满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Now it is becoming more and more popular...

Now it is becoming more and more popular to chat over the Internet, because you can find it 1. _______ expensive to do that than to make a long distance call. This makes Internet chatting 2. _______ attractive option if you live far away from family and friends,3. ______ you are on a budget.

You can also complete 4. _______ tasks while chatting over the Internet. For example, you can read and reply to emails, finish typing a document, or have a conversation 5.______ someone who is in the room. This can be an advantage 6. ______ you are busy and don’t have much time for personal chatting. This can also be a disadvantage because you aren’t giving the other person or task your full attention.

Because you can do kinds of tasks7. _______ chatting on the Internet, it can become easy to lose track of time. You can end up chatting longer than you intended to, 8.______ can make it difficult to complete other tasks.


1.less 2.an 3.or 4.other 5.with 6.if/when 7.while 8.which 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇说明文。因特网聊天是生活中的一部分,尤其是青年学生更是喜爱有加。然而,它究竟是好还是坏?文章简单介绍了应用因特网进行电话交流及其他用途的利与弊。 1.less。抓住关键词than,根据expensive与to make a long distance call的常识,作出判断:网上聊天比长度电话更便宜,于是得出答案less。 2.关键在于懂得option是可数名词,那么结合英语知识:可数名词第一次出现,其前面须用不定冠词;再根据attractive以元音开头,从而确定答案为an。 3. or。关键要正确理解you live far away from family and friends与you are on a budget在句子中关系。根据This makes Internet chatting an attractive option中的option可知,为两者之间的选择,于是答案填or。 4.other。抓住名词tasks就可知道,名词前面须用形容词、数词或代词,根据also及后面的For example,结合前面一段的意思可知,指通过因特网完成其他任务,于是填答案other。 5.with。在此题中,考生必须牢记英语短语have a conversation with someone(与某人会话),从而很容易确定答案with。 6.if/when。本题主要考查对句子间的逻辑关系的理解。根据can可知,前面主句表示一种可能,那么后面应该是可能情况下所需要的条件,于是答案填if。也可理解为表时间,填when。 7.while。本题主要考查对动作时间关系的理解。根据multitask后面的chatting on the Internet可知,表示两件事情同时进行,于是用连词while。 8.which。本题主要考查对句子结构的理解。根据前面的逗号及后面的内容可知,后面为非限制性定语从句,由于定语从句缺主语,于是答案填which。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读理解

My partner and I were staying in Beruwela on the Southwest coast of Sri Lanka when the tsunami(海啸) hit. We   1  from the first floor of our hotel. At that time, a wall of water swept in and tore the ground floor apart underneath us.   2  to be moved out to Colombo was very frightening because everyone was afraid that another and possibly bigger   3  would come. At one stage we heard that another wave was coming and there was   4 . Surprisingly, a fleet of small vehicles driven by local people arrived outside the hotel and we just  5  a minibus.

We were taken up a hill to a place of   6  where we were welcomed by a family who told us that we could stay as   7  as we needed to. Among all this death and   8 , these people were trying to help us! We were shown to the local Mosque where hundreds of locals were cooking, collecting and distributing food and supplies for those less   9 . In the three days we were waiting to leave, we saw many examples of ordinary Sri Lankans, many of whom had lost friends,   10  and livelihoods(生计,谋生方式), trying to help others who were worse off. It was a very moving experience.

We have since been   11  the family who took us in and they are saying that what their country needs most urgently is practical help, doctors, nurses and medicines, helping to   12   roads and rebuilding electricity and water supplies. These people would have done anything to help us, it is time for the British Government to do more to help them. 

1.                A.heard          B.watched        C.learnt    D.moved


2.                A.Telling          B.Forcing         C.Waiting   D.Ordering


3.                A.wave          B.flood           C.hurricane D.water


4.                A.panic          B.peace          C.silence   D.violence


5.                A.looked into      B.turned to       C.jumped into   D.broke into


6.                A.safety          B.warmth         C.goodness D.dreams


7.                A.well           B.far             C.soon D.long


8.                A.kindness        B.happiness       C.love D.destruction


9.                A.careful         B.fortunate       C.dependent    D.energetic


10.               A.children        B.experts         C.family D.relatives


11.               A.in honor of      B.by way of       C.in contact with  D.on behalf of


12.               A.make          B.clear           C.clean D.build




—Our train to Shenzhen didn’t leave until 14:30 because of something wrong with the railway.

—Such a long delay! This train       at 13:00.

A.left              B.will leave          C.leaves            D.has left



By the side of the Bird’s Nest      , completed in 2008.

A.there standing the Water Cube             B.stands the Water Cube

C.does the Water Cube stand                D.the Water Cube stands



     you are so eager to join the school basketball team, why not try out for it?

A.While            B.Now that          C.Though           D.Unless



The school will have a kite flying competition next Saturday, and all the students       to bring a kite with them.

A.expect           B.expected          C.are expected       D.have been expected



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