says.

The Y data supports previous evidence from mitochondrial(线粒体)DNA. “Taken together, the two studies provide very strong evidence that dogs appeared first in the ASY region,” Savolainen says.

Archaeological data and a genetic study recently published in Nature suggest that dogs originate from the Middle East. But Savolainen rejects that view. “Because none of these studies included samples from the ASY region, evidence from ASY has been overlooked,” he says.

Peter Savolainen and PhD student Mattias Oskarsson worked with Chinese colleagues to analyse DNA from male dogs around the world. Their study was published in the scientific journal Heredity.

Approximately half of the gene pool was universally shared everywhere in the world, while only the ASY region had the entire range of genetic diversity. “This shows that gene pools in all other regions of the world most probably originate from the ASY region,” Savolainen says.

“Our results confirm that Asia south of the Yangtze River was the most important -- and probably the only -- region for wolf domestication, and that a large number of wolves were domesticated,” says Savolainen.

In separate research published recently in Ecology and Evolution, Savolainen, PhD student Arman Ardalan and Iranian and Turkish scientists conducted a comprehensive study of mitochondrial DNA, with a particular focus on the Middle East. Because mitochondrial DNA is inherited only from the mother in most species, it is especially useful in studying evolutionary relationships.

“Since other studies have indicated that wolves were domesticated in the Middle East, we wanted to be sure nothing had been missed. We find no signs whatsoever that dogs originated there,” says Savolainen.

In their studies, the researchers also found minor genetic contributions from crossbreeding between dogs and wolves in other geographic regions, including the Middle East.

“This subsequent dog/wolf hybridisation(混合淡化技术)contributed only modestly to the dog gene pool,” Savolainen explains.

1.What does Dr. Peter Savolainen believe?

A. Dogs’ ancestors came from the Middle East.

B. Wolves were probably first trained to work for humans in the ASY region.

C. Analysis of Y-chromosomal DNA should be combined with mitochondrial DNA.

D. Samples of the previous studies are enough to support the conclusion.

2.We can learn from the passage that _______.

A.there is a universal agreement on the place of first domestication

B.data from ASY may highlight where dogs came from

C.Dr. Savolainen’s research mainly focuses on the Middle East

D.the dog/wolf hybridization makes up most of the dog gene pool

3.What is special about mitochondrial DNA?

A.It is only used in studying evolutionary relationships.

B.It alone can provide hard evidence for Savolainen’s research.

C.It is the most useful in finding out the birth place of dogs.

D.It comes from the mother of most animals and plants.



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Office of Admissions

Financial Aid

Our goal in admissions and financial aid is clear: We want to bring the best people to Harvard, regardless of their ability to pay — and we do. About 70 percent of our students receive some form of aid, with over 60 percent receiving need–based scholarships.

Two principles guide us:

· Admission to Harvard is need-blind, by which we mean that financial need is not a barrier to admission. International students have the same access to financial aid as United States citizens.

· Financial aid at Harvard is entirely need–based and we are committed to meeting the demonstrated need of all students. Students apply for aid annually and every year we review our financial aid program, considering such things as any changed student or family circumstances, university resources, and demand.

Removing Economic Barriers

In the past decade we have increased financial aid for low and middle income families by over 180%. No contribution is expected from parents with incomes under $65,000. Beginning with the class of 2016, those parents with annual incomes between $65,000 and $150,000 are asked to contribute from zero to ten percent of their income. Some families with incomes above $150,000 still qualify for aid. Families at all incomes who have significant assets(资产)will continue to pay more than those in less fortunate circumstances. Students are also asked to contribute to the cost of their education through term-time and summer work.

Families with higher incomes facing unusual financial challenges may also qualify for need–based scholarship assistance, yet those with significant assets at all income levels are asked to contribute proportionately(成比例的)more.

Our financial aid program includes an array of financing options beyond our need–based scholarship program, such as a parent monthly payment plan, various loan programs and the opportunity to pre–pay tuition for four years at a student’s freshman year rate.

There are also other forms of financial assistance such as the Faculty Aide Program, the Harvard College Research Program and the Dean’s Summer Research Program that enable students to create paid partnerships with teachers on academic projects of mutual interest. Over two-thirds of Harvard students choose to work during their time in Cambridge and gain valuable job experience working in a wide array of University settings, including our libraries, dining halls, museums and academic departments.

We hope you will visit our websites for a fuller description of our comprehensive program of financial assistance.

1.Admission to Harvard is need-blind in that _______.

A.Harvard does take into account students’ economic situations

B.Students’ ability to pay does not affect their admissions to Harvard

C.Students need to pay big money to Harvard after they are admitted

D.The majority of students in Harvard do not need financial aids

2.Based on the requirements above, we can learn that _______.

A.parents with annual incomes of over $ 150,000 needn’t contribute

B.financial aids are not intended for families with higher incomes

C.wealthier families are expected to contribute more to Harvard

D.students are not encouraged to pay the cost of their education

3.In what way can students get financial assistance from Harvard?

A.Students can be offered paid-work opportunities outside Harvard.

B.Students can have opportunities to get loans for their education.

C.Students can pay for their education in Harvard within one month.

D.Students earn money by assisting teachers in Cambridge University.



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