满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

No driving after drinking is a rule that...

No driving after drinking is a rule that every driver _______ obey in our country.

A.will              B.shall              C.may              D.can


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意,在我国,饮酒后不开车是每一个司机都必须遵守的规则。Will表示意愿shall用于主语为第三人称的陈述句中,表示条约、规定、法令等中的义务,常译为“应,必须”may表示征求对方意见can表示能力,根据题意,故选B。 考点:情态动词的考查

Missing in Thailand, a comedy about two rival Chinese businessmen and a simple-minded pancake maker,      box offices records since Dec 12.

A.is breaking        B.are breaking       C.has broken        D.have broken



     Micro-letters (Weixin) will be charged has not been decided yet.

A.That             B.Whether          C.Which            D.Since






1. 结合实际,分析颁布该禁令的原因以及可能带来的影响。

2. 词数在120左右。



Marley is a businessman. His business is freezing people. He works for a company in California called Trans Time. Trans Time freezes people after they die. Why does Trans Time freeze people? Doctors today can cure many diseases, but they cannot cure all diseases. People still get sick and die. Maybe in the future doctors will have medicine for all diseases. Some people think so. They want Trans Time to freeze their bodies after they die. Maybe 100 or 200, or 300 years later, Trans Time doctors will bring the people back to life. The doctors will cure their diseases, and the people will be alive and healthy again.

People often ask the scientists at the Trans Time, “How will Trans Time bring dead people back to life?” They say, “We can freeze a healthy animal and bring it back to life. We think that someday it will be possible with human.” When they say “someday”, they mean years from now — maybe 100 or 200 years. How can Trans Time keep people frozen for 200 years?

After a person dies, workers at Trans Time cool the body with ice and chemicals. When the body is very cold, workers put the body into a capsule (密封舱). They fill the capsule with liquid nitrogen (液氮). The temperature in it is 196 degrees centigrade below zero. Every two weeks workers add more liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen keeps the bodies frozen.

Trans Time charges $21,000 to freeze a body and $59,000 to keep a body frozen. That’s $80,000 all together. It is a lot of money. But some people think that $80,000 is a fair price. It’s a fair price for a chance to live again, isn’t it?

1.What kind of people does Trans Time serve? (No more than 2 words)


2.How much should one pay together, if he wants his body to be cooled and kept by Trans Time?

(No more than 2 words)


3.Why do people want to be frozen? (No more than 9 words)


4.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? (No more than 6 words)




It’s easy to see how the sawfish got its name. These frightful creatures can grow to be more than 6 meters long. Their bodies are flat and winged, like underwater airplanes. And their noses are shaped like chainsaws.

Sawfish are food hunters of the sea. When a sawfish is hungry, it waves its sharp-toothed snout(口鼻部)through a group of fish. Then, it lifts its nose and uses its mouth to draw the injured victims.

Hardy(适应力强的)population of sawfish thrived in warm waters along coastlines around the world for thousands of years. Over the past 200 years, however, human actions have severely endangered sawfish. Threats include fishing nets that trap the huge animals, often by mistake.

Some people collect sawfish’s snouts as prizes: One snout recently sold for nearly $ 1,600 online. In some Asian cultures, the toothy snouts are used in ceremonies to drive evil and disease away. And sawfish are also delicious. A growing demand in Asia for the fish’s fins for a pricey soup has contributed to the fish’s loves. Compared with other fish, sawfish give birth late in life and at slow rates, which makes it hard for them to recover from overfishing.

New efforts now aim to restore sawfish population. Beginning next month, an international agreement will provide protection for all seven of the world’s sawfish species. Scientists are hoping that it’s not too late to save the sawfish.

Until 1998, “this fish had never been formally studied in the United States,” says Tonya Wiley of the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Fla. “We didn’t know such basic things as where they live, what habitat they use, how often they breed, how many young they have — even what age sawfish are when they begin breeding.”

Through historical studies and field research, scientists have become aware of how much the fish’s numbers have decreased. Today, there may be 90 percent fewer sawfish than there used to be. Wiley estimates that only 3,000 to 6,000 sawfish remain in US waters.


Descriptions Size


2. __________    Body: Flat and winged   Nose: Like a chainsaw

3.__________  of hunting for food    Attacking fish with


Drawing the injured victims with its mouth.

5.__________       Sawfish’s disappearance 


Sawfish’s snout relates business.


7._________ and slowly which makes it hard to recover from overfishing.

8._________  Only 10 % sawfish left

3,000 to 6,000 remain in US watersEfforts  

9.__________ Measure

Restoring sawfish population

10.__________ all seven of the world’s sawfish species



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