满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Nobody but doctors or nurses and those__...

Nobody but doctors or nurses and those____ by Dr.Hu ____ to enter the patient’s room.

A.invited; is allowed                       B.are invited; are allowed

C.being invited; allowed                    D.invited; are allowed


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:除了医生护士和胡大夫邀请的那些人再也没有人允许进入病人的房间。第一空根据by Dr.Hu可知those与invite之间是被动关系,故用过去分词;第二空是主谓一致,有介词连接的两部分做主语时,真正的主语是介词前的代词,所以整个句子的主语是nobody,不定代词作主语谓语动词用单数, 考点:考查非谓语动词及主谓一致的用法。

They _____ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now, we ____on it as no good results have come out so far.

A.had been working; are still working

B.had worked; were still working

C.have been working; have worked

D.have worked; are still working



 Lacking rain, many river in Yunnan province have ______ recently.

A.dried up          B.dried out          C.dried off          D.dried at



 A few years ago, My Heart Will Go On was a popular song among young people, ______ were often heard singing it at parties.

A.who             B.which            C.they             D.that



Stand over there ___ you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.

A.but              B.till               C.and              D.or



John went to the hospital alone. If he          me about it, I would have gone with him.

A.should tell         B.tells              C.told              D.had told



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