满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Dear Editor, Rec...


Dear Editor,

Recently we have made a discussion about the prevent of global warming in our research

group. Everybody has become aware the green-house effect, what has drawn the attention of the world. Many scientists on the summit of COPENHAGEN warned any rise above 2 degrees could lead to a sea level rise threatening islands and coastal cities, kill off many specie of animals and plants. As a result of, every nation should work together to limit the release of carbon dioxide. Everybody should shoulder the responsible for fight against climate change, and a low carbon life is a must.

I think fight against global warming is part of environmental protection. If we humans are more friend to nature, nature will be friendly, too. It’s time everybody rethink our role in keeping peace with our mother, nature.

Yours   sincerely,



 prevent—prevention       aware ^ of       what —which           kill —killing     specie —species          result of—result       responsible – responsibility       fight – fighting       friend – friendly         rethink – rethought. 【解析】 试题分析:  prevent—prevention   介词about后面要接名词形式,故使用prevention。  aware ^ of    固定搭配be/become aware of意识到。。。。   what —which   本句是一个定语从句,which指代先行词the green-house effect在句中作主语。What不能引导定语从句。  kill —killing   本句的killing是现在分词在句中作结果状语,表示的是正常的意料之中的结果。  specie —species    前面有many修饰,说明这里要使用复数形式。  result of—result   如果使用as a result of…(因为)后面要有宾语的形式。As a result结果是。表示上下文的因果关系。  responsible – responsibility   本句中的responsibility作为动词shoulder的宾语,指承担责任。  fight – fighting   前面的介词for后面要接动名词doing的形式。  friend – friendly   本句指的形容词friendly和系动词are在一起构成系表结构。  rethink – rethought 本句是虚拟语气It is time后面的从句可以使用过去时或者should+动词原形的形式。本句中使用了过去时的时态。 考点:考查学生在上下文语境中对词汇语法的掌握情况

Culture means any human behavior that is learned in human society. All of the meaningful parts of a culture are passed on to different generations through tradition or social learning.  1.  Culture exists in agricultural as well as industrialized societies.

Culture is necessary for the survival and existence of human beings as human beings. Practically everything humans know, think, value, feel, and do is learned through taking part in a sociocultural system.  2.  Here is one of the cases of children growing up apart from human society. In the province of Midnapore in India, the director of a children’s home was told by local villagers that there were “ghost” in the forest. Upon looking into the case, the director found that two children, one about eight years old and the other about six years old, appeared to have been living a pack of wolves in the forest.  3.   In his diary, the director describes his first view of Kamala (as the older child was named) and Amala ( the name given to the younger child):

Kamala was a terrible-looking being, the head, a big ball of something covering the shoulders.  4.   Their eyes were bright and sharp, unlike human eyes. They were very fond of raw meat and raw milk. Gradually, as they got stronger, they began going on all fours, and afterwards began to run on all fours, just like squirrels.

Children learn human language in the same way they learn other kinds of human behavior——by taking part in a cultural community.   5. 

A.From this viewpoint, all human groups have a culture.

B.Close at its heels there came another terrible creature exactly like the first, but smaller in size.

C.Human beings can only develop human abilities by the local people.

D.This statement is well supported by some well-written cases.

E. These children were the ghosts described by the local people.

F. Culture refers only to the high art and classical music of a particular society.

G. They learn a certain human languages as well as certain kinds of human behavior through their membership in a certain cultural community.



越来越多的人用微博记录心情和感悟。请你以“The micro-blog:A new way of communication”为题,用英文写一篇短文。短文应包括下表中的内容:












The micro-blog: A new way of communication


_______                                                                   _

______ __________________________________       ________________________




Hi, everyone. To let us get closely to nature and do more exercise, the Committee of our

community will organise the activity. All residents they are interested in farming are invited to

take part the activity. Weather permitted, we’ll ride bike to do some farming this Saturday on a

farm. It is about 5 kilometres far away from our community. You can grow some vegetables,

plant some flowers and fed fish in the lake nearby. You will be trained and guide while

farming. Not only will you enjoy the pleasure of labour and get relaxed, but also you can taste

some fresh produce unless you are willing to. Everyone is welcome to attend!



Your teen is falling asleep in class

Teens have a busy morning schedule as they need to wake up and get moving very early in order to catch a bus and get to school by the required time. This means teens need to get their rest the night before or they will be too tired to learn anything at school.   1.  

When a teen falls asleep in class, two things happen: he/she misses what is being taught and he/she loses the respect of the teacher. He/She may also receive a consequence from the school, depending on the classroom discipline policy.   2. 

To prevent your teen from being sleepy in class, try these three tips:

* Set a time for “lights out” on school nights. This is never be any later than 10 p. m. and preferably 9 p.m.   3.  Soft music can be on and used to help calm your teen.                          

* Help your teen develop a nighttime routine that involves activities that slow them down for the end of the day.   4.  Turning off the computer and disconnecting from friends and the excitement of the day an hour before bedtime will also help your teen relax.

* 5.  This will reinforce(增强)what it feels like to be rested and capable of accomplishing what he/she wants.

A.What’s worse, they may even fall asleep in class.

B.Taking a bath and reading are two activities that work well.

C.Set a good example and show him/her your love for learning.

D.Point out the positives after your teen has had a good night’s rest.

E. “Lights out” means the computer, television, lights and cell phone should be off.

F. All of these things affect your teen’s academic success and can be avoided.

G. While your teen keeps his/her goals in line with your expectations, he/she may have his/her own goals.



Coaches and parents always tell us to keep our goals in mind when we go for a competition. Carrying your goals and expectations into a competition is one of the biggest mistakes any athlete can make. This is a big game and you want to win. You want to score a hundred, defeat your competitors, or score a hat-trick(三分)of goals. When you carry your goals into the competitive ground with you, chances are great that you will leave that performance with disappointment and heartache, and nothing more!

Expectations will weigh you down. Expectations will distract (使分心)you from the performance and make your muscles tighten up. Want to perform to your potential when it counts the most? Then write your goals on a piece of paper before you leave for the game, match or race, and then leave that paper at home!  Make a deal with yourself to let go of your goals. Expectations and goals should be your training partner, used to motivate you to work harder during practice and take your game to the next level, However, never take your goals and expectations into a competition. You will not perform to your potential!

Go into your competitions without any preconceived (预想的)ideas about the result. Forget the outcome!  Instead, keep your focus on what you’re doing in the moment. Think of the competition as it unfolds, moment by moment. Relax at every opportunity by breathing deep and letting go of the tension in your muscles. When you do this you’ll remain loose and relaxed. When you stay loose,  you’ll perform to your capabilities. Goals and expectations are very important for your overall motivation, and very harmful when you carry them into a performance.

1.According to the passage, for an athlete one of the biggest mistakes is _______.

A.forgetting his goals when competing         B.worrying about his not winning

C.carrying his goals into the competition       D.paying too much attention to the result

2.The underlined part  “weigh you down” in the second paragraph probably means “________”.

A.make you feel anxious                   B.make you want to do something

C.help you perform to the potential           D.help you concentrate on something

3.According to the author, expectations and goals should be ________.

A.set within one’s capabilities

B.used as an encouragement when training

C.written down in case of being forgotten

D.divided into some small parts

4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A.Keep your goals in mind                  B.Set your goals for a competition

C.Forget your goals after competitions         D.Leave your goals at home



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