满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

-----How did you think of the job he did...

-----How did you think of the job he did last week ?

-----Well done. ______.

A.It couldn’t be worse                    B.It should be better

C.It couldn’t have been better              D.It was worse


C 【解析】 试题分析:考察形容词用法。本句指考察的是形容词的比较级和否定词连用,表示最高级的含义。句意:—你认为上个星期他的工作怎么样?-做的好。再好不过了。本句中的否定词和比较级better连用,表示最高级。故C正确。 考点:考察形容词用法

Great efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage _____ avoided.

A.is to be           B.can be            C.has been          D.will be



-----Did you have a hard time traveling back home?

-----Yes, it ______ for four days when I arrived in Guiyang and all the roads______ covered with ice.

A.snowed, were                          B.was snowing, had been

C.had been snowing, had been               D.had snowed, were



The science of computer, _______rapid progress has been made in recent years, is the most important of all science.

A.which            B.with which         C.in which          D.to which



-----Can you come for dinner on Sunday or Saturday?

-----I’m afraid _______ day is possible.

A.either            B.neither           C.some             D.any



It is not just the size of the Olympic Games ___makes them unique, but ____they mean to us .

A.which, that        B.that, what         C.that, because       D.that, that



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